Failed Socialist States!

Here is a list of countries who have tried socialism and failed or are presently trying socialism and are failing! This is not a complete list but honestly my hand got too tired to type the names of all of them! Here they are; Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Burma, Cambodia, Cape Verde, China, Congo, Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, East Germany, Guyana, Greece, Grenada, Hungary, India, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saint Vincent, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Tanzania, Ukraine, Urughay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Yugoslavia and Zambia. Comment: If socialism is so great then why do the citizens of these countries try to sell their soul to get to America? Why does America have to build a wall to keep them out when their countries build a wall to keep them in? If you have been a victim of the political left indoctrination of a liberal college professor promoting Marxism or socialism as a Utopia to be achieved then move to one of these countries and live there for a few years! None of these candidates running for President of the United States have ever lived out their socialism ideology in any country that has ever practiced it! I do not want any mal-practice ideologies that are proven failures practiced on me and America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

President Taft on Socialism!

Socialism proposes no adequate substitute for the motive of enlightened selfishness that today is the basis of all human labor and effort, enterprise and new activity! William Howard Taft (1857-1930) President of the United States & Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, The only man in American history to hold both of these offices! Comment: Socialism lives off the success of others through heavy taxation! It has no incentive of its own except live off the work and production of others! Socialists let others work to support them! Socialism is theft! Capitalism takes ten talents and turns them into a hundred talents! Socialists bury the one talent they have stolen from someone else! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Public Service Message(Standard Time)

If you live in the United States be sure to turn your clocks back one hour before going to bed! The exceptions are Arizona except Navajo Tribal Reservations, Hawaii and five U.S. Territories which consist of five islands including Puerto Rico. If you would not do this and come to church one hour early you would think you have missed the rapture or your Pastor would think you being to church one hour early means the world is coming to an end! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Ten Lost Tribes Myth! Revelation Chapter 7

This myth is sometimes referred to as the “British Israelism.” This myth is also anti-Semitic because it tries to deny Israel their homeland! Genesis 12:3 was never repealed! So in Revelation Chapter 7, we see 144000 Jews redeemed during the Tribulation period 12 thousand from each of the 12 tribes! Some of these tribes are in Israel today and some are living across Europe the United States and other countries! Many are migrating back to Israel. So the scriptures of your Bible will always expose the lies of the doubters! James and Hamsa Sasse.

How to Destroy Christianity?

To destroy Christianity, we must first destroy the British Empire. Karl Marx   Comment: Karl Marx is one of the founders of socialism and communism! He was a Jewish atheist and produced an ideology opposed to Christianity and capitalist democratic governments! China, Russia and North Korean and Cuba would be examples of Marxist states! Why was the British Empire such a threat to him and his political ideology? At one time in history England was the hub of Christianity! Their mission field as Christ commanded was the entire world! The sun never set on Britain! Britain ruled the waves! The greatest evangelists in the world came out of Britain! Richard Baxter and the Puritans! John Newton who helped abolish the slave trade! John and Charles Wesley and the Methodist movement! George Whitefield! Charles Spurgeon and Johnathan Edwards! The founding of America began with the Puritans landing at Plymouth Rock in `1602! I was a missionary in India for 3 years where Britain ruled over 200 years! So I would talk to the local people about the British rule of India. The local people told me they were thankful for them putting in the rail systems and for the electric grid in India. However what they were most thankful for was bringing the Gospel to India! These Gospel workers turned us from darkness to light one told me! When we look at England today in the 21st Century what has happened? The mayor of London is a Muslim! The old English churches are either warehouses or Mosques! England joined the EU with no borders! The illegals flooded into England! The Muslim invading armies no longer carry weapons of war but refugee status! Obama let over 6 hundred thousands Muslims into America as President! Obama is a smart Muslim! When he pulled us out of Iraq he knew millions of Muslim immigrants from the ensuing war would flood into Europe! Why is the political left in love with Islam? Because they are the military wing of the Democratic party! Marx could not be happier! If Christianity is defeated then socialism and communism will replace it! America’s biggest enemies are socialist states! Jesus was a colonialist! He said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! When Britain did this they were the greatest empire on earth! No longer! As long as America does this they will continue to be the greatest empire on earth! This battle that wages internally in America and externally is for the heart and soul of America! Make America great again will only come when we put Christ first and make him our only goal! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Fake News!

