Disfigured for You! Isaiah 52:14

Hebrew Translation; “As many as were astonished at thee! We grew numb seeing your devastation! We were appalled and in despair as your appearance was ruined beyond recognition! We were left speechless! We could not comprehend what was done to you? Your appearance was marred more than any individual human being that has ever lived! Your form was deformed more than any descendent of Adam!” Comment: Jesus was taken to trial by the Mueller team with Clinton and Obama lawyers! Their effort was to make him illegitimate! He was illegally arrested, tried and convicted by a political sham! He was tortured, abused, mocked and not recognized when they got through with him! He was betrayed and abandoned by all the descendants of Adam! So today the same narrative carries on in the 21st Century! Only today Satan can only get to Jesus through his followers! Whether it be the Islamists beheading Christians or progressives trying to get political power to come after us the results are the same! Remember as the world persecutes us God prospers us! The world does not understand the peace, love and joy Christ gives his followers! The blessings are way beyond the temporal persecutions of today! Those that hate Christ have never experienced his love! Once you experience his love you will never hate him! He died and rose again for his enemies! For their sin! There are those who will try to persecute him again by persecuting his followers! This life is very short! Everything good God intended for you! Mock him for how long? Eternity is a long time without Christ! Change your history and future today by choosing Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Two Stages to Anarchy! Isaiah 1:28

Hebrew translation “And the destruction of those who break away from religious and civil authority are criminals who habitually break the law and suffer the consequences of their actions shall be destroyed together! They that abandon the Lord shall perish!” Comment: As we look at this scripture we see the first stage is to break from religious authority! It may start as simple as working on Sunday and stop attending church altogether! It could also involve robing God and stop your tithes and offerings to the House of God! In America I have lived long enough to see the break down here started in the 1960’s! It began with the baby boomer generation. All traditional values were questioned especially Christian values! These values were mocked by popular culture in their music and immoral behavior! The courts decided prayer should be removed from our public tax funded schools! A vacuum in any culture is always filled with something else! Darwinism and evolution replaced scripture reading in our schools! Darwin was an atheist who taught our children we all came from monkeys! This explains the monkey behavior today in America! The University academia proceeded along the same lines of thought! Today in America Universities they have safe zones where students cannot hear any opposing views to atheism! Universities used to be the platform for debate on all issues but no longer the case! Free speech is shut down in favor of political correctness! The next stage in anarchy is a break from civil authority! It is lawlessness! Police in the streets of America are being killed simply for representing civil authority! We have riots all over America yet the politicians are telling police departments to stand down and give them space to vent their anger? The police are not intervening to protect the public and property destruction! We have celebrities and sports figures not standing for our National Anthem mocking the millions of American Military and civilians who died to protect our freedoms! Politicians have carved out sanctuary cities protecting criminal aliens who assault and murder our citizens! Drug dealers take sanctuary in these cities selling drugs and killing our young people! We have an immigration policy that lets in people who want to harm us! So according to Isaiah lawless people reject religious and civil authority! As a Christian I support and encourage religious and civil authorities! Now some companies refuse to serve law enforcement people? I would suggest that these companies be put on a “no-go” list where police do not protect them! When their business gets robbed, murdered or raped they can call their mommy for help! The way to counter the counter culture is with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Are You The One? Mark 14:61-62

I believe every generation born asks this question sooner or later! Caiaphas the High Priest asked Jesus this question! After Judas betrayed Jesus the Jews apprehended Jesus and a mock trial was held! Jesus was a threat to the religious leaders of Israel as He is to the religious system today! The religious leaders raised up false accusers against Jesus to nail Him! However the false witnesses could not agree with their testimonies! Why was Jesus such a threat? They had their long robes and long prayers but Jesus at the snap of His fingers raised the dead, healed the blind and the lame, walked on water and cast out demons! So Caiaphas had to ask the question that he dreaded to ask and inside knew this was probably the guy! Jesus are you the Christ the Son of the Blessed? What was he really asking? Let us break these words down one Greek word at a time! Christ means the anointed one! That is He was covered with the Glory of God! The word son used here, “Hulos”, is a specific word reserved for the Son of God as opposed to the generic word used meaning the offspring of parents! The word Blessed is reserved for God who is worthy of praise! Humans can be favored by circumstances however these circumstances can change and usually will over time! God is the creator of all and we are the recipients of His love! Jesus replied to his question with an affirmative yes and added more as we see in verse 62. Caiaphas then accused Jesus of blasphemy and Jesus persecution and execution followed! Suffering can come because of who you are! Good or bad! Jesus suffering was pre-planned by God! Jesus always referred to “His Father” except at the Cross! At the Cross Jesus said, “My God why have you forsaken me?” Have you ever felt forsaken? There are many benefits for following Jesus such as eternal life, peace, joy, love, long suffering, patience and the list goes on! Also remember many suffer today because of His name! Such as the Christians in the Middle East, Africa and places including America! It is not easy to suffer for who you are however Jesus suffered because of who we are! Sinners saved by Grace! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Where do our Liberties come From?

The liberal wing of the Democratic party and the liberal State run media here in America today have become a referee between the forces of evil and the forces of good! If the good advances too much over evil then they throw a flag and penalize the righteous! They still want some good around to keep the system from collapsing and from loosing their political power while promoting enough evil to mock the righteous! This is a dangerous balancing act that could spiral out of control into anarchy! Here is a quote from one of our Founding Father’s President Thomas Jefferson; “God who gave us life gave us liberty! Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed the conviction that these liberties are a gift from God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just and that His justice cannot sleep forever!”  Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com