Democrat Playbook! White Supremacy

Organize for action will now and in the decades to come center upon the white middle class! That is where the power is… Our rebels have contemptuously rejected the values and the way of life of the middle class! They have stigmatized it as materialistic, decadent, bourgeois, degenerative, imperialistic, war mongering, brutalized and corrupt. They are right, but we must begin from where we are to build power for change, and the power and the people are in the middle class majority. Saul Alinsky (1905-1972) Author Rules for Radicals, Community Organizer for dissention and revolution. Comment: The socialist reject the life of the middle class! They think we are evil! Examples are the apology tour by Obama to the world! This war on middle class explains the bad trade deals done over decades to send American jobs overseas! The political and economic war on the middle class by the Democrats! Supremacy is not about color! It is about the economic success of the working middle class! The political left always tries to divide America by the race, religion and gender cards! Only three cards in their deck! To try to shame us into submission! They try to get us to war against each other! Divide and conquer! Trump is hated by the left because he is reviving the working middle class! He is working against their ideology to turn America into a socialist/communist one world government order! Democrats want the ward state where everyone is dependent on them so they may stay in power! Trump has moved millions of people off the Democrat plantation to economic freedom and more choices! Our way of life is not only rejected economically but spiritually! We must apologize for being Christian! Church attendance has dropped every decade since the 1960’s across America! The radical social agenda opposes every ideology of the people of faith! Even to criminalize it! Whether it be gay marriage or abortion! The followers of Alinsky, Obama, Hillary, Sanders and others have a contempt for Biblical values! The war plan is to eliminate the white middle class! Depress them into hopelessness and they will submit to socialism! Help Democracy to fail! State control of everything! Do you see the paradox here? Alinsky was a white man! Middle class! A Russian atheistic Jewish immigrant from Russia! So was Marx, Engels, Lenin and others of the deadly Russian Revolution! So why does Alinsky hate himself? This is the nature of Satan! To turn on yourself! Islam turns on itself! The Biblical ideology is that God loves you and me! Therefore we love others! Why are elections important? Israel had 40 Kings over her history! Only had seven good Kings! When the bad Kings were in power the Jews went into captivity! The nation was divided and split in two Northern and Southern Kingdom! There are two Kingdoms! Heaven and Hell! Republican and Democrat! Creationist and Evolutionist! If you love God you love others! If you hate God you will hate others! Vote for those who hold Biblical values! Christian values! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Democrat Playbook & Targets!

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy! Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. This is cruel but necessary and very effective! Directly personalized criticism and ridicule their work! Saul Alinsky  Comment: The two better known disciples of Alinsky is Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton! Jesus said in this world you will have tribulation! Persecution! From who? Satan! The Democratic Party has rules taken right out of Alinsky’s Book  “Rules for Radicals!” So what are a few examples of his ideology? I cannot list them all but a few honorable mentions! The Obama administration goes after Franklin Graham with an audit of his tax returns! The Colorado baker and the Oregon baker who refused to bake a wedding cake to a gay couple were taken to court! Case for Colorado baker went to Supreme Court where he won! Then Colorado sued him again in State court! He spent thousands of dollars on legal fee’s defending his Faith and Constitutional rights! Then they find out where Christian conservatives dine and take their families to! Like Sara Huckabee Sanders and Mitch McConnell! Harassing their families with the mafia gangs while eating out with families! Then they plan and try to block Conservative speakers from college campuses such as Ben Shapiro and Dinesh D’Souza! The purpose for this is to single out individuals make examples of them so fear will prevail to shut up other conservatives from speaking out against evil! The ANTIFA youth are the black shirts of fascism and the brown shirts of Hitler youth! You have one life to live on this earth for Christ! Step up to the plate and be bold! Oppose this evil with all your strength! Follow your Holy Scriptures in this cultural war! Does your Pastor stand against the evil of gay marriage, homosexuality, transgenderism, lesbianism, open borders and illegal immigration! Does your Pastor oppose sanctuary cities protecting criminals? Stand up for your Bible and the Holy Scriptures! The attack on Trump over past 3 years is another example of the Alinsky model hoping to silence and divide Trump supporters! In realty it has united his supporters! My Bible says the law is just if used justly! Man is so wicked he can even use the law to hurt people! You defeat Satan with God’s word! Jesus told Satan it is written! If Jesus used the Word of God to defeat Satan then we need to do the same! His Word! Read them! Speak them! Live by them! Die by them! Join Christ with them! On earth and in heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Democratic Playbook & 2nd Amendment!

