Chicken or the Egg First? John 1:3

“All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.” Commentary: I grew up on a farm in Nebraska. One of my jobs as a little boy along with my little brother Tommy was to gather eggs from the hen house. It was not an easy job in that the old hens who could not lay anymore eggs would gather up about a dozen eggs from hens that could lay eggs and protect those eggs from anyone! So when we would try to steal her eggs she would peck us so hard we would bleed on the arms where she pecked us! So one day my grandpa Edgar asked me which came first Jimmy the chicken or the egg? I told my grandpa I did not know? Jimmy think about this? If you had the egg first you have no hen to sit on the egg and hatch it and then no mother to take care of the chick! If you had the chicken first as God describes in the creation of this world then the chickens that first existed could then lay the eggs and produce more chickens and give you food! My grandfather was born in 1897 and only required to then go to the 8th grade! However he had more wisdom than anyone I have ever met! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Loss of First Love Caused by Sin! Revelation 2:6

“But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.” Commentary: Notice Jesus said he does not hate the Nicolaitans but hates their deeds! This confirms the entire theme of the Bible that God judges us not by race, gender, economic status, language, cultural popularity, religion but by character alone! However we cannot have the character of God without God! Jesus makes that possible! So who were the Nicolaitans? The name in the Greek means to conquer or subdue people! This is what sin does! This cult group were the descendants of Nicolas of Antioch an ordained deacon! See Acts 6:5. He came from out of paganism into Judaism and then to Christianity! He changed religions many times! He was not afraid to switch religions when he found it convenient! He taught the doctrine of compromise! He believed there was more than one way to God like Christians today who cling to Darwinism and then try to hang on to Christ? Occultism was a major force that warred against the early church! In Ephesus the primary pagan cult was the worship of Diana (Artenis). The Nicolaitans mixed paganism with Christianity. Much like the Hindus do today where every road leads to God including Christianity! Does not matter which road you take all roads lead to the same place! This results with a diluted Christianity with no power and no conviction! It is a worldly kind of Christianity! No borders, no law, no rules anything goes! Homosexuality fine! Gay marriage great! Abortion good! Lawlessness something to be desired! This evil fruit of the Nicolaitans lead to people engaging and approving sin completing Satan’s power over them to conquer and imprison them through the sin that God rejects and died for on a Cross! James & Hamsa Sasse.

First Plague Listed!

The word plague is first listed in your Bible in Genesis 12:17. However this word occurs after Noah’s  Flood listed in Genesis Chapter Six! Most would probably consider this flood a plague but not listed as so by definition! A plague leaves survivors but more than just eight people in Noah’s family and the animals all in refuge in the Ark of God! A flood comes from the outside where a plague comes from the inside of your body! Sin causes a break down of you immune system! So let us look at Genesis 12:17 “And the Lord plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai, Abram’s wife.” Comment: The Pharaoh King of Egypt saw that Sarai was a very good looking woman! However Abram deceived Pharaoh by telling him Sarai was his sister when in fact she was his half sister! So Pharaoh thought she was fair game and took her into his harem! Then the plagues struck Pharaoh’s household! Pharaoh rebuked Abram for his deception and sent them on their way! This plague was caused by sin as all plagues are the result of sin! It is a judgment upon a people or upon nations! The theme of our entire Bible is about properly dealing with our sin! Sin has plagued man for all of history! Man through science has always looked to the results of sin where God reveals the cause and cure! God calls us out to repent of our sin and accept Jesus Christ as the cure for our sin! The blood sacrifice of Christ to be applied to our lives as the substitute for our sin! God taking on our sin and punishment for our sin! God took the plagues upon himself even though he was innocent of all our sin! The sinless Lamb was the perfect sacrifice because he was God! God in the flesh! The only puzzle to the obvious cure is why men still reject him? Sin lives inside us and so does the disease! Remember Jesus healed the sick! Christ lives outside us until we invite him in! That requires something from you! Repentance! Confession of your sin against God! His atoning blood opens the door for the Holy Spirit to live inside of us! To keep us until Jesus second coming! Sin produces death but Christ produces everlasting life in the here and now and forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

First Gay Couple?

