Love Hate Relationship!

The State particularly the Democrats love the church when they follow their installed rules of silence when it comes to supporting political candidates who oppose Biblical values and others who support Biblical values! The church is bought off with money from a tax exempt status for shutting up! However after the church in their silence of cultural war issues and the candidates supporting each side when the Democrats win an election they want to shut down the church completely after using their silence to their advantage! The Trump installed three conservative new members of the Supreme Court by a slim 5-4 decision prevented the State in New York and our other 49 States from shutting down the church! The biggest rub to the Democrats about the church is two fold! They hate Biblical morality and a church that pays no taxes! For the church with the left possibly taking over the Executive branch and possibly a majority in the Senate their cake is going to be taken away! To pay taxes would be better than losing our free speech Constitutional rights to support and name political candidates who support Biblical values! Jesus said if you are luke warm I will spew you out of my mouth! The price would be small compared to the damage done by our silence! James & Hamsa Sasse.


When you come into relation with another person the question you have to ask is do I want to get on the same ship with their destination? Where are they going? Are you on the Gospel Ship with them or are they going in a different direction with a different destination! Once you get on the wrong ship it is very difficult to abandon ship! There are only two possible ships you can board! One is sailing to Heaven and the other is sailing to Hell! Who you hang around with determines the ship you choose to sail with determines your destination! Peter got out of the boat but he was still saved because of his relationship with Christ! If in relationship with the wrong people abandon ship into the arms of Jesus! If they will not follow Jesus better alone with Jesus and then he will send the right people into your life! James and Hamsa Sasse.

No Intercessor? Isaiah 59:16

Hebrew Translation: “And the Lord saw that there was no individual man among men and was astonished, appalled and desolated that there was no intercessor; therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness with mercy, honesty, fairness, justice, integrity and truth established a relationship between men and God.” Comment: Isaiah lived about 700 years before the birth of Christ! So here among many other scriptures we have a prophecy of a special event in history planned and executed by God for the redemption of men! This is why it is so serious a sin to reject the Christ that God sent to earth to make a way for redemption of men! In fact it is the unpardonable sin! The only one yet many commit out of rebellion! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Medal of Honor! John 15:13

I have watched some video’s of American Medal of Honor Winners from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. As I watched these I began to see a pattern in the lives of these brave men! Their love for their comrades on the battlefield led them to take very heroic actions in combat! One particular Vietnam Veteran really got my attention! When they were in the midst of a battle a Viet Cong soldier through a grenade into the midst of his army platoon! When he saw the grenade he said it was like being frozen in time! What to do? He took his steel helmet off his head threw it over the grenade and then threw his body on top of his helmet! The grenade exploded under his helmet tearing his stomach open and filling his body with shrapnel! He said his intestines were laying outside of his body on the ground! Another soldier came along and put his guts back in his stomach and taped his stomach closed with ribbons torn from his uniform! Another soldier came along and drug his body away from the fire fight so the medics and the helicopters could get him to a field hospital. He said we never left the dead or wounded for the enemy! His recovery took years at a Veteran’s Hospital. He said the hardest thing for him in this hospital was to see the young men come in from Vietnam and die in the hospital with no family around them! After his recovery he tried to go back to college but the protesting college students would mock him for going to war for his country so he left school. The other veteran’s also said that the love for each other is what kept them going and bonded them together! It was not the politics of the war or political parties that mattered to them! They had to look out for each other! That is what a family does for each other! Jesus said there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his brother! Why did Jesus go to the Cross? His love for His Father! Only He could pacify the anger His Father had for His Creation! Remember Jesus words on the Cross? Father forgive them! Why have you forsaken me? The Vietnam Veteran’s even today feel forsaken by their country! But their love for each other bonds them together! We the people are free from foreign aggression because of their love for each other! Likewise we are  benefited by God’s love in particular with Jesus love for His Father in being obedient even to the death on a Cross for our sin! Today Jesus position in Heaven is not by accident! He is seated at the right hand of the Father because of His love for His Father! None of us will even sit closer to the Father than the Son! Jesus is returning soon back to the earth to complete His love for the Father and for you! Jesus went into combat for you! He lives for you and died for you and rose from the dead for you and His love of the Father is also expressed to you! Love is manifested in relationship! We cannot love God if not in relationship to Him! You could never sacrifice your life on the battlefield unless in relationship to other soldiers of your Nation suffering the same combat! To honor God is to honor American Veterans! No one except President Trump understands the neglect our American Military Veteran’s! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Hall of Faith! Hebrews Chapter 11

Can you place your name in with those in the Hall of Faith as listed in Hebrews Chapter 11? How do you get there? So what is Faith? Faith is a relationship with God that causes one to be persuaded to trust and believe in the confidence of Divine Truth that produces good works! Faith in a false god will produce destructive works! Islam is probably our best example but atheism with Darwinism ranks right up there with Islam! A Faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ leads to the miracles described in Chapter 11. Faith in Christ makes one confident and free from guilt, doubt and fear! Faith in a false god leads to guilt, fear and death! You have to trust in the one greater than yourself! You cannot save yourself! To trust in yourself is sin! God and His Christ is the gold standard for Faith because there is no sin in them and they have power over death, hell and the grave! A Faith in a false god will send people to the grave! A Faith in the true God will raise people from the grave! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Promise Made 700 Years Before Birth of Christ!

Isaiah 1:27 Zion shall be redeemed by the price I will pay! Your ownership will transfer back to me! Her converts will turn back to me and depart from evil. Righteous will be the evidence that they have a restored relationship with me and with men! (Hebrew Translation)

Priority by Default!