They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet! Saul Alinsky  Comment: Michelle Obama is quoted as saying you are not an educated person unless you read the works of Saul Alinsky! So I took her up on the challenge and guess what I discovered? It is the playbook of the Democratic party! They do not get their ideology from the Bible! In fact their ideology opposes the Bible! The push for gun control just like health care is not for your welfare! It is a plan and plot to take down democracy to be another Russia where Saul Alinsky is from! A Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Putin State controlled people! If you do not understand the ideology of who you vote for you can be in for a big surprise! Your best defense is to educate yourself before you vote for anyone running for office! Smart people read their Bible! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Democrat Playbook!

Control healthcare and you control people! Saul Alinsky (1905-1972) Radical Jewish Revolutionary, Community Organizer of Division, Russian immigrant embracer of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.  His two better known disciples are Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama.  Comment: The Democrat push that they are concerned about your health is a fabrication! It is about controlling your life in every aspect! Taking choices away from you! When anything is run by the government bad things happen! The high cost of health care has everything to do with government control of it! When the private sector takes over in the free market system competition takes over and quality goes up and prices come down! Freedom is choices and the more freedom we have the more choices we have! You can keep your doctor? Ask the Russian people how many choices they have? None! The Democrats want to stay in political power and since they lack good idea’s the only way they can achieve power is for you to be dependent on them! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Justification for Revolution!

Advances in science help to delegitimize the Rule of Kings and the Power of the Church! Karl Marx (1818-1883). Comment: History has shown us that science has increased the Rule of Kings! The invention of gun powder would be an example! WWII ended because the United States was the first to develop an atomic bomb! The Power of the Church is increased with the technology to reach millions of more people with the Gospel! So what was Marx really talking about? The Godless Theory of Evolution by Darwin and the embracement of it by Marx! If you believe the lie there is no God then the Church is purposeless! This is the false science Marx is referring too! Since there is no God there is no legitimate government authority and a revolution is needed to overthrow all existing government! This is the root ideology of socialism and communism! De-legitimate the existing government into revolution! This is what the political left is trying to do with President Trump right now here in America! This is right out of the Marx socialist playbook! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Democrat’s Playbook!

Power without a nation’s confidence is nothing! Catherine the Great. Comment: The Democrat’s lost the election so in desperation they work to try to undermine the nation’s confidence in President Donald Trump! They do dirty underhanded deceit and lies to attack his authority and try to disenfranchise the election! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Democrat’s Playbook!

“It was always our view that in order to attain this (proletarian revolution) and the other far more important aims of the future social revolution, the working class must first take possession of the organized political power of the State and by it’s aid crush the resistance of the Capitalist class and organize society anew.” Frederick Engels   Comment: Who was he referring to by always been our view? He was referring to his partner Karl Marx! Socialism is immoral! It is theft of wealth! Capitalism is moral and the business people work to create a product to supply a demand for services and products! The creation of these products employ people! Socialism is taking what is not yours! It is living off those that do work! Engels made an argument using anthropological evidence of the time to show that family structure changes over history, and that the concept of monogamy came from the necessity within class society or men to control women to ensure their own children would inherit their property. He argued a communist society would allow people to make decisions about their relationship free of economic constraints. Where did Engels get his anti-marriage anti-Biblical idea’s? After reading the publications of Charles Darwin on the “Origin of Species”, which was the epiphany of everything they believed! (Marx and Engels).  So we see our social ills in America are based on the left promoting this agenda! Welfare since the 1960’s in America took Father’s out of homes with children with no moral guidance! Their economic welfare state requires they sell drugs to supplement their welfare monies! So our war zones in Chicago and other inter cities are the result of Democratic administrations over decades of time pushing the socialist doctrines of Marx and Engels that has put our inter cities into war zones! James and Hamsa Sasse.

From Democrat’s Playbook!

My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism! Karl Marx    Comment: So how do you do this? Promote socialism! Get rid of Bibles! The deep State going after Christian’s through the IRS and other Federal agencies! Legalize sins that contradict the Bible! Homosexuality, gay marriage, lesbianism, gambling and illegal immigrants. Attack those that enforce our laws! ICE and law enforcement. Sanctuary cities! Disrespect our National Flag and military! Remove prayer from schools! Mock the Christian Faith! Take down Crosses and God’s Commandments! Head for the one world government with no borders! Make the world a UN or EU! The political left in America has the Karl Marx playbook and they are making plays! They are not following our Founding Father’s but following the failed ideologies of Communist regimes! When will they ever learn? James and Hamsa Sasse.