Gideon’s International Isaiah 55:11

Hebrew Translation: “So shall my written word or historical record be that goeth out of the mouth of men, it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish through labor, toil and sacrifice that which I find pleasure and delight in, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I send it.” Comment: Everything spoken here refers to our Bible! Gideon’s International has distributed over 87 million Bibles around the world! It has distributed 11 million here in the United States! The Christian’s here in the United States fund about 80 percent of all Bible distribution! The Gideon’s should be an extension of your local church! If you really want to prosper someone send them a Bible! A dusty Bible is a rusty Saint! What does God delight in? The Salvation of men! That is why Satan works so hard in every culture to ban the Book that leads men to Heaven! The Bible is the most banned Book in the universe yet the number one best seller in the universe! If God cannot sell his redemptive plan to your life then you are going to make a bad investment elsewhere! His plan cost him everything and only requires a yes from you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Treasure in Heaven? Upon the Earth?

Matthew 6:19-21 Comment: So what is the difference between earth and heaven? What did Jesus mean here? You might think you know the difference but let us look at the Greek root words used for these two English words! The word earth means the dust part of the earth! It does not include the above ground earth! However we are made from the dust of the earth! We will return to the dust of the earth! All the elements in the human body are found in the dust of the earth! Science confirms the scriptures of your Bible! The word heaven used here is also interesting because this word used here by Jesus means in a physical sense! It means the all embracing heaven beneath which is the earth. What does the word heart mean? It means every thought, reasoning, understanding, will, judgment, designs, affections, love, hatred, fear, joy, sorrow and anger of a human being! We cannot hide our heart from God! This is reason alone to repent of our sin! Misplaced values of the heart will lead to wrong choices! So what did Jesus mean when we put all these three words together? Jesus was saying do not invest your life in dust! Your earthly treasures will perish with your body! Jesus is saying the eternal part of us will never perish! It is your soul, mind and eternal body! Jesus will one day raise us from the dead! To invest treasures in heaven means to invest in souls here in the earth! Use your resources to reach people for Christ! This is why our Pastor Cope Sunday had an emphasis on Vacation Bible School for our children! This is why he had a Gideon’s International speaker at the pulpit to fund Bible distribution world wide! If you go after money and not soul’s you will become spiritually bankrupt! Separated from God! Will your treasure perish with you or grow the Kingdom of God here on earth? Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world! James and Hamsa  Sasse.

Pride & Shame Proverbs 11:2

Hebrew translation: “When pride with it’s haughtiness, arrogance, rebelliousness, presumptive will taking authority from God in disobedience then shame comes: but with the lowly is wisdom in knowledge, intelligence, insight and judgment from God as your source.” Comment: The Bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom! My Bible also says the fool says in his heart there is no God! The belief spectrum ranges from there is no God to there are millions of gods! Pride will always be the first cause of sin! Whether in the Garden of Eden or today in the 21st century pride is the root cause of evil. Remember Jesus humbled Himself even to death on the Cross! The international problems of today are the family problems of today! Pride is simply you making yourself God! You trust in yourself rather than God! How many billions of people get up every morning trying to outsource God? Trying to rob God of His sovereignty? Many say if I were God I would do things this way? But you are not God and neither am I. Let God do His job and you do your job! I learned this in the military! If every member does his or her job and does not try to do someone else’s job victory comes in battle! God owns the whole universe of heaven and earth! We belong to Him! One of God’s job’s was to fix our pride and sin! He made a way through His Son Jesus Christ! Accept His pardon and live for Him! Prayer is the best way to let God do His job! We pray and do our job and leave the results to God! This is living by faith! James and Hamsa Sasse.

International Travel For American’s 2015

The following story is true because my nephew just got back from the Middle East and shared these experiences with me! My nephew has to travel international with a company based here in America. On this trip his first stop was Saudi Arabia. The first two weeks seemed uneventful as he traveled by taxi from his Hotel to the work site. He traveled the same route everyday. On the 3rd week of his stay the taxi driver picked him up as usual from his Hotel but then diverted to a very dark dangerous area of the city? Then once in this area the cab driver slowed the vehicle down to a crawl and asked him what religion he was? The driver told my nephew you must tell me your religion in a very threatening way? He kept asking the question over and over again? The Holy Spirit then told my nephew what to say! He said, “I know the King!” He meant Jesus but the taxi driver thought he meant the King of Saudi Arabia! So the driver quickly took him to the job site! Then things got worse! The next day another cab driver picked him up from the Hotel and he also diverted from the route! The driver told him an Imam wants to ask you some questions and took him to a Mosque! The Imam told my nephew that how you answer the following question will determine whether you live or die! The question was, “Where is Mohammad right now?” The Holy Spirit gave my nephew another good answer! My nephew said, “Mohammad is in the lap of Allah!” My nephew did not share the last part of the answer which was that they are both in Hell right now! Then things got worse again! When he left the airport for another Muslim country that country rejected his entry and sent him back to Saudi Arabia? He asked the immigration at the airport why would you deny entry when I have proper visa and paper work for entry? They would not give him an answer? When he arrived back at the airport in Saudi Arabia the immigration told him he must enter a bus and go to another destination and board a certain bus number at that destination? When he arrived he got in line to purchase his ticket but while in line a man approached him and asked him why he was boarding this bus? He told my nephew that this bus was for illegal immigrants! He told him this bus will take you to the Yemen boarder where armed guards will escort you across the border where you proceed on foot across the desert! My nephew got on another bus and returned to his Hotel and googled a map of Saudi Arabia. He noted a smaller city that had an airport. He took a bus to that airport and boarded a plane and got out of country! He had to spend another $1500 hundred dollars in transportation charges but got out alive! Under President Obama American’s are no longer respected! Our enemies no longer fear us and our friends no longer trust us! Without the help of the Holy Spirit my nephew never would have made it back to America! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Does Justification Make One Inwardly Holy? Romans Chapter 3 Verses 19-20

These verses form a key conclusion in Paul’s argument regarding sin and righteousness. In the previous verses, Paul has quoted the Old Testament to demonstrate man’s sinfulness (vv. 10-18). The “law” (v.19), referring to the Old Testament, was designed to silence all mankind under the conviction that they have nothing to say against the charge of sin. Likewise, the law was intended to convince all men of their guilt, or liability to punishment before God. Paul concludes that since all men are guilty, they cannot be “justified” by their own personal character or conduct (v. 20). Justification is a legal term meaning to remove guilt (liability to punishment) of the sinner. IT DOES NOT INVOLVE MAKING ONE INWARDLY HOLY but merely declares the demands of justice have been satisfied. Hence, there are no grounds for condemnation (Romans 8:1). Not even obediance to the law can justify one before God. Paul reasons, because the very nature of the law is to prove to each person that he or she is sinful and deserves God’s punishment. Thus the purpose of the law is to lead people to renounce THEIR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUST in the IMPUTATION OF CHRIST’S RIGHTEOUSNESS as the only grounds for acceptance with God. In Conclusion; The above subject of justification applies to all whether saved or not! Many of us after getting saved through ministries and good works can fall into the trap that it is all the good stuff we do that makes us Holy! If we can remember it is Christ’s Righteousness that has, is and will continue to save us! Thankyou. James Sasse. Source: Key Word Study Bible Hebrew-Greek, Page 1406, AMG International 2008 Edition.

Iranian Regime Rooting For Obama!

Latest Fox News article. Raul Castro, Hugo Chavez and Iran are the latest International leaders to support Obama for relection. They know they have a friend in the White House. If you are an American is Obama your friend? Thankyou. James Sasse.