School & Police Shootings! James 1:2

“My brethren of the same womb count it all joy, that is rejoice with gladness of heart when you fall into various types of temptations.” Comment: James had a primary ministry to the Jews. He was referring to the Jews when he spoke of the same womb! However we as Gentile Christian’s that are “born again” are of the same family! So we to are to rejoice when temptation comes! Why? Remember Jesus prayer he taught us? Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Temptation is authored by Satan and God will deliver us from his evil. What we do with the temptation will prove us either good or evil. Remember Job? Satan was the author of all his loses of family and wealth! However God gave him back twice as much! Jesus himself was tempted many times by Satan to try to keep him off the Cross! If you are God turn these stones into bread! Jump from the Temple Mount one of your angel’s will save you! Temptation will either condemn you or exonerate you! The evidence that we are all sinner’s and need salvation tells us we all have had moral failings! God has given us a way of escape through the one that defeated Satan at the Cross! We can choose to repent and change! Satan will solicit us to sin! God will empower you to resist! Resist the Devil and he will flee from you! Jesus cast out Devil’s but he did not destroy them! They moved on finding a herd of swine to dwell in! Satan was a deceiver from the beginning even before creation! He was cast out of Heaven and was waiting in the Garden of Eden! One day he will be cast into the Lake of Fire with his followers! So why did James say count it all joy? James goes on to explain in the following verses! To develop your faith with patience! A Crown of Life waits those who endure temptation! Endure means to resist Satan! How? God can empower you to resist Satan! Without the power of Christ no mortal can resist Satan! How did Jesus do it? He constantly said , “It is written! It is written!” Do you know the Words God wrote? Jesus resisted the Devil with the Word of God! The liar of all lies when he hears the Word of God will flee! Satan thrives on ignorance! Ignorance is not Bliss! It is Hell. Why is the Bible the most banned Book on earth? Try to get a Bible into any public funded University or High School. Our youth are taught Darwinism or Evolution where the strong should get rid of the weak! The stronger species will destroy the weak! The same conclusion that Darwinism teaches to our children is the same ideology that drove Hitler to do what he did! This ideology leads to racial pride and violence against each other! No knowledge of the Word of God leads to school violence and attacks on legal authorities! The vacuum left by removing every trace of God is filled with anarchy! They cannot hear the voice of God so they listen to the voice of Satan! It is back to the Garden of Eden all over again! You can take away guns but they will be replaced with knives, swords and clubs! Violence is not done by the weapon but by the evil heart of man living without the knowledge of God! The political left is behind all this Godless ideology! We need to return education to the American family and privatize our public institutions! Solicit President Trump to give school vouchers to every American family instead of sending these hundreds of billions of dollars from your tax money to public institutions! If this would be done the failing public schools would vanish overnight with competition in education! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Gideon’s International Isaiah 55:11

Hebrew Translation: “So shall my written word or historical record be that goeth out of the mouth of men, it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish through labor, toil and sacrifice that which I find pleasure and delight in, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I send it.” Comment: Everything spoken here refers to our Bible! Gideon’s International has distributed over 87 million Bibles around the world! It has distributed 11 million here in the United States! The Christian’s here in the United States fund about 80 percent of all Bible distribution! The Gideon’s should be an extension of your local church! If you really want to prosper someone send them a Bible! A dusty Bible is a rusty Saint! What does God delight in? The Salvation of men! That is why Satan works so hard in every culture to ban the Book that leads men to Heaven! The Bible is the most banned Book in the universe yet the number one best seller in the universe! If God cannot sell his redemptive plan to your life then you are going to make a bad investment elsewhere! His plan cost him everything and only requires a yes from you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sell the Swamp!

