My Default Setting? His Word!

Psalm 119:89-91 Hebrew Translation: “Forever, hidden, concealed, perpetual, without end, O’ Lord, thy word is settled firm and healthy, planted established with boundaries (borders) in the earth, and it abideth forever. They continue this day in the present time and in every point in time in the sphere of time according to their ordinance with judicial decisions with a verdict rendered for everyone either favorable or unfavorable; for all are thy servants, worshippers laboring in his harvest field.”

A Sign! Isaiah 7:14

Isaiah was telling King Isaiah of Judah that the enemies of God have come up against you! Because you have chosen God you have also chosen your enemies! Everyone wants to choose their own future! Our life is a composite of our choices! We either choose good or choose evil. However the Bible makes it clear we are all evil. To choose God is paramount because only God can forgive evil or sin! Isaiah was telling the King that God was going to give a sign to deliver him and even his enemies from sin through the virgin birth of Jesus Christ! Choosing Christ is victory over sin and death! God would not ask us to do something that first He has not done! Father forgive them for they know not what they do! Those that consciously reject Christ know what they are doing! Judas Iscariot would be a good example! Christ had friends and enemies! However even His disciples fled when He was put on the Cross! I will make it clear you really have only one true friend! His name is Jesus Christ! All others will forsake you! Christ defeated the enemy within you and the enemies around you! Yet people today still foolishly challenge God? Turn these stones into bread! Jump from the Temple Mount and the angels will rescue you! Jesus defeated Satan with the Word of God! Lucifer woke up one day in Heaven and decided he was God! He became Satan and author of all sin against God! That is why he can never be redeemed! He will just try to take as many souls as he can with him to Hell. There are many ways in which we can follow Satan! There is no God! Making little gods out of God or idols! Making yourself God! As old as Satan! Sunday is my day off I do not need to go to church? I need to work on Sunday! I do not need to tithe my income? My money is mine! Jesus was just another prophet like Mohammad! Receive the sign and sign up for Heaven! The choice is yours! If you made a wrong choice yesterday you can make the right choice today! Do not delay! You have only one life here on earth and one eternity in either Heaven or Hell. Make your decision and do not default to Hell. His Mercies endure forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Priority by Default!

People should always have something which they prefer to life! Johann G. Seume (1763-1810) Comment: What we know from our Bible is that there are one of two relationships that carry on after death! Either the relationship that was established with Jesus Christ while living here on earth or the relationship with Satan that was established here while living on earth! Both relationships carry on into eternity one to Heaven and one to Hell. A rejection of Jesus Christ puts one’s soul into a default mode to Hell. That is why it is so important to reach people with the Gospel to give them an opportunity to make the right choice! Not all will make the right choice but they need the opportunity to do so! This is why we cannot take the Gospel truth of Jesus Christ casually thinking i made it but others? A test of what we really believe what Jesus said determines the size of the fire you have in your soul to reach the lost! Remember Jesus got on some churches that the fire went out on! You have lost your first love! I will spew you out of my mouth! God has put a fire under us here on earth to help keep others from the big fire down below! James and Hamsa Sasse.

It’s Only Make Believe! John 3:16

Conway Twitty co-composed a song back in 1958 that went to the top of the charts as the number one song and held this rank for two years! The theme of the song was that he wished and prayed that this girl would love him as he loved her but finally realized that her love for him was only make believe! No matter how much he loved her she did not care about him. If you are human or even divine you have experienced this in your life. You wanted to believe in someone or something only to find a betrayal by that person or system. After all your love and affection was extracted from you an emptiness entered your soul. Human relationships are fragile at best! However there is a love greater than any human love! God’s motive for loving you is that He is simply love! Yes and He loved you so much that He became flesh! If you accept His love then you will find His love deeper than any ocean! In our spiritual relationship you can love the one that hates you through default! If you stay in the default mode you express your affection to the one who wants to destroy you! You can make believe about any man made system of religion but only to find in the end you are deceived and forsaken! Believe in the one true God Christ who gave His life for you and loved you before you ever loved Him and even before your love for Him was only make believe! In Christ’s Love! James and Hamsa Sasse.

3 strikes and your out!

Strike one is the housing crash! Srike two will be the stock market crash! Strike three will be government default on debt! I hope the experts are wrong but this is their predictions. Dollar would then crash and then what? One world government with anti-christ as the leader? Rapure of the Church before the seven year tribulation period? Armies patroling streets because no police force? Rioting and looting as gangs go from house to house taking, looting and killing? How bad can it get? A government default would end all social security and federal retirement programs! How can we prepare for these events? Take our camper and C-rations and head for the hills? Our Trust in God and His provision for us must come above all else! Christ is Faithful to protect us from all evils! His promises to us are sure! We have a sure foundation that was established before the creation of the world! Before you or I came into this world He was and will be forever! Read your your Bibles and prepare to meet His Love over your life! In Christ’s Love! James