Veteran Salute!

Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for another! Jesus Christ   Comment: How much is your life worth to a American veteran? His life! How much is the life of an American veteran worth to you? You cannot get any closer to the Cross than laying down your life for another! That is what God did for you!   James and Hamsa Sasse.

Destroying Images!

To destroy images is something every revolution has been able to do! Alfred Rosenburg, Sentenced to death by hanging at the Nuremberg Trials for war crimes. Known for his rejection and hatred of Christianity! Comment: Those in America promoting the tearing down of our historical images and defacing Jewish Synagogues and removing Crosses across our land have one motive! Revolution! To destroy our existing system of government and replace it with a revolutionary government! Rebellion is in the heart of man and only Christ can heal a wounded soul! We were created in the Image of God! Our image can only be perfected to be God like in Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Bar Church & Grille

There was a small little church in a tiny little town in southern Alabama! It was a clean little community with no vices! This rich man from the big city was franchising sports bars across America! He was an atheist and did not respect any religion! So he picked their little town for his next bar location! The community was up in arms about this project! But he won the law suit and construction began! After the bar was about 90 percent completed the little church got together and decided to do an all night prayer meeting to stop this project! In the middle of the night a big storm came over their community! A bolt of lightning struck the bar and it burned down! The rich atheist immediately filed another law suit blaming the church for it’s destruction! The church members claimed they had nothing to do with this fire? The day of the trial the judge called down the two lawyers to his bench! He told them I really do not know how this case will turn out? We have a professing atheist who believes in the power of prayer and we have a church who does not believe in the power of prayer? Pastor Robert Jeffress

Christbook or Facebook? Revelation 20:15

So which is it? Christbook or Facebook? It is not about me or about you! It is about Christ! You can let God make it about you but first you have to make it about him! Then you are moving in the right direction to stay out of the Lake of Fire! God did make it about you on the Cross! But if you reject his sacrifice for your sin then you become the sacrifice! You do not want to go there! After I discovered Christ’s love for me then for the rest of my life I have made it about him! So is your name in his Book? Is your name written in the Book of Life? How would I know? If you shared his name on your Facebook! Is your name written down in Heaven? If it was then you would share his name on earth! I do not wish the Lake of Fire on anyone! However the choice will be yours to make! In fact it has already been made! Unless you change your mind? God asked the same question in Daniel 12:1, that he has asked you in Revelation 20:15. Have you made it all about Christ? This is the only evidence God will find in the earth! Pastor Oscar Cope our Pastor here in Georgia has been in the ministry for over 50 years! So he has seen everything there is to see in ministry! He shared with us some of the excuses people make even in the church to avoid Christ! Some say I cannot take Communion or make the trip to the Altar because Christ and God is too Holy! I know God has forgiven me but I cannot forgive myself! Really? Are you greater than God? If God has forgiven you who in the world are you? Identification with Christ can only come while you are here on the earth! Your decision for Christ is only done in this life! But it determines your next life! How could I identify with Christ on Facebook? Put some Bible verses up on it! Embarrassed what your friends might think? Then you are not saved! No secret service Christians in earth or in Heaven! What evidence is there on earth that Christ is first in your life! Do you cheat God on your tithes and offerings! Do you work on Sunday or keep the Sabbath Holy? The evidence is either for or against you! Do you love others more than yourself? Can I have it both ways? My name in God’s Book and keep my Facebook account? Yes if you put and share Christ on your account! Your Facebook account will be closed one day! Then the Book of Life will be opened in Heaven! We hope and pray your name will be written there but your life for or against Christ is being recorded right now!  James and Hamsa Sasse.

Re-Writing American History!

Who is behind it? Who is behind tearing down statues of great American hero’s? Taking Crosses down out of cemeteries? Removing the Commandments of God from our public buildings? Removing prayer from our children in schools? Removing respect for our law enforcement and our National Flag?  Who is behind open borders and sanctuary cities? The political left! Here is a quote from one of their text books: “Keep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.” Karl Marx  In order for the one world government to come to planet earth National and cultural history will have to be erased across several generations! This explains the war on families with divorce and welfare causing a state dependence rather than God and family dependence! Pray for America as this battle rages on! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Key to Understanding Revolutions!

