Christ! Servant! King!

There is no King who has not had a slave among his ancestors! There is no slave who has not had a King among his ancestors! Helen Keller, Deaf, Mute, Blind, Writer, Author.  Comment: When Helen was introduced to Christ and Christianity she said I knew he was with me all the time but I did not know his name! Helen said her greatest pleasures were curiosity and imagination! We were all made in the image or imagination of God! Curiosity is about the awe and wonder of God! She also said the only excuse humans had for being in this world is to help others! In regards for a Texas school board removing Helen and Hillary Clinton from their text books we must remember we should not change history to fit our prejudices! I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton! I would not consider a role model for my children! However we cannot have a Democrat history book and a Republican history book! History must be reported as unbiased as possible to our children! History must not be changed or the history of people must not be ignored! Even though Hellen leaned towards socialism I believe it was more towards a spirit of helping others not overthrowing present systems of Government with revolution! The strongest case against abortion is Helen Keller! James and Hamsa Sasse.


The nation certainly would have been better off if President Clinton could have focused on Osama bin Laden without being distracted by the Paula Jones sexual harassment case and it’s criminal investigation offshoots. Bret Kavannah  Comment : I agree with the Judge that we have the impeachment process in our Constitution and any sitting President need not be burdened with litigation while in office! However with Clinton without the law suit his pursuit of women would not have been impeded! However like Clinton and others they had never read the Quran so they were ignorant of their theology and the destructive history of Islam! Obama supported Islam and it grew during his administration! He even wrote in one of his two published books; The Audacity of Hope ad My Father’s Dreams that when push comes to shove I will side with the Muslims! Over 600000 Muslims immigrated to the United States during his administration and also sending a plane load of cash to Iran! Kavannah is correct that any litigation against a President should be held off until he is out of office! Democrat or Republican! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Spartacus Moment of Judge Kavannah!

No! We are the real rapist’s and child molesters! Congressman John Young (D-Tex), Alan Howe (D-UT.), Fred Richmond (D-NY), Robert Bauman (D-Md), Don Crane (Rep-ill), Brock Adam (D-ill), Barney Frank (D-Mass), Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), Mel Reynolds (D-ill),–Pardoned by Bill Clinton, Neil Goldschnidst ( Gov. Oregon), Michael Skakel, William Kennedy Smith, Brian Doyle and many more….

Disfigured for You! Isaiah 52:14

Hebrew Translation; “As many as were astonished at thee! We grew numb seeing your devastation! We were appalled and in despair as your appearance was ruined beyond recognition! We were left speechless! We could not comprehend what was done to you? Your appearance was marred more than any individual human being that has ever lived! Your form was deformed more than any descendent of Adam!” Comment: Jesus was taken to trial by the Mueller team with Clinton and Obama lawyers! Their effort was to make him illegitimate! He was illegally arrested, tried and convicted by a political sham! He was tortured, abused, mocked and not recognized when they got through with him! He was betrayed and abandoned by all the descendants of Adam! So today the same narrative carries on in the 21st Century! Only today Satan can only get to Jesus through his followers! Whether it be the Islamists beheading Christians or progressives trying to get political power to come after us the results are the same! Remember as the world persecutes us God prospers us! The world does not understand the peace, love and joy Christ gives his followers! The blessings are way beyond the temporal persecutions of today! Those that hate Christ have never experienced his love! Once you experience his love you will never hate him! He died and rose again for his enemies! For their sin! There are those who will try to persecute him again by persecuting his followers! This life is very short! Everything good God intended for you! Mock him for how long? Eternity is a long time without Christ! Change your history and future today by choosing Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Mirror Mirror on the Wall? Psalm 146:3

After the Comey testimony who is the fairest of them all? Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin or James Comey? Comey drug a lot of witches out of the closet including himself! Hopefully the witch hunt is over now! The clear winner might be Putin! As we fight each other the enemy escapes! The old cliché is I hunted down my enemy and I found out it was me! Forgiveness is the most important element of the Christian faith! I wish the politicians would now focus on making middle class American’s to have a better life! More jobs, better jobs, lower taxes, less debt, strengthen military, protect borders, enforce illegal immigration, give Pastor’s freedom of speech, weaken Islam, stop unfair trade practices and put American’s first! We see the obstructionists to these goals! If you do not believe the American people know what is going on then ask those candidates both Republican and Democrat who ran against President Trump! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jeremiah and America!

