Volcano’s! Acts 2:19

Greek Translation: “And I will show wonders or strange appearances in Heaven with different qualities of the same miracles in higher places in Heaven above, and signs or miracles with a moral purpose in the earth beneath with time and age; blood, fire and vapor of smoke.” Comment: Volcano’s have been in the news lately! The Bible speaks about them in both the Old and New Testament! Volcano’s can be used for good or bad! The Hawaiian Islands were built by volcano’s and so was Iceland! Other islands and land masses were formed by volcano’s on the earth! Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by a volcano! Remember Pompeii and several other cities in Italy were destroyed by a Volcano in 79 A.D.? The city was in idol worship with all the Roman, Greek and Egyptian gods! They worshiped ISIS the Egyptian goddess! Ice is formed with volcano’s on the moons of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune! Volcanic winters have caused catastrophic famines on the earth! Noah and his family were saved by the flood yet the rest of the earth was drowned by the same water! Here is an important point to get out of this Bible verse! God will use signs and wonders or miracles to render a moral purpose in the earth! The same water that rescued the Jews and Moses through the Red Sea was the same water that drowned the Egyptians! Judgment or Salvation can come through the same elements of the earth and Heaven! The same blood of Jesus Christ will save some and condemn others!You can either receive God’s love with Mercy or you can reject His love with Judgment! The choice is yours to make! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Apostate Pope? Daniel 11:37

A news agency (Fox News), reported today that Pope Francis told a gay man that God loved him and that God made him gay? We all were made in the image of God but we cannot make God in our image! That is called idol worship! I have no problem with the Pope telling him that God loves him! Jesus the Son of God went through a bloody six hour crucifixion on a Cross for our sin! Jesus did not go to the Cross for us to retain our sin! In the old days people would say the devil made me do it! But today some say God made me do it! Blame it on God? If you read your Bible you will see that God did not make us sinners! We chose sin! Morality is about choices! God gave us a free will to chose right or wrong! Satan deceived the human family into choosing sin! God have us the remedy at the Cross! We cannot blame God for our sin? Put the blame where it belongs! On Satan! Why did Jesus tell us to rebuke Satan in His name? We are still responsible for sin but God has made a way of escape through the blood of His only Son Jesus Christ! We must repent of sin not blame it on God! Sometimes organized religion gets it wrong! That is why we must know the Bible cover to cover! In these last days you will be lead astray if you do not know the Word of God! If the Bible contradicts any religious leader then go with the Bible! Does not matter the cost to you! Jesus paid it all. Remember what Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden? Surely God has not said you cannot eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? You will not die! The lie’s continue today! Sodom and Gomorrah believed the lie that their homosexual behavior was not sin! God warned them many times! Believe the truth and the truth will set you free! Free from what? Sin! James and Hamsa Sasse GodWhoisGod.com

State Sponsored Blasphemy! Daniel 11:37

An orthodox Jewish girl’s elementary school in London has failed a government inspection for the third time because it refuses to teach students ages 3-8 about homosexuality and gender reassignment! Back 60 years ago I never did my assignments in school but I thank God I was born in a generation where your local school did not try to reassign your gender! Social engineering here in America in the State supported public schools has the same problem! Our Constitution does not allow the State to interfere with private schools! Jewish schools are going to be the best and brightest when it comes to teaching the sciences, math, language and high moral standards! Our public schools are failing in America and the students sit around wandering what gender they are? What a perfect plan for failure! These governments around the world are pushing the same global agenda! A one world government! The sooner these governments all fail the sooner you will have the one world government! Sodom and Gomorrah is State sponsored in preparations for the Anti-Christ! The Anti-Christ will be gay! Christians are preparing for Christ and the Kingdom of God! We have two Kingdoms with opposite outcomes! Heaven and Hell. Let me present you one of many Scriptures from our Bible that support God’s position on this issue! 1 Corinthians 9-10 Greek Translation “Know you that the ungodly shall not be heir to the Kingdom of God. Do not be tricked, neither male prostitutes, idol worshipers, adulterers, nor men acting as women, not homosexuals, nor thieves, nor coveters, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor those that steal secretly, shall inherit the Kingdom of God.” Comment: We know the cure for this sin and explained in verse 11. Jesus Christ! A State sponsored sin is still a sin and those promoting or living these sins will not see God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Holy Month Final Score! 2017

