Who is Worthy?

Revelation Chapter Five: Commentary; Good question! I am glad you asked! It seems challenging for most to ask this question and more challenging to get the right answer! God does not give us multiple choice questions! You either know or you do not know! Do not feel bad this question seemed to be challenging in Heaven! The question in Heaven was answered by asking who was not worthy to open the seven seals of the Book to pour out judgment upon the earth! Notice some honorable mentions of those not worthy to open the seals! The Father was not worthy! The Holy Spirit was not worthy! The angels were not worthy! The twenty four elders were not worthy! The four beasts were not worthy! No man in heaven and on earth or under the earth was worthy! No King or priest in the earth was worthy! In our natural state all men on the earth are fit for judgment! All have sinned and come short of the glory of God! So who is our sin against! Our sin is against the Father! Our sin is not against the Son but the Father! Christ sacrificed himself on the Cross to reconcile you to his Father in Heaven! Christ provided a way of escape from your judgment! He took your judgment on the Cross! This is why the Father has rendered all judgment unto the Son! So only Christ in Heaven was worthy to open the Book after taking it out of the Father’s right hand and loose judgment into the earth! Judgment on who? Those that have rejected Christ! If we reject Christ then our sin expands not just against the Father but against the Son! This is an unreconcilable sin! This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and the complete Trinity! You have now gone over the edge with no return! Now we have committed the unpardonable sin! Jesus said of Judas who betrayed Jesus it would have been better if this man had not been born! Why did Jesus say this? Because Judas chose to reject the only one who was going to take his judgment on the Cross! Had he not been born he would not have made a choice for eternal separation from God! However had Judas not betrayed Jesus someone else would have! You or me! This is why evangelism is so important as Jesus commanded us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! Do not let the popular culture try to conform you into being silent about Jesus! Shout his name from the roof tops! Jesus will either be your Savior or your Judge! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Love of Money! Ecclesiastes 5:11-17

This is what happens to those who love money more than God! The following are the five characteristics of people who are in love with money; 1. The more they have the more they want. 2. The more they have the more they spend. 3. The more they have the more they worry. 4. The more they have the more they lose. 5. The more they have the more they have to leave behind. Pastor David Jeremiah Comment: Solomon was the richest man that has ever lived on the earth! He had 700 hundred wives and 300 concubines or girl friends! If anyone knew the deception of wealth he knew! Learn from him who had it all but in the end he said it was all vanity! That is to no purpose! Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil. I admire Pastor Jeremiah for his transparency in taking a Biblical stand on money, sex, Heaven and Hell. He is not a politically correct politician in the pulpit! He has my respect! Jesus offended the rich but had compassion on the poor! Judas lost his soul because of a love for money! Jesus told the rich man after he bragged to him how he keeps the law perfectly that he lacked one thing! Give all you have to the poor and come and follow me! But the rich man went away sad because his possessions had him! They owned him! Do not hang on to what you cannot keep! The way to keep money from owning you is to give it away! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Living on the Edge! 2017 A.D.

Those that assert that he was a mere man, begotten by Joseph….being ignorant of him who from the virgin Emmanuel…are deprived of his gift, which is eternal life. Not receiving the incorruptible Word, they remain in mortal flesh and debtors to death, not obtaining the antidote to life. Irenaeus of Lyons (130-202 A.D.), Early Church Father and Apologist. Comment: It is obvious whether the 2nd Century or the 21st Century that Christmas does bring out the best in us and the worst in people! People like then or now are living on the edge of eternity! It has been said people all die sooner than expected! Where is you expectation placed? In this world? I do not watch Fox News on a regular basis but last night at the evening meal we tuned in! They had the “Five”, on and the subject of Christmas was brought up! Being a conservative network I thought this would be interesting! I was in for surprise! One of the five said I do not believe the Christmas story! Another confirmed his belief! One of the ladies spoke up and said, “Well, it is good to know something about Christmas because it can help you in your career!” Really? Career? She should ask Bill O’reilly and others that have fallen before her! They are like mental patients looking out through the bars of their windows planning what they will do after retirement! The Christmas scrooge is alive and well! Christmas brings our in people their spiritual condition! A career is really what we will do for all eternity! What are we going to do forever? How you begin your eternal career depends on what you with Christ here while living here on earth! You can live to appease the political correct crowd but you will be corralled with them in the same pen! Should I bring up Hell during Christmas? Without Hell Christmas is meaningless! I thought I would mention it since I do not hear it from the American pulpits anymore? Jesus said if you deny me before men I will deny you before the Father! Sorry God does have a gender! If you do not believe the virgin birth then you will not believe anything about Christ! You then believe the lie there is no Heaven and no Hell. Believing one lie about God will cause you to promote other lies about God! Do not ignore the largest part of your eternity and sell out your birthright for some manna! A career separated from God for eternity is the worst Christmas gift you could ever acquire! Receive His gift of eternal life and change your destiny! Your destiny is your choice but do not be deceived by Satan to believe a lie about God! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Five Characteristics of the Dream Church!

I will live in community for I cannot mature without others! I am best when I am with other people. No Lone Rangers! 2. I will find community and not wait for others to find me! No lost and found managers! 3. I will make room in community for people different than me! Mo penguin parades! 4. I will live at peace with people of my community! No Rambo’s please! 5. Not surprised by imperfect people because community is messy! Judges belong in our court system. Source: Pastor Brady Boyd Message at New Life Church given on January 18, 2015.

No Bible Study in Heaven Revelation Chapter 5

If you are not presently reading your Bible here on earth this will be the only place you will have that opportunity! Do not think you will have all eternity to catch up on your homework! The Greek word for book is Biblion or Biblos which translates Bible! The Bible is sealed in Heaven by seven seals and will only be opened by Christ at the appointed time for the judgments upon the earth for those who reject Him! The Bible has been opened to man here on earth for those that choose to accept Christ! Don’t try to tell God in Heaven that your dog ate your homework! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Go Green!

I was a young man then back in the early 1970’s. We had just gone through the Arab oil embargo and energy conservation was on every mind of America! I was in a barber shop in Denver reading a Popular Mechanics magazine. In this magazine was an ad for a solar clothes dryer! Ad said was compatible to any electric clothes dryer! It was only five dollars and just mail in to a P. O. Box Number address. I wanted to do my part so i sent in my five dollars. It was about two weeks before i received my package in the mail. I imagined solar panels attached to a complex computer network! I took the package and unwrapped it right on top of the clothes dryer! There in the center of the box was about 6 feet of clothes line? I wanted to strangle the guy that mailed me this with my new clothes line! I do not like deception especially in hard times as we are in today! Americans today in our economic trouble need honesty and encouragement in these difficult times! Do your best to help others even if it costs you something! Jesus said he who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all! God Bless! James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com