Dear President Trump, If you want to drain the swamp you need to sell the swamp! Our Federal government owns 1/3 of America! This is the average but let us look at some states! The Federal government owns 90 percent of Nevada? The Federal government owns 50 percent of California! No swamp bug can manage this much swamp! Our Federal government cannot manage itself much less all these swamp creatures! Use the funds to pay off our National debt caused by politicians making promises to get re-elected! Our greatest National security threat is our debt! The same applies to any American family! If I as an American citizen owed 20 Trillion dollars in debt and had 20 trillion dollars in assets what would I do to eliminate this debt? I would sell these assets to pay the debt! I would never want to see our government have to declare bankruptcy! You also may be able with the exception of military bases and National defense sites turn this property back to the States! If you would do this one simple thing no one would be able to challenge your re-election in 2020! Thankyou for your heart to help middle class American’s! In my lifetime none has done this with the only exception Ronald Reagan! Our government is for the people by the people! You have been the first President in a very long time that really believes this and lives out  this Constitutional Blessing! God Bless You and America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Nazi Killers! No. 303 Polish Squadron

The No. 303 Polish Fighter Squadron was one of 16 Polish squadrons in the Royal Air Force during the second world war. It was just not the highest scoring of the Hurricane squadrons during the Battle of Britain but they had the highest ratio of enemy aircraft destroyed to their own lost (safest). The squadron was named after the Polish and United States hero General Tadeusz Kosciuszko who served during the Polish Soviet War (1919-1921). Comment: With the latest accusations against the Poles that they were complicit with the Nazi’s is really not supported by the evidence! Poland being located between the eastern and western front has suffered untold destruction by invading armies from the west and the east! Some people will with the fear of death cooperate with invading armies! However the Poles fought vigorously against the Nazi’s and did what they could even so out numbered by the German machine! So many were sacrificed resisting the Nazi’s! The real story that history misses is what drove Hitler to do what he did? Evolution or Darwinism is what fueled Hitler’s passion that the stronger should defeat the weaker! The superior should destroy the inferior! Racism and tribalism at it’s best! Sadly our young children here in America are taught this junk science as truth? When a lie is taught as truth and fills the vacuum by discounting the Bible as truth bad things happen! We thank the Polish people for their sacrifices to stop this mad man of the 20th Century! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Disfigured for You! Isaiah 52:14

Hebrew Translation; “As many as were astonished at thee! We grew numb seeing your devastation! We were appalled and in despair as your appearance was ruined beyond recognition! We were left speechless! We could not comprehend what was done to you? Your appearance was marred more than any individual human being that has ever lived! Your form was deformed more than any descendent of Adam!” Comment: Jesus was taken to trial by the Mueller team with Clinton and Obama lawyers! Their effort was to make him illegitimate! He was illegally arrested, tried and convicted by a political sham! He was tortured, abused, mocked and not recognized when they got through with him! He was betrayed and abandoned by all the descendants of Adam! So today the same narrative carries on in the 21st Century! Only today Satan can only get to Jesus through his followers! Whether it be the Islamists beheading Christians or progressives trying to get political power to come after us the results are the same! Remember as the world persecutes us God prospers us! The world does not understand the peace, love and joy Christ gives his followers! The blessings are way beyond the temporal persecutions of today! Those that hate Christ have never experienced his love! Once you experience his love you will never hate him! He died and rose again for his enemies! For their sin! There are those who will try to persecute him again by persecuting his followers! This life is very short! Everything good God intended for you! Mock him for how long? Eternity is a long time without Christ! Change your history and future today by choosing Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Why get Baptized? Acts 2:38

Greek Translation: “Then Peter said unto them, Repent! Have a true change of heart towards God understanding that your future is not dependent on your past! Be baptized! That is make a public identification with Jesus Christ through water immersion. Be baptized in the name and character of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your willful and intentional acts against God! Be baptized with the purpose of serving God by the free gifts of God’s character through the Holy Spirit!” Comment: Believe it or not this church doctrine has been controversial for the past two thousand years! You would think it would be a slam dunk but not the case! Some believe infant baptism is enough! However there is no conscious decision on the part of the infant to do this! Some believe there is no need of baptism because the thief on the Cross was not baptized yet he was saved! Baptism is connected to forgiveness but not dependent on it! Baptism is about power for ministry! It is about an effective work here on the earth! Jesus was baptized yet he did not need to be saved! Some say I am saved and therefore do not need to be baptized! If it is good enough for Jesus it is good enough for me! Remember the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus after baptism! The Holy Spirit will empower you for effective ministry here on the earth! Without His love you will be abusive in the ministry! Your human capacity will never be enough! We need the character of God to do the work of God! The thief on the Cross was headed for heaven! No earthly ministry time left for him except to say he was saved without baptism! The Holy Spirit saves us until the rapture or Christ’s return to earth! The Spirit is the down payment or escrow to hold us until his return! Remember Jesus said greater things will you do after I send the Holy Spirit! We have examples of baptism in the Old Testament! The evidence is strong for baptism unless you want to go it alone! Do not try to figure it out just do it! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Memorial Day Thoughts! John 15:13