People should always have something which they prefer to life! Johann G. Seume (1763-1810) Comment: What we know from our Bible is that there are one of two relationships that carry on after death! Either the relationship that was established with Jesus Christ while living here on earth or the relationship with Satan that was established here while living on earth! Both relationships carry on into eternity one to Heaven and one to Hell. A rejection of Jesus Christ puts one’s soul into a default mode to Hell. That is why it is so important to reach people with the Gospel to give them an opportunity to make the right choice! Not all will make the right choice but they need the opportunity to do so! This is why we cannot take the Gospel truth of Jesus Christ casually thinking i made it but others? A test of what we really believe what Jesus said determines the size of the fire you have in your soul to reach the lost! Remember Jesus got on some churches that the fire went out on! You have lost your first love! I will spew you out of my mouth! God has put a fire under us here on earth to help keep others from the big fire down below! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Qualification for Rulers 1 Kings 3:9

King Solomon asked God for wisdom to understand and judge the people. The word understand means to hear intelligently. To hear and obey. Hear O’Israel. Judge means to pronounce sentence to punish or vindicate. Discern means to separate mentally. So what does good mean? In case you have forgotten it means kind, loving, pleasant, precious, valuable, happy, and mentally correct. Evil means wicked, harmful, disagreeable, a negative heavy heart and a terrifying place! Like Dallas this week! Remember in the Book of Genesis God warned Adam and Eve not to partake of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Their rebellion brought death to the human race. In Isaiah 29:14 God says that He gives and conceals understanding! Without God we cannot discern the difference between good and evil. In fact in the last days good will be called evil and evil will be called good! I think we have arrived! There has been an effort by some in our political system to project the idea that police are racist? I want to give you the statistics on Americans killed by police and their race between 2013-2015. These are FBI statistics. White 49% (782), Black 30% 464), Hispanic 19% (302), Asian 2% (26). The facts are needed to debunk the false narratives given out in the 24 hour news cycles. The murder of five white Dallas police officers would be a racist act! President Obama keeps looking back to slavery and Jim Crow? The biggest evidence that people have moved forward from that is that we have elected him over the past two election cycles! Can he not see this? I did not vote for him not because of race but his ideology! Americans want to move forward! Obama’s false narratives are stoking the flames of violence! Are there injustices? We live in a sinful world! We cannot throw the baby out with the bath water! If we or our leaders do not have a relationship with God then we are missing wisdom to govern only God can give! Americans want peace and prosperity and only God living in men can give to us! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Prayer 1 John 5:11-15

Our relationship with God involves prayer! How would you describe your prayer life? Here are some possible answers to this question. 1. Unashamed begging-desperate 2. Loud and lengthy-convicted 3. Terrified whispers-uncertain 4. Sterile and formal-religious, distant and impersonal 5. Speechless-do not know what to say, wordless 6. Confident prayers. Some say prayer is just a conversation with God. No! First you need to know who God is and then teach our children who God is! If we know who God is we can pray confidently! If you do not know who God is then you will pray amiss! If you do not trust God then you will trust in the wrong things. How would you describe God? God is love! He has given us eternal life through His Son! What is eternal life? Eternal life includes past, present and future. He cleans all your files past, present and future! Life means an existence without end. Jesus gave us a sample when He raised the dead! He has promised to raise you one day from the dead! He has prepared a place for you! When I came to Christ a new life began in me! All things were made new! A new reality struck me like lightning! Born again! A blessed assurance of confidence entered my life! Fear and anger and hate were replaced by love, peace and joy! Now I know He loves me and it changed everything! He is more precious than silver and more costly than gold! When we find out who God is we can pray with confidence! The world will wear you down with it’s troubles and religion! We are talking about relationship here! When you come before the creator and ruler of the world and ask anything according to His will and purpose for your life you got it! God is unique in that He can hear all our prayers all at once! Like a mother who can hear all her screaming kids at once. God’s faithfulness is like a money back guarantee! After 25 years of marriage I have learned about non-verbal communication. With eye to eye contact I know the answer before I ask her! When we are intimate with God we know the answer before we ask Him! I know of some schools that give the students the answers before the test but that is cheating! With God you ask in prayer and He will give you an answer! Either yes, no or wait. We can approach God with confidence and know He is listening! He respects you and hears your prayers. Through the Holy Spirit it is like eye to eye contact with God! God is leaning into you! He is paying attention to you! He also wants your attention! We should ask for things He wants to give us! Revelation; Pray His promises to you! Reading and studying the Bible will lead to proper conversation and prayers to God! We already know the answers to our prayers if we pray His promises! God will bring good people into your life and lonely people to minister too! Just as in marriage intimate relationship with God leads to success! That is why Satan works overtime to break up relationships and marriages. We are going to tackle next year with a strong foundation for our families as provided to us in the Gospel of John Chapters 14, 15,16 and 17. Jesus said, “Ask in my name and I will do it!” If we remain in Him we will ask the right things! Marriage should be a picture of our relationship with God! We His church are His bride! In regards to prayer we can ask from those we know very well! Our promises from God are guaranteed! They are sure! Good as gold! Here is a sample of His promises to us from the Bible. 1. He gives us peace. John 14:27. 2. He wants to give us rest. Matthew 11:28. 3. He wants to give us courage. John 16:33. 4. He wants to give us wisdom. Luke 21:15. 5. He wants to give us a family. Psalm 68:5-6. The Bible says you have not because you ask not! Do you take time to ask or try to go it on your own? Pray God’s promises! It is so exciting to give God the Glory when He comes through! God loves to hear from you as you remind Him who He is! A father likes to hear from his children that he is their father! Prayer changes circumstances! One of the Greek words for prayer in the New Testament means to invert in a good sense! From poor to rich! From sad to joy! From lonely to relationships! From purposeless to purpose! From weakness to power! From hate to love! From hell to heaven! Try God and see He is good! Source; Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.