Jeremiah’s ministry extended from 627-586 B.C. Jerusalem was taken into captivity in 586 B.C. by Babylon! His message was one of judgment upon Judah for it’s shameful sins! He also encouraged the people to submit to Babylon to prevent further bloodshed! He was not popular among the political rulers and his life was in constant jeopardy! He was known as the weeping prophet! Jeremiah also had a hopeful message! The return from captivity, the New Covenant and the Messiah coming to Jerusalem! Jeremiah was a type of Christ! He was accused of political treason, tried, persecuted and imprisoned for their prophetic words! Jeremiah and Christ both wept over and predicted the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem! Both were rejected by their own people! Do we have any prophets in America who have been persecuted for their words of warning to the American people? Many of our religious leaders have been attacked by Obama and our government over the past 8 years! Obama ordered IRS tax audits on Franklin Graham and others as a weapon to go after them! However there is one that went to prison! He was the president of a Bible College! He created two movies on Obama and Hillary Clinton and exposed their anti-Christian agenda! Obama wanted to put him in prison for at least 20 years by federal prosecutors but a kind judge gave him 9 months! This man did not care about his 501c tax exemption! He cared about America! Obama gave him a lemon and he made lemon juice out of it! He made over 40 million dollars on his movies and helped to defeat Obama and the Hillary agenda! His name is Dinesh D’Souza. A smart and bold man! We need more of these men or women in the Body of Christ to take America back! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Game is On! Bible Study

The game is not over but it is on! So when is the game over? When every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! I want to give you the ancient nations as listed in our Bible and then i want you to see the modern nations that make up those ancient nations today! Let us start with the Persian Empire. The nations today that make up the Persian Empire are Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan! So when you read end-times prophecies in your Bible they include these nations! American’s have you already noticed something? It was the Persian Empire that attacked us on 9-11. Our wars in the Middle East since have been with the Persian Empire! President Obama pulling us out of Iraq and the treasures gift to Iran has strengthened the Persian Empire! Thankyou America says the Islamist! Russia or God and Magog have been strengthened thanks to Hillary Clinton’s reset button with Russia! They have since taken territory and are one of two major players in the Middle East including Iran now as America is on the decline! However there is a bigger picture at home in America! I like the Greek translation of the word Magog in the Book of Revelation! The word translates as an Anti-Christian party! Is that like the Democratic party? I want to wish you a ? Hold it! Is it a happy holiday? Season’s greetings? Happy stocking filler? Tensile holiday? Music festival? Sorry! I remember now! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Warning to Christian America!

Hillary Clinton’s closest aid and confidant is Huma Abedin! She is a Muslim and her parents are connected to terrorist organizations! Abedin is also deeply involved with the pay to play scandals of Hillary while she was Secretary of State! Hillary owes Muslim nations hundreds of millions of dollars in favors that they contributed into the Clinton Foundation located in Canada! She did favors for the Muslims while she was Secretary of State so the question is what favors would she do for them while President of the United States to keep the money flowing into their Foundation? Hillary would not say who she would appoint to the Supreme Court as Trump has? I believe she would try to appoint Muslims to the Supreme Court! We could easily have Sharia Law ruling the United States! Christian America could go Islamic! She could also appoint Muslims to high cabinet positions such as Secretary of State, Attorney General and many other cabinet positions! She has and will sell out America for money! Our freedoms are on the line! Think about this when you go vote Tuesday! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.