
In the military we call this a ‘Self Inflicted Wound.’ A coward who wants to get out of the military shoots himself in the foot! This is what the Democrats are doing to themselves! The normal way a legal conclusion is reached is you gather evidence and make a conclusion based upon evidence! They have reversed the process! They concluded Trump committed collusion  with the Russians in the 2016 elections and have been on a two year search of evidence to try to prove their theory! They are searching every barn yard and hen house across America! They cannot accept the will of the American people and still searching for an excuse as to why Hillary lost! The American people are sick of this and will vent their frustrations at the polls in 2020 towards the Democrats! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Why are Young People Leaving Church?

The real reason according to the Pew Research Center Study in 2016 is revealed not by, prepared multiple choice questions and answers but by the write in answers young people gave in their own words! They responded that they no longer identified with any religious group because they no longer believe it was true! When asked why they did not believe, many said their views about God “evolved” and some reported a “crisis of faith.” Their six specific explanations included the following: 1.  Learning about evolution (Darwinism), when I went to college. 2. Religion is the opiate of the people. (Karl Marx Quote) 3. Rational thought makes religion go out the window.  4. Lack of any sort of scientific or specific evidence of a creator.  5. I just realized somewhere along the line that I really did not believe it. (Really? Your atheistic professors had no influence on you?) 6.  I am doing a lot more learning, studying and kind of making decisions rather than listening to someone else. (No one makes decisions in a vacuum) Comment: They question the existence of God? Why? The State education system promoting atheism! Atheists produce atheists! When you read the socialists work of the 19th Century like Marx, Engels, Lenin, Darwin, Neitzsche and others you will see that College students in America can quote all of them but they cannot quote the Bible? Karl Marx said the way to divide and change a culture is to isolate the parents from the children through State education! James and Hamsa Sasse. Godwhoisgod.com

Work of Holy Spirit! John 16:13

Greek Translation: “Now when the breath of God blows on you at the reality of my appearing he will show you the way into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear with the ear of the mind, that shall he announce to you things to come.” Comment: Jesus was not talking about fortune cookies here! The Apostle John also went on to write the Book of Revelation! Want to know the future? Do not go to a palm reader! Read the Word of God! Yes! Your Bible you never open! Most of the Church avoids the Book of Revelation? They pretend it does not exist? Is the church interested in the future? Does your future interfere with God’s plan for your life? What makes the Book of Revelation challenging is that John makes many references to Old Testament prophecies out of Ezekiel, Isaiah, Psalms and others but he does not reference these scriptures! So if you are not a student of the Old Testament it will be hard for you to understand! Remember the Old Testament prophets predicted the time and place of the arrival to earth of our Messiah! Hundreds of years before! They also predicted events today in the 21st Century! Tim Clement was probably the best prophet I have seen in my life time! I first met Kim back in the early 1990’s when he came to our old church Harvest Cathedral in Macon Georgia. After hanging around him and his  piano a few minutes revelation would begin to come to you! Kim went on to prophecy in 2007 a leader by the name of Trump would come to power to turn America back to God! In 2013 Kim prophesized his first name “Donald!” This is why the left hates Trump so much! He is God’s choice and not their choice! Kim’s video’s are all on YouTube so you can check them out for yourself! Kim has gone on to the Lord! Kim was not a 50 percenter! Will it be Hillary or Trump in 2016? Even the Gamblers in Vegas can hit on this one! Kim did not divine for money! He was the real deal! God can use you just like Isaiah, Ezekiel and Kim! Remember that old song, “The future is not ours to say?” A big lie! We choose our future by accepting or rejecting Jesus Christ! God has predicted the future because he has written the future! Is your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life? God has spoken his word through his written word (logos) from the pages of your Bible! Our future is our choice! Speak the Rhema or spoken word from his written word and the life of God will come to you! God will then dwell in you and you will speak the things he gives you! Excitement will come to your life! An eternal purpose will come to you! To see the future before it happens and to then see the newspapers report these events and confirmed through history is about as exciting as it will ever get for you! Are you bored? Get on with God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Signs of Jesus Second Coming! Matthew 24:9-10