The American Fascist would prefer not to use violence! His method is to poison the channels of public information. With the fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to present the news to deceive the public into giving their group more money and power. Henry A. Wallace, 33rd Vice President of the United States, Democratic Party (1886-1965) Comment: The biggest fake news story ever presented to mankind with the greatest amount of destruction is that your Bible is not true and God does not exist! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Promote Israel or Else? Isaiah 60:12

Hebrew Translation: “For the non-Jewish Gentile nations and kingdom that will not serve, worship and honor thee shall perish with destruction, those Gentile nations shall be utterly wasted as a dried up desert.” Comment: Do not play with fire! Hitler did not take this scripture seriously! Many world leaders today follow Hitler’s treatment and attitude towards Israel. So how many nations support Israel today? Just one! The United States of America! Our Blessings as a nation are linked to Israel. America the number one economic and military power and only supporter of Israel! Do we get this? Most of the political left in America does not support Israel. If we read our Bible and believe it then Blessings will flow to our nation as a defender of Israel. We worship Israel as believer’s through our Jewish Lord Jesus Christ! President Trump gets the connection and is moving our Embassy to Jerusalem! Other nations are following! We support the physical Israel for many reasons! Remember at Christ’s second coming he will return to Jerusalem for the 1000 year reign over this earth! As believer’s sooner of later you will move to Jerusalem! Would it not be nice when you enter the Glorious City of Jerusalem that you could say in your heart that I did my part to defend Israel my first time here on earth! People who claim they are Christian’s and hate the Jews have evidence against them that they have either never read their Bible or do not believe what it says! If they the Jews are the apple of his eye then we need to treat them so! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Gideon’s International Isaiah 55:11

Hebrew Translation: “So shall my written word or historical record be that goeth out of the mouth of men, it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish through labor, toil and sacrifice that which I find pleasure and delight in, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I send it.” Comment: Everything spoken here refers to our Bible! Gideon’s International has distributed over 87 million Bibles around the world! It has distributed 11 million here in the United States! The Christian’s here in the United States fund about 80 percent of all Bible distribution! The Gideon’s should be an extension of your local church! If you really want to prosper someone send them a Bible! A dusty Bible is a rusty Saint! What does God delight in? The Salvation of men! That is why Satan works so hard in every culture to ban the Book that leads men to Heaven! The Bible is the most banned Book in the universe yet the number one best seller in the universe! If God cannot sell his redemptive plan to your life then you are going to make a bad investment elsewhere! His plan cost him everything and only requires a yes from you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sell the Swamp!

Dear President Trump, If you want to drain the swamp you need to sell the swamp! Our Federal government owns 1/3 of America! This is the average but let us look at some states! The Federal government owns 90 percent of Nevada? The Federal government owns 50 percent of California! No swamp bug can manage this much swamp! Our Federal government cannot manage itself much less all these swamp creatures! Use the funds to pay off our National debt caused by politicians making promises to get re-elected! Our greatest National security threat is our debt! The same applies to any American family! If I as an American citizen owed 20 Trillion dollars in debt and had 20 trillion dollars in assets what would I do to eliminate this debt? I would sell these assets to pay the debt! I would never want to see our government have to declare bankruptcy! You also may be able with the exception of military bases and National defense sites turn this property back to the States! If you would do this one simple thing no one would be able to challenge your re-election in 2020! Thankyou for your heart to help middle class American’s! In my lifetime none has done this with the only exception Ronald Reagan! Our government is for the people by the people! You have been the first President in a very long time that really believes this and lives out  this Constitutional Blessing! God Bless You and America! James and Hamsa Sasse.