Our greatest respect for those in our military and especially those who laid down there lives for their friends as Jesus commanded us to do! Jesus commanded us to love one another! Think about this! God laid down His life through His only Son Jesus Christ for His enemies! This act is more than human! This is another reason why Jesus is God! No human would do this! Everyone ever born who accepted Jesus Christ as Savior was first the enemy of God! Yes you and me! Now we better understand why Jesus also commanded us to love our enemies! This is divine and not a capacity of mortal men! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Memorial Day! 2018

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends! Martin Luther King Jr. Comment: The citizen’s of America that we owe the greatest debt of gratitude are not with us anymore! Their sacrifice for our freedom is forever engrained into the conscious of our soul. We cannot forget them because to do so would disrespect everything they did for us on the battlefield of service to our nation! Then we would no longer be America! To be less than American is to forget these patriot’s that we are eternally indebted to for they paid the debt for our freedom yesterday, today and for as long as this Republic endures! To forget them is to remember you are not a real American because everything you have is due to their sacrifice! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Volcano’s! Acts 2:19

Greek Translation: “And I will show wonders or strange appearances in Heaven with different qualities of the same miracles in higher places in Heaven above, and signs or miracles with a moral purpose in the earth beneath with time and age; blood, fire and vapor of smoke.” Comment: Volcano’s have been in the news lately! The Bible speaks about them in both the Old and New Testament! Volcano’s can be used for good or bad! The Hawaiian Islands were built by volcano’s and so was Iceland! Other islands and land masses were formed by volcano’s on the earth! Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by a volcano! Remember Pompeii and several other cities in Italy were destroyed by a Volcano in 79 A.D.? The city was in idol worship with all the Roman, Greek and Egyptian gods! They worshiped ISIS the Egyptian goddess! Ice is formed with volcano’s on the moons of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune! Volcanic winters have caused catastrophic famines on the earth! Noah and his family were saved by the flood yet the rest of the earth was drowned by the same water! Here is an important point to get out of this Bible verse! God will use signs and wonders or miracles to render a moral purpose in the earth! The same water that rescued the Jews and Moses through the Red Sea was the same water that drowned the Egyptians! Judgment or Salvation can come through the same elements of the earth and Heaven! The same blood of Jesus Christ will save some and condemn others!You can either receive God’s love with Mercy or you can reject His love with Judgment! The choice is yours to make! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Love of Money! Ecclesiastes 5:11-17

This is what happens to those who love money more than God! The following are the five characteristics of people who are in love with money; 1. The more they have the more they want. 2. The more they have the more they spend. 3. The more they have the more they worry. 4. The more they have the more they lose. 5. The more they have the more they have to leave behind. Pastor David Jeremiah Comment: Solomon was the richest man that has ever lived on the earth! He had 700 hundred wives and 300 concubines or girl friends! If anyone knew the deception of wealth he knew! Learn from him who had it all but in the end he said it was all vanity! That is to no purpose! Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil. I admire Pastor Jeremiah for his transparency in taking a Biblical stand on money, sex, Heaven and Hell. He is not a politically correct politician in the pulpit! He has my respect! Jesus offended the rich but had compassion on the poor! Judas lost his soul because of a love for money! Jesus told the rich man after he bragged to him how he keeps the law perfectly that he lacked one thing! Give all you have to the poor and come and follow me! But the rich man went away sad because his possessions had him! They owned him! Do not hang on to what you cannot keep! The way to keep money from owning you is to give it away! James and Hamsa Sasse.