The month of Ramadan is finally over so what is the score card for Islam’s Holiest month? Terrorist Attacks: 174. Kills: 1545. It could have been a Holy month for some of the victims who have gone to Heaven! Islam can only threaten Christians with Heaven! The world events we see everyday are prophetic according to our Bible! The False Prophet or one world religious ruler who co-reigns with the Anti-Christ during the 7 year Tribulation period will be a Muslim! Remember we have the Rapture of the Church just prior to the Tribulation period! So if the Christians are raptured who will be the new targets of the one world regime? They will be the new Christians and Jews who get saved during this period! Running neck and neck with the promotion of Islam is the promotion of gays! Remember the Anti-Christ will be a Jew and a homosexual! Our Bible says he will have no natural affection for women! How can the Jews and the gays and the Muslims have a marriage together to run the world for 7years? Jesus is a Jew and His rival is a Jew! The Quran verse against gays cited by Mohammad was taken from our Bible! The Quran was written when our Bible had been around for about 700 years! What Mohammad did was insert some Biblical scriptures between his ranting revelations and that is why the Quran contradicts itself! The verse he borrowed is about Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah. Remember what Paul said in Romans 9:29 ? “And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma and been made like Gomorrah.” Islam and the gay Sodomy system will eventually merge as one! They are already merging! Same sex intercourse is already legalized in 20 Muslim majority countries! They are; Albania, Azerbajan, Bahrain, Bosnia, Herzogovina, Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau, Lebanon, Tunisia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgzstan, Mali, Niger, Tajikistan, Turkey, West Bank (Palestine), Indonesia (Except Acehan and South Sumatra), and Northern Cyprus. Many of these countries have now legalized same sex marriage! So now do you understand why a Colorado baker who will not bake a cake for gay marriage gets death threats everyday? Do you see why most Pastors are mute never to talk about how the Bible opposes homosexual lifestyles? The lack of resistance by the Church will help accelerate these end time events! I believe the Islamists will be the military arm of the one world government to enforce violence against those that support Biblical values! If there is one thing you do not want to miss it is the Rapture! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Going After Strange Flesh! Jude 7

“Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” Comment: Strange flesh used here by Jude the brother of Jesus means unnatural homosexual behavior. In the last days of this age Sodom and Gomorrah will be revived! It will climax with the Anti-Christ’s one world government during the 7 year Tribulation period that will close out this age! He will be gay also! He will have no natural affection for women! A real war on women! This 7 year Tribulation period will be the most destructive period in human history! We also believe from scriptures that His Church will be Raptured away just prior to this period in history! Now let us go on and see what Jude says in verse 18. “How that they told you that there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.” It is interesting that the word “last”, comes from a Greek word meaning echo! It denotes the last end of a sound made! It will also be the last sound of the age before the trumpets blow! It concludes a time of the end of this age! The word “time”, used here means the last season of an opportunity! There will come a time in all our lives that there will be no more opportunities to get right with God! Do you as a gay want to be in this part of the end times scenario? Jude mentions the eternal fire of judgment! God reigned down fire on these cities! Political correctness and civil judicial approval did not save them! The popular culture will prepare you for Hell. When I stand before my Christ I will have to give an account! God’s love includes judgment and He took our judgment on the Cross! If no judgment then it would not matter what we do! Then bad choices would have no consequences! You can chose Christ today and repent of your sin! The choice is Heaven or Hell? The choice is yours to make! Eternity is a long time if you are in the fire! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Blood and water! 2 Kings 3:22-24 Part 1