Political correctness was alive and well in Nazi Germany in 1933. Book burning parties were the main events across Germany! The German Student Union were filled with youth who wanted change! On May 6, 1933 twenty thousand books were burned! On May 10, 1933 twenty five thousand books were burned! Millions of books were burned over the next few years! Books were destroyed written by Jews, anarchist, socialists, communists and religious books! Bibles were burned! 1400 Synagogues were set on fire! Children were encouraged to participate in these acts! The 10 Commandments were ripped off walls across Germany! The blind writer Helen Keller published an open letter to the German students! She said, “You may burn books and the books of the best minds of Europe, but these idea’s have been passed on to millions and they will go on!” All revolutions start with the premise that we want to change the past! Hitler wanted to right the wrong of their loss in WW1. He blamed the Jews! The American political left today wants to change the past? America was never great? Get rid of those Bibles! Cast off Christianity! Attack Christian business and shut down churches! Replace the Bible with homosexuality, drugs, lesbianism, single families and welfare! Drugs killed over 73000 thousand of our youth last year! Attack our flag and remove any sign of patriotism! Remove our borders! Protect criminals with sanctuary cities! Despise our military! Why did the American Revolution succeed when most other revolutions failed? Why did we have such a good outcome? The American Revolution promoted the Bible with our Constitution a Christian document! I watched an old Billy Graham Crusade today that went back to the 1970’s! Something very significant caught my attention about his preaching then! He talked a lot about heaven and hell and the consequences of rejecting Jesus Christ! Today when I turn on Television preachers I don’t hear anything about hell? Nothing said! All I hear is about success, prosperity and money! Pastor’s today have been infected by the politically correct culture where the past is taboo! Sin is the wave of the future! To change the past you have to get rid of heaven and hell! We have to get rid of prayer in schools! We have to get rid of the 10 Commandments! We have to get rid of any visible Crosses across America! Get rid of statues of great Americans! You cannot say Merry Christmas! We have to change our past! Get rid of American Colonialism! Jesus said to go out into all the world! Substitute Christian thought with Darwinism and the Godless theory we teach to our children in our public schools! Persecution is rising among the Jews in America! When men try to change the past they create a bigger monster in the present! Who can change our past? Only God! Open your Bible and read John 3:16. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Nazi Lesson’s Forgotten? Luke 21:20

It looks that way when we see Europe today? The European Nations are siding with Iran against Israel and the United States? Strange but prophetic! We here in America admire President Trump! Admire him for his courage to say what needs to be said and to do what needs to be done! Another great American President Ronald Reagan brought down the Soviet Union without firing a shot! The bad players in this world only understand strength! Could President Trump top this feat? History will show us! Great courageous leader’s do not fear men! America siding with Israel is on the right side of history! Israel is our only ally in the Middle East and has a Democratic elected government! Spiritually Israel is the center of the world and from where Christ ascended and to where he will return at his second coming! We also know from our Bible that the last war waged on earth will be waged in Israel. It is called the Battle of Armageddon! The armies of the world will surround Israel but God Himself will destroy them all. Iran is the leading nation of state sponsored terrorism! The billions of dollars Obama gave them are being used to sponsor proxy wars across the Middle East and North Africa! A lot of American blood on their hands! Their objective is world conquest through violence and war and a complete dominance of Islam! Europe has forgotten their Nazi lesson’s and has a new Hitler in the Iran they are supporting! Remember the Muslim’s sided with Hitler in WWII. Not to know or remember history is to repeat history! The people of Iran are not the problem! It is the entrenched religious and political leader’s who reign terror over the people of Iran and the world! Why would Europe want to strengthen their hands? Perplexing? Prophetic! James and Hamsa Sasse.