Me and my little brother Tommy used to watch western movies on our old Philco black and white TV set back in the 1950’s! Among these movies was the Lone Ranger! He always wore a mask! I always wondered why the Lone Ranger did not have a girl friend? Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke had the saloon girl Kitie! Even the bad guys had girl friends! I asked my little brother Tommy about this and he told me because the Lone Ranger wore a mask! I got it! No blind dates! I wondered if he went to bed with his mask on? I always wondered about this guy? In the other western movies the good guys were killing Indians and this guy was running around with one? Another thing that bothered me was when the bad guys got the drop on the Lone Ranger and Tonto they never made him take his mask off? If he wanted to keep his identity secret why did he wear a white hat and ride a white stallion? I used to envy the Lone Ranger in one respect! He never had to wash his face! He must have shaved but never took his mask off! Me and Tommy never questioned the sexual orientation of the Lone Ranger because we were raised on a farm in Nebraska! Nebraska is an Indian name! The rooster always jumped on a hen! A rooster never jumped on a rooster! However they would fight over the hens! The mallard duck always on the hen! The bull on the cow! The bore pig on the female pig! The stallion on the mare! There was never any gender confusion! In our Bible we have two cities that are listed who had gender confusion! They were Sodom and Gomorrah! These cities and their remains are available to see on YouTube! What is interesting is when the geologists pick up one of these sulfur balls out of the sand and strike a match to it they will burn a continuous hot blue flame! These cities were a sanctuary city for gays! God destroyed them with fire! Judgment fell on them! Today and forever there are two sanctuary cities! One named Heaven and one named Hell! The righteous live in heaven and the wicked in hell! God never changes so that means we must change! To be like him! Holy and righteous! The city you chose to live here on earth will determine the city you live in in eternity! If you are living in the wrong sanctuary city then repent of your sin and ask Jesus by his blood to sanctify you and prepare you for heaven! Leave the sanctuary of hell with the fire and judgment and travel to heaven with peace and forgiveness for all of its citizens! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Where Does The Star First Appear?

Numbers 24:17 “I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.  Comment: This is the first time the word “Star” appears in our Bible. Not the plural word “stars” which we find in Genesis describing Creation but a singular Star! A special Star! A unique Star with a purpose and destiny! A Star that would save some and destroy others! Wise men today still follow this Star! God is light! No darkness or shadow of turning with him! It does not matter where you live on this earth or your ethnic background you can still follow Jesus! You can follow the Light or reject the Light! Your destiny depends on what you do with the Light! King Balak of Moab tried to get the wise man Balaam from historical Babylon to curse Israel! Balaam tried but it took a donkey to convince him this was not possible! The Scepter shall rise out of Israel! That is a King! Jesus is referred to as King of the Jews! They posted this above his head on the Cross! King Herod the Edomite felt threatened by the Star! He wanted to be King of the Jews! He even rebuilt the Temple and called it Herod’s Temple! The wise men from Babylon knew of Daniel’s prophecies because the Jews along with Daniel were captive there for 70 years! However they did not know the prophecy of Micah predicting Bethlehem as Jesus birth place because it had not been given yet! God’s GPS was a single Star to a specific place to follow! They did not  need all the prophecies as you probably do not know you just need to follow the Star! Follow Jesus the Light of the world! He will guide you into paths of righteousness! The right choice leads to the right place! Today like Herod there are some that do not want to follow Jesus! They want to kill Jesus and his followers like Herod! Jesus will illuminate your soul with light! Truth! Peace! Joy! Everyone will either choose light or darkness! Like Jesus asked Peter who do you say I am? Who do you say he is? Where else can I go for Salvation? The Christmas story has implications on your life because it is true! Herod did not discount the scriptures as Balaam did not! What is at stake is the condition and position of your soul! When Balaam recognized his error he prophesized Numbers 24:17! When Herod recognized his error he tried to cover it up with the blood of the children of Bethlehem! Those that reject Christ and his atoning blood will try to cover their sin with the blood of others like Cain who slew his brother Abel the first murder on earth! Every ideology that rejects Christ will turn on Christ and his followers! It can be abortion! Socialism!, Communism! Fascism! Nazism, Darwin! Islam! Atheism! The list goes on and on! With Christ living inside of us we have the benefits of Heaven while still living on earth! Jesus has gone back to Heaven to prepare a place for us! All the rest of the benefits await us in future time! Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder where you are? Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse.

First Resurrection! Revelation 20:4-5

Greek Translation: Verse 4: “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment with a private sentence with no jury was given unto them, and I saw the souls of the immortal immaterial eternal part of men that were beheaded for the witness, declaration and testimony of Jesus, and for the Word or final intelligence of God, which had not worshipped with adoration, kissing and reverence for the beast, neither had received his mark or the representation of him upon their foreheads, or their hands, and they lived spiritually and eternally and reigned and ruled with Christ the Head of the Church for a thousand years.” Verse 5: “But the rest of the natural dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished and the goal completed. This is the first resurrection.” Comment: The martyr’s for Christ are given a special place during the millennium rule of Christ here on earth! They are appointed to judge the wicked! All judgment is given unto the Son! This is fascinating to me! How would you judge the ISIS terrorist who beheaded you for your faith? Would you forgive him or chop his head off? John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod! What about the young girl who provocatively danced before Herod to get John’s head? What if they would have come to Christ after their evil deeds? Do you give them what they deserve or grace? What document would you use to judge them? It goes on in verse 5 and says the rest of the dead that lived on earth will not rise until after the millennium. For final judgment! Remember at this time Jesus releases the devil back into the earth! So what did these dead immediately do? They surrounded Jerusalem with their armies! When you raise the devil from the dead he is still the devil! When you raise the Saints from the dead they are still the Saints! Remember the word judgment means a private judgment with no jury! So how would you do this? If you read the rest of the Chapter you will get the answer! The Book of Life! Right now today your name is either written or not written in the Book of Life! All judgment is based upon God’s Word! Your Bible my friend! That is the gold standard! God’s Word according to the Greek, Strong’s#3056, means the final intelligence of God! Can you read God’s mind? Read his Word! Read his Bible! In the beginning was the Word! Not a tadpole! Not a frog! Not a monkey! His Word! God created everything by his Word! His Word is a seed that brings life! His word was twisted in the Garden of Eden by Satan just as it is today! His Word stands true! His Word will either save you or judge you! As you read and follow his Word here on earth your name is entered into the Book of Life! Never discount his Word for your eternity hangs in the balance based upon his Word! James and Hamsa Sasse.

An Unjust Law? I Timothy 1:8

Greek Translation: “But we know the Divine Law given to us by Moses is Constitutionally good with expressed beauty, harmony and balance and is so if we use it lawfully.” Comment: So the law is lawful if we use it lawfully! Otherwise we can become lawless! The religious rulers got on Jesus because he healed a sick man on the Sabbath! Jesus rebuked them for their lack of compassion! A law is to protect life and property of the citizens of any nation! Your speed limit sign is to protect you from accident, injury or death! How many follow this law? Our Constitution is designed to protect citizens from others and themselves! So what would be an example of an unjust law that would not protect the lives of American citizens? How about abortion? Legalization of illicit drugs? Sanctuary cities harboring criminals? Gay Marriage? Unfavorable trade laws legalized by Congress who took money from other nations as a bribe for their votes! The list goes on! So any law can be used to either harm people or help people depending on the motive or basis of why the law was created! Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil! Abortion, drugs and every other unjust law has everything to do about the love of money ruling over the hearts of people who do not care how many people die because of these unjust laws! My Bible says no one can keep the law! That is why Jesus went to the Cross to make a way for God to reconcile people to himself! True repentance involves recognizing and repenting of our evil and changing direction in our lives! What separates Jesus from the rest of us is he never sinned against God’s laws simply because he is God! No mortal that ever lived can claim this! Whether you proclaim him or profane him he is still God and judge over the entire earth! Is he your judge or your Savior? The choice is yours to make! Heaven or Hell? It should be an easy choice! James and Hamsa Sasse.

What Jesus Wants for Christmas?

Well, it is Jesus birthday so what does he want? Since I was a little child I always was asked what I want for Christmas? The gifts were for me! I though it was all about me! Jesus gave us the greatest gift but what do with it? Do I treat the gifts as precious? Could I give Jesus more of my time? The time is not mine because he created time! Could I give him gold like the wise men? The streets of Heaven are paved with gold and besides the scriptures declare he is more precious than silver or gold! Could I pray more? He is interceding for me right now at the right hand of the Father! Could I love him more? He first loved me! Could I live for him? He gave his life for me! Could I put sinners under his Christmas tree? Could I put the lost souls of this generation under his tree? Could I present worms turned to butterfly’s under his tree? Could I help to populate Heaven and earth with Saints! Forgiven sinners? Only by his power and grace! Can I do anything without Jesus? I can sin and live a selfish life away from him! I can work death instead of life! Because of him I do not have to do that! I think the best thing I can do for Christmas is receive his gift of Salvation and eternal life and share his gift with others! Happy Birthday Jesus! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.