Build Back Better?

Since Uncle Joe has taken over there has been a 34 percent increase in Americans running out of gas along streets, highways and interstates across America! What does this lead to? Accidents! Rear end collisions! People getting out of their vehicles at night and being struck by an on-coming vehicle! Way to go Joe! His Transportation Secretary Mayor Pete says the solution is for us to ride bicycles! We pay our politicians our tax money not to create problems but solve problems! What can we say? Go Brandon Go!

Who Do You Trust? Psalm 86:11

Hebrew Translation: “Teach me by laying a foundation established and erect controlling me which leads me down the road of life. O Lord; I will walk faithfully and stable in thy truth; unite my heart in the totality of my inner nature to reverence and respect your name.” Comment: We like Jesus disciples have struggled with this scripture! Like Jesus disciples we sometimes do not walk stable following him! We waver in faith getting off the road that leads to life! The disciples would sometimes get off the foundation! Their heart was not always united with Christ! Reverence and respect for his name was not always there! Peter denied Jesus even though he told him he would die for him! He eventually did in Rome years later! Jesus told us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! We say let the church do it! Let an organization do it! Pay them so I do not have to do it! Our gift’s God has given us cannot be used unless we do what Jesus told us to do! At the feeding of the 5000 Jesus asked the disciples what do they have? The disciples wanted to send the crowd away! We do not have money to feed this large crowd? Cancel the meeting! Send them home! The disciples were perplexed? They can buy their own food! A little boy in the crowd came prepared! He had more than enough for himself! He had a little faith! Enough faith to give Jesus everything he had! The little boy gave his all! He had the gift of 5 loaves and 2 fish! Bring what you have to Jesus! God will multiply it! Let God bless what you have! Really what he has given you! Doesn’t seem like much but enough! He will multiply it to feed everyone! God is greater than what you have! Have you figured this out yet? Do something with what God has given you! With your life! Don’t waste it on drugs and go to work! With the left overs from a miracle you can feed even more people! Twelve baskets full! Israel had twelve tribes and Jesus had twelve disciples! God can build a nation out of left overs! God can build a church with left overs! God has more than enough for your family! He has more than enough for your church! God can bless you if you bring all you have to him! Peter build my church! Do you want to distribute God to the world? Or keep him for yourself? Sow the seed you have! Do not eat your seed! Share and multiply what you have! The rich young ruler was not able to do that? He valued his possessions more than God! I don’t need to tithe and make offerings? The possessions God had given to him he could not give back! If you give to God what you have he will do more with it than you ever could by yourself! The graveyard is full of excuses! Even David who wrote this Psalm waivered at times! Jesus never did! Wait on God but not on anything else! Do what God has called you to do! Help the needy and the lost! Go after those the world has rejected! Pray and agree with God! Jesus had every excuse to quit! The crown of thorns was very painful! The betrayal of his disciples was painful! His back cut open and bleeding was painful! His Cross was heavy! Your will be done! God’s will is not easy! Jesus had no excuses to die for you! Do you have any excuses not to live for him? He gave his all! Can you? Be faithful! Stand up for our flag and take a knee for Jesus in prayer! Pastor Don Wildes, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia

Church Growth & Decline! II Chronicles Chapters 6-7

Mary pondered these things in her heart! Do we ponder the things of God? His House? A church that was once strong and powerful fades away into history? Solomon built the most beautiful Temple for God in history! Solomon had so much wealth given to him! The Queen of Sheba gave him 4 tons of gold for a gift! Solomon did not spend on himself but invested it into the building of the Temple! The Jews made sacrifices to construct the Temple! Solomon asked God for wisdom but God gave him both wisdom and riches! Riches outside the will and purpose of God will come to nothing! After Solomon and many years passed the Temple declined and was destroyed and the Jews went into captivity! Why do some churches fail while others prosper? What series of events cause these opposite outcomes? We must see life God’s way and not our own way! Solomon took the wealth God had given him and invested it into the Temple for worship! God gave the provisions! The church began and the people gave their best! We see from the recorded scriptures here the people prayed and God heard their requests and acted upon them! He bless their cause and work! At the end of Solomon’s prayer God was pleased and fire came down from Heaven and the sacrifice was consumed! What was going right in the Temple! People were obedient to leadership! It was more than just the ornaments of gold silver and jewels! Something was going on inside the Temple! Fire came down and the Lord’s House was filled with His Glory! His mercy endures forever! Solomon built a place where people could bring the sacrifices! God confirmed the blessings with his presence! God has chosen this place for himself! The power of faithfulness and obedience! God heard their prayers! If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves………! We will hear from Heaven! Revival! Times of refreshing! Heart’s right with God! Eyes opened! New revelation! Examine ourselves! Meet God! Who is your God? God is not the reason for a declining church! People have forgotten who they are in Christ! Lost favor of God! Lost sense of purpose! Focus on themselves! No witness of God to the community! Forsaken the God of our Father’s! Calamity follows! God moves out and the world moves in! Secularism! Return to the Lord! He will hear from heaven! He will heal with church growth! Now I must ask you a personal question? Have you given any sacrifice to God that he can consume? When God consumes your sacrifice his presence is manifested in his House! No sacrifice no consumption and no presence! No God in the House! Empty! Christ’s sacrifice caused God to consume Jesus completely with His manifested Glory! Miracles left and right! Are tithes and offerings too much sacrifice for you? Are ministries into your community too much for you? Prison ministry? Hospital and nursing home visits too much for you? Without your sacrifice he has nothing to work with! Do not waste your sacrifice on the world! Your effort will be lost forever! Have faith in God and trust him! You will never be disappointed! When the leadership and people stop sacrificing the ministry declines! When they begin to sacrifice the ministry grows! Pastor Ron Wilder, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Got Worries? Isaiah 28:16

