It is All in the Game! 501c

The Democrat installed 501c tax exempt status given to non-profits allows them to collect money tax free! It sounds good but to take this exemption you the Pastor must give up your right to petition the government for grievances which is a Constitutional right! You must give up your right to endorse a political candidate during an election! Your voice is muted! Any election local, state or federal you must be mute! Handicapped! You give up your first amendment rights of free speech sacrificed for money! Because the church would not take up debate on our last presidential election Biden got in instead of Trump! Now the church or non-profits are collecting money for the Ukraine war victims when under a Trump the Ukraine war would not have happened! Understand I have less money to give to charitable organizations with high inflation and 4-5-6 and 7 dollars a gallon gasoline! My gas bill in my van was 600 dollars last month! My house insurance increased from $1000. per year to 1600. dollars per year because of replacement costs because of high priced building materials! Millions flooding across our southern border swamping local communities with costs financial and safety of their communities! Now our president says food shortages are coming! Why? His incompetence! Build back better is not happening! Tear down better is happening with the Biden administration! None of this would of happened or did happen under Trump! Pastor’s in America can no longer hide under the 501c if America is going to survive as a nation! Even though Trump gave them an exemption from the part of the 501c banning political endorsements they played it safe and we now are all in peril! If this next 3 years under Biden is not a lesson to them then they will never learn! Will we survive? I do not know but look up to Christ for your redemption draweth nigh! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.