Organizations without God! Mark 3:5-6

“And when Jesus had looked around about on them with anger, being grieved at the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man. Stretch forth thine hand, And he stretched it out; and his hand was restored whole as the other. And the Pharisees went forth, and straightway took council with the Herodians against him, how they might destroy him.” Commentary: The Herodians were a political organization following King Herod and the Pharisees were a religious organization wishing to restore the Kingdom of David. They were enemies of each other yet when it came to Jesus they got together for the plot to kill him! Enemies become friends in the Kingdom of Darkness to persecute the righteous! Jesus had his own organization here on earth that started with the twelve disciples! Did he have problems with them? Who is going to be the greatest in the Kingdom of God? Me? How about Judas? I will make money off this organization and then betray their leader and just sink it all! If I do not get my way I will go out and shoot some people! Then I will kill myself and get even with you! If I do not get my way I will divorce you! The hell with the children! If my party does not win then I will kill steal and destroy cities across America! I will threaten people in authority to bully them to my way of thinking! Jesus said to forgive your enemies! This was revolutionary thinking to the natural fallen nature of men! Revenge! Get even! Jesus did good on the Sabbath Day! We are to overcome evil with good! Have you ever been opposed for doing good? Like promoting Jesus and the Gospel the good news? If not you have not lived very long on planet earth! It could be a family situation where one member tries to plot against another member trying to recruit other family to their side! Divisions galore! So what is the source of unity? Sacrifice just like Jesus did for you! Not like Satan who sacrifices others for himself but sacrificing self for others! Satan says just join our side and you will win! Sacrifice enough of my enemies and you will have a high political position in hell! Jesus said love your enemies! Jesus asked was the Sabbath made for man or man for the Sabbath? Was the earth created by God for man or was the man for the earth? If man for the earth then you will embrace the Green New Deal! Them you will embrace Darwinism! Every ideology that opposes God! The resources of the earth, oil, gas, water are more important than man himself? To with hold the resources of earth to bring suffering to man? To sacrifice man for my crazy ideology? It is an old story with a bad ending! Jesus said they will persecute you because of me as they did the Prophets! Jesus just kept on doing good before and after the Cross! He is coming back for you! Are you ready to take up your Cross and follow him? James & Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas without Christ?

They say of us we are an Anti-Christian movement. They even say I am an outspoken paganist…. I solemnly declare here, before the German public, that I stand on the basis of Christianity, but I declare just as solemnly that I will put down every attempt to introduce confessionalism matters into our Hitler youth! Baldur Von Schirach (1907-1974) , Nazi Party Youth Leader, Sentenced to 20 years prison at Nuremberg Trials.  Comment: Sounds like the progressives? No Bibles in schools! No prayer in schools! No Bibles to our military! No teaching of Creation to our public education children only the Godless Evolution is allowed! We cannot train up children with a conscious of right and wrong! Then they would not obey us when we ask them to do immoral acts! There is no such thing as sin! Abortion will cure immorality! You can marry your dog if you want to! God did not create gender! Just to prove my point I will be the opposite sex of what God has given me! Marriage is not between a man and a woman! Just to prove it I will create laws that oppose God! When we study history we see the same rebellion against God expressed in every generation with devastating results! Socialism, communism, fascism, Nazism are ideologies developed by man to oppose the Kingdom of God! The current opposition to Christ is an ideology represented by the political progressive left here in America! Progress is never made when we deny the God who has given us life but go back into the darkness of our historical past! James and Hamsa Sasse.

World without End!

Luke 1:33  Greek Translation: “And he (Christ) shall reign over as King to predominate over the House and family lineage of David forever; and his kingdom with the royal dominion of Heaven there shall be no end.” Comment: I can remember the Doxology we would repeat and the end of every church service in that small Methodist Church in rural Nebraska! World without End! Amen! I remember the old movies when on the screen and at the end of the show the bold letters across the screen would say, “The End”. I do not know why they did this for everyone knew anyway? Our understanding of the word “End”, might be lacking in some ways! Let us look at the Greek word. It means no limit! That is Christ will never cease to be what he is and who he is! He will never be extinct or terminated! He will never be an endangered species! The grave is empty for him! No headstone at his head! He is the seed that produces righteousness! Christ is the conclusion of the written and spoken word of God! His kingdom is forever! Death has no grip on him! In fact he defeated death! The anti-Semitism we see in the world today has always been in an attempt for the enemy Satan to destroy the house and lineage of David! To try to destroy the Jews! This is what Iran is trying to do to Israel! This is what Hitler tried to do! This is what the left wing of the Democratic Party in America is trying to do! The persecution of Christians parallels this effort! Expressed in church shootings! The very last war on earth is when the armies of the nations surround Jerusalem! However God will intervene for them! You cannot destroy a forever Kingdom! You will destroy yourself trying! Nations will rise and fall but his Kingdom is forever! Remember all the way back at Genesis 1:1? God created the heavens and the earth! They belong to him! God your creator has no beginning and no end! He did not evolve! Christ is as infinite and eternal as anyone can get because he is God! Have you joined the Kingdom of God or are you at war with God? If at war you cannot win this one! Christ defeated death, hell and the grave for you! Do not be a victim but a victor! When I came to the end of myself I became born again and entered the Kingdom of God here on earth! Let your end be your new beginning! All things are passed away and all things become new! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Works W/O Faith? DOA!

The degree and duration of the torment of the degenerate and Anti-Christian people, should be no other than would be approved of by those angels who had ever labored for their salvation, and the Lamb who had redeemed them with his most precious blood. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) Mathematician, Physicist and Inventor. Comment: The rejection of Christ began in heaven long before Jesus was incarnated into the earth at his birth in Bethlehem! Lucifer rejected him while he was in heaven and after being cast down to the earth with one third of the angels who followed him in this rebellion continues his resistance here on earth! Satan creates ideologies in men and religious systems that oppose Christ even today! Then the religious rebellion is transformed into political systems and armies that persecute believers in Christ! These people groups also persecute the Jews here on earth! Sadly some atheistic Jews persecute the followers of Christ like Charles Darwin!  Nothing has really changed since the 1600’s! The war between good and evil continues on! The truth is you have already taken a side in this conflict! War started in heaven and continues here on earth! By your personal choice you will either join the Christ of redemption or the Anti-Christ of self works expecting your own efforts will bring you redemption! It is paradox that Satan believes the Word of God yet his objective is the deceive you into not believing the Word of God by lies and deceptions expressed in ideologies of men!  Satan will be the only believer in Hell! The joke will be on those he has deceived to join him there that have been convinced by him to reject Christ! Be a believer headed for heaven forever rather than a unbeliever joined in Hell forever! The choice is yours to make and the outcome of your choice to be lived out forever in the eternity you have chosen!!    James and Hamsa Sasse.

Without Vision? Proverbs 29:18

You cannot accomplish great things without vision! You do not make the vision, the vision makes you! The Holy Spirit specializes in giving vision! Vision produces faith! Without vision there is no faith! Pastor David Yonggi Cho.  Comment: Make America great again! A vision given to a man by God to return America to the great God who established her! James and Hamsa Sasse.