Thus declares the Lord to the doubters! Behold, I lay in the city of Jerusalem and Israel a tested stone of my Kingdom that you can build your life on! It is a precious corner stone established and founded upon my sure foundation. Stand firm and trust me and be not anxious! Comment: Is it any wonder why the world has and is in an eternal war with the Jews and Israel? Over generations Satan is always trying to prove God wrong! Satan will not win but he is stupid enough to keep trying! Why? If he can find enough doubters to follow him into this losing battle he will sacrifice as many as he can on both sides! This is a battle between Heaven and Hell. Good and evil. Satan although immortal needs company in Hell. He is a created being just like you and me and has a eternal destiny in the Lake of Fire! Do not be a fool enough to follow him! God and His Son Jesus Christ were not created beings but were the source of all creation! They were the first cause of all that has been or every will be! If you want to play the fool place your bets on created beings! Not me my friend! My Bible says it is vanity to trust in man! I am going to trust the God that created Zion as His eternal home and has gone to prepare a place for those who do not doubt Him! I trust Christ with my life and my eternity! Where are you placing your bets? Finding Christ is winning the lottery on earth and in Heaven! Do not invest your money buying tickets for losers! You will lose with them! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Looking Forward! 1 Esdras 5:38-39

When the Jews returned from Babylon captivity by the favorable Decree of the Persian King Cyrus they met many challenges to rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem! Here is a quote from verses 38-39. “Since they were unable to prove their ancestry, they were not allowed to function as Priest’s. Nehemiah the governor told them that they could not eat food offered to God until there was a High Priest who could use Revelation and Truth.” Comment: Ancestry was everything to the Jews! Tradition was the foundation of their life and worship! If you could not prove your ancestry as many Jews could not after returning from 70 years of Babylonian captivity you could not participate in Temple worship! Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses were in the Religious Hall of Fame! Rightly so! Jesus really threw the religious Jews a curve ball when He told them they must be born again! Jesus the High Priest with Revelation and Truth was looking them in the face but they did not get it? The religious leaders seemed blind? Yet the simple Jews such as Peter saw the light! How far does Jesus ancestry go back in time? All the way back to the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve! Remember the Tree of Life in the Garden? His humanity took their sin and fast forwarded it to you and me! His Divinity delivered you and me from sin! His humanity was sacrificed for you and me! Jesus was a Jew and of the tribe of Judah! That is prophetic! should be renamed! Why were the Persian Kings (Iran), favorable to the Jews? The 3 wise men were from Persia! King Cyrus and Darius were favorable to the Jews! Why? God spoke to them! Why is present day Persia (Iran), not favorable to the Jews but want to destroy them? Very simple! Islam that came along in 650 A.D. Islam has given all of its followers a religious backing to kill. The Persians also invented the crucifixion so they prepared the method for the sacrifice for Jesus! Let us look forward! Is your name written down in the Book of Life? (Revelation 3:5) Are you born again? Washed in His blood? Jesus promised us to go prepare a place for us! Then He would return the second time to earth! He promised to send His Holy Spirit to us until He returns! When Satan tries to remind you of your past remind him of his future! Remember the Cross and move forward! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Are You a Pilgrim? Hebrews 11:13

“These all died while believing and acting while not receiving the gifts graciously given by God but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them and embraced them publically praising God that they were aliens and foreigners on the earth.” Comment: Are you a Christopher Columbus? Is your faith based upon science, intellect or reason? Columbus said he navigated to the missing continent of his then known world based upon the Bible! When you live by faith you see your final destination not by physical sight but by trusting God’s promises to you! The world says show me the money! I will believe it when I see it! The Christian has just the opposite view of life! I believe it through His Spirit according to His Word and one day I shall see it! Columbus sailed west and no one in that day would dare do that! Suicide! He was navigating according to the Word of God! If you trust the Bible as Columbus did and those in the Hall of Faith then you will build God’s Kingdom while down here on earth and you will help prepare the earth for Christ’s return! James and Hamsa Sasse.