There was constant war between Israel and her neighbors thousands of years ago just like today in 2016! What was the source of this conflict? In this scripture the Moabites were at war with Israel. Who were the Moabites? They were the descendants of Lot! Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? God destroyed the gays living in those cities! The only reason Lot and most of his family escaped was because of Abraham! However Lot’s wife had to look back on those cities as they were burning and turned into a pillar of salt! Her heart was still in Sodom and Gomorrah! Lot hid in a cave on a mountain with his two daughters. Lot had sex with his two daughters and produced offspring that became the enemies of Abraham and the Covenant Jews! The Moabites was one of these tribes. So again what was the source of the conflict? The Moabites chief God was Chemosh and required human sacrifice! Much like Islam today which requires human sacrifice! The practice of human sacrifice was strictly forbidden by the Jews! Here is what the Jews believed! The only true sacrifice that would appease God for the sin of mankind was not going to be made by man to God but God was going to provide a sacrifice to man! If you miss this point you miss everything! All the wars of earth fought or ever will be fought are based around this difference in concept of God and the redemption of man! The war with Islam in 2016 and wars with them over the past 1400 years are all about this! Man dies for God or God dies for man? Which is it? We are dealing with opposite theology! You cannot have it both ways! Some try and become atheists! They believe this will solve the problem yet atheist leaders in history have killed more people than religious wars! We will continue that subject, :Blood and Water on next posting! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Warning to Gay’s and Lesbian’s! Leviticus 18:22

Chapter 18 of the Book of Leviticus covers forbidden sexual practices! It also covers human sacrifices which we see in Islam! Verse 22 instructs us that homosexual behavior is an abomination to God! Yes God is homophobic! God is love but hates sin! He could not be a Holy God and endorse sin! Won’t ever happen! The best example in history of his rebuke of gay’s is Sodom and Gomorrah! Simply repent of your sin and turn from your wicked ways! That is what I did and you will experience the joy and love of God and life everlasting through Jesus Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Grandpa and Grandma get a Son! Genesis 18

They say that if your two year old son raises his hands up to his father and says grandpa you know you have a miracle! Abraham has three men show up at his tent door in the heat of the day! Normally people do not travel in the heat of the day? These men were not normal and represent a theophany or God appearing to men Could these three men represent the Trinity? Jesus Christ is the personal manifestation of God to man! Abraham recognizes that these were not just men but God Himself standing before him! Abraham entreats them well offering the best he had with provision and water. When they announce to Abraham that he will have a son his wife Sarah laughs! Their son that was eventually born to them was named Isaac which means laughter. God also promises to Abraham and his descendants that they will be a great nation and all the earth will be Blessed through them! Later in history the birth of Christ and the nation of Israel would confirm these promises! The second mission of these three men was to destroy the gay’s living in Sodom and Gomorrah! Abraham tried to convince God to spare them because his nephew Lot and immediate family was living among them! Lot was a lousy evangelist even among his own family! God spared them but destroyed the rest of them! God could not find ten righteous in the city! God is faithful to Bless the righteous and destroy the wicked! So how does one move from the camp of the wicked to the camp of the righteous? There must be a change in behavior! Repent of your sin to Christ and let Him give you the strength to live a new life! You must be “Born Again!” Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Marrying and Given in Marriage? Matthew 24:37-39

I always thought Jesus was talking about traditional marriage between a man and a woman! I thought Jesus was trying to communicate that things were carrying on as before and then suddenly He returns! However, a Jewish Rabbi Charne Dov Keller has a different perspective! In the ‘Inside Israel Newsletter’, (Vol. 13, No. 7), he writes in the ‘Jewish Observer’, ‘The Midrash (Acharie Mos) tells us that the Generation of the Flood was wiped out only because they wrote marriage contracts between males just as they did for conventional couples! We can better understand the cultural expression ‘only because’ as meaning the ‘singular primary reason’ in importance as the cause why God brought the Flood upon the world at that time in antiquity! The next destruction was Sodom and Gomorrah for the same reason! The Apostle Jude warns us in verse 7 of our history and mentions going after strange flesh meaning homosexuality and bestiality! Is Rabbi Keller correct? If he is then that means we are very close to the Rapture of His Church and God’s hammer of Judgment coming on the world! Some Pastor’s claim all sin is the same? What about Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit which is the unpardonable sin! What ever my sin is or your sin is we need to repent quickly! Thankyou. James and Hamsa  Sasse.  GodWhoisGod.com

Sodom and Gomorrah Act III Romans 1:27-32

Satan throughout history has tried to prevent the “bruising of his head” by the seed of the woman! