Abortion & Democrats!

As of the 2020 census there are 46.9 million African Americans living in the United States out of a population of 331.5 million people. They represent 14.2% of the population. Here is what you probably did not know! Were not for abortion this minority population would be double it’s size today or about 98 million souls! The Democrat party today is still the party of slavery and they use African Americans and their votes to stay in political power and do not care about their plight created by the Democrat Party! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Practicing Catholics!

The Democrats are setting themselves up for a massive political failure! They have opened our borders to illegal immigrants with the hope they can legalize them and then they will vote Democrat when they flood the red states with millions of illegals! Then the Democrats hope to stay in power forever! The problem is these immigrants from South and Central America thanks to Christopher Columbus are practicing Catholics not a Joe Biden Catholic with no morality! They by their faith hate abortion and the policies they are implementing opposing their faith in God! Christopher Columbus as the left destroys his statues across America will get the last laugh as millions of these Catholics will vote Republican! Joe you have made another screw up! At least you are consistent! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Democrat’s Secret Weapon!

The political left owns most of Hollywood! A big mega phone! They own most of social media such as Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Twitter blocked a tweet by President Trump? If they block the President who are you? Free speech? Christian conservative messages have been blocked by Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter! If you as a Christian have not been blocked that means you do not have enough followers yet! If and when you do the political hatchet will come out for you! The political left owns most of the news networks except for Fox and a few smaller outlets. Prior to our November elections Obama has started an organization that will black list any liberal news reporter who says or prints anything negative about Kamala Harris and her wretched past! Some reporters have already lost their jobs! Again free speech is absent on the left! The Democrat Party with the teachers union control public education in America! If you or your children attend a public school you will be indoctrinated by the left ideology! Most public educated students become Democrats! So all these powerful mega phones on the left are controlled by the Democrats! So these weapons are obvious but what is their secret weapon? Hidden in the dusty Halls of Congress? The Church and the Democrat led and passed 501c Tax Exempt status for churches! This has been their secret weapon for decades! The free speech of Pastor’s across America has been sacrificed on the alter of money! Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil! Just ask Judas Iscariot! With the most important election of American history next to the Abraham Lincoln election Pastor’s have chosen to be mute? Free speech for them has been violated yet they voluntarily submit to this ban of suppression of free speech! I thought with this important election which will determine whether we go socialist or retain our freedoms Pastor’s would abandon their 501c or would step up to the plate with the modified 501c Trump executive order. It looks like they do not have the moral ability to do so? Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil! This includes the ministry! Ask Judas Iscariot about this! Last Friday I contacted a ministry named “MyFaithVotes.” Headed up by Mike Huckabee. He is a great man! However what the representative of this ministry told me was our attorney’s advice us to be mute because law is still not changed and we could be sued! Jesus said woe unto you lawyers! They also told me it might divide the church! We have heaven and hell! We have Catholic and Protestant! We have full Gospel and no Gospel churches! We have Methodists, Lutheran, Baptist, Church of God, Assembly of God and the list goes on! If your church leader supports abortion or gay marriage and politically supports candidates who do you need to know so! If my leader does not support Biblical values in regards to abortion and homosexuality I want to know but under the 501c you will never know who they really support? Then they can play both sides! I hate the uncertainty of following a leader and do not know where they stand! The MyFaithVotes organization would not tell me which political candidate they support! Their faith votes but for who? This is why I chose to not apply for the 501c! I have freedom of speech! Nothing more precious to me! The 501c is unconstitutional! However would be difficult to challenge because a court would say all you have to do is abandon the 501c! If you apply as a ministry for the 501c you are sacrificing your First Amendment freedom! The last mouth piece of freedom in America the church has been muzzled by the Democrats! If Trump loses this November the church will have to look itself in the mirror and ask was it worth it? If the socialists come to power they will finish off the church in America! They will come after your 1st and second Amendments! Putin of Russia was opposed by a political critic of his! He was poisoned and is dying in a hospital in Germany! Do you want the Socialist/Marxist political left to rule over you the next four years? Do you want this new America? If you hate Trump and America this is what you will get! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Democrats & Islam!

I Corinthians 3:11 “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Commentary: The word ‘foundation’, is connected to the word covenant! It means to place down or set up something. God laid down the foundation of heaven and earth at creation! You see the Darwinists or Evolutionists are building on another foundation! At creation everything begins with God! To reject this the Darwinists begin every theory with man and not God as their starting point! The origin of the species! Not the origin of God! Their attempt is to make man or themselves God! The word ‘laid’ in the Greek has an interesting meaning! It means to lay down outstretched! You have heard the nasty guy who brags he laid this girl last night? Jesus was outstretched on a Cross for your evil and to establish the New Covenant! Jesus is the corner stone of the foundation! Everything is measured off him! He submitted to your sin for your redemption! If you build on the wrong foundation then disaster comes! Your life collapses on itself! The religions of this world outside of Christ begin and end with man! If our foundation begins and ends with God we are on the sure foundation! Darwinists and Islam are linked together because their foundation is man! This is why the Democrats as Darwinists are marrying to Islam! They are using them to come against the Christians! This is why I believe the False Prophet or one world religious ruler who co-reigns with the Anti-Christ the one world political dictator leader will be a Muslim! This will all come to pass during the 7 year Tribulation period but those events will be previously prepared to take place! The political socialist movement here in America is a preparation for this future event! No borders! Sanctuary cities! No police! No immigration and no voter I.D.’s! So is your foundation wood, hay or tumble weeds? Do you blow every which way with the wind? God is going to create a new heaven and a new earth! Do you want to be part of that? He created the old earth so he can do another! The earth you are standing on right now will perish! Where is your foundation! On the one that will raise the dead? To raise everyone from the dead to judge all some to eternal life and some to everlasting condemnation! For God so loved the world he gave us his only begotten Son! Do you reject his love? The Apostle Paul says the only foundation is only one foundation Jesus Christ and there is no other! Only one foundation will lead you to heaven and all others to hell! The choice is yours to make! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com