Verse 9 “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and kill you and you shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” A report yesterday said 90 thousand Christian’s were killed in 2016! These numbers are beginning to equal or exceed the early church persecutions! Is Jesus screening out the fakes before His return? That is those still standing? In the next verse 10 as a consequence many shall leave the Faith! Today in America i can skip Sunday services and cheat on my tithes and no one will know except God! However if i have to choose Christ or my life this is a very different test! Most will serve Christ if the benefits are good such as an income tax deduction and a favorable view from friends and family. What Jesus said would come before His second coming is here and also coming to America! We need to make up our minds today what we would do when this comes so we can be prepared! Like today you will either confess or deny Jesus! If we practice today to confess Him then it will be much harder to deny Him in the future! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Election Thoughts 2016

Does it matter who is in office? President Roosevelt was a Democrat when Japan attacked Pearl harbor. President Clinton was in office when the Twin Towers were attacked the first time. President Bush was in office when the Twin Towers got hit the second time on 9-11. Different ideologies were behind these attacks with destructive consequences. During the 1930’s America sold millions of tons of steel to Japan in the name of free trade and economic prosperity! Japan used the steel to build their military. All three of these American President’s failed to recognize the threats to America! President Lincoln a Republican recognized the threat of slavery to America! A civil war followed but he did not try to appease slavery! So the question to you as a voter do you recognize the threats to America and our existence? Then do the candidates for President recognize these threats and do they have a plan of action to defeat these threats? I see the two biggest threats to America are socialism and Islam! Both these ideologies are also threats to the world! Do you remember the former Socialist Republic of the Soviet Union? This laboratory experiment with socialism lasted 70 years then collapsed! History has shown us that as a people of a nation look to bigger and bigger government to solve their problems the whole economic system that it drains collapses! Greece would be our latest example! If you rob from the rich then eventually everyone becomes poor! Remember 2000 years ago Jesus said the poor will always be with you! The same is true today! The socialist ideology of today will eventually usher in the Anti-Christ! How and why? As socialist experiments fail individually in nation’s and with the final collapse of America then socialist will conclude that the only way it will work is if the whole world is under one government and one world leader! This is the path socialism is taking us down! Islam is the other big threat to America and the world! Our Constitutional freedom is threatened by Islam! Islam is a religion based on world conquest supported by the Quran! World conquest in the name of religion! Our current President Obama has promoted Islam! It is now being taught in our public schools and universities as legitimate! It is being protected by political correctness! This is simply hiding the truth! American withdrawal from the stage and our weakened military has let the bad actor’s on center stage! Russia, Iran, North Korea and China have increased their military power and influence around the world! Also remember Hillary Clinton has taken ten’s of millions of dollars in bribes from Islamic countries while she was Secretary of State? A few years ago this would have been a treasonable act? If she becomes President she will owe the Muslim’s a lot of favor’s! Do you remember from the Bible that the Anti-Christ will rule the world with His False prophet? This man will be the religious ruler of the world! Did you ever wonder what religion this would be? The Christians will be raptured at this time so who is left? How about Islam? One of two things are going to happen this election cycle? We are either going to strengthen Islam and socialism here and around the world or we are going to defeat it? We are either going to strengthen the bad actor’s on center stage or we are going to defeat them? The choice is yours! Choose this day who you will serve? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Keep a Positive Attitude in 2016!

On January 1st this new year a distraught man jumped off his 10th floor apartment building! Down on the 5th floor balcony was an elderly couple in their rocking chairs that witnessed this man flying past their balcony! The police came an investigated the suicide. They interviewed grandpa and grandma on the 5th floor balcony. They asked the elderly couple if they heard this man say anything on the way down? Grandpa said yes I heard him say as he flew past our balcony, “So far so good!” Stay positive regardless of the challenges you meet in 2016! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Democratic Party Platform for 2016

We believe in a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of successful producers. This definition is a new word called “Ineptocracy.” These T-shirts are available on eBay if you want to get one. When I went to school this word and platform was called “Communism.”

Obama Wants Mandates Delayed Until 2016?

This is just the latest out of the White House? He changes the law as he goes! The significant change that has come to America since Obama has come to power is prior to Obama America was governed by Rule of Law! This is not the case anymore for America is becoming a land of Lawlessness! I think to delay the ObamaCare mandate forever would be best for America. If the mandates are delayed until Obama leaves office it is like leaving a bottle of poison on his desk with instructions to Americans not to take the poison until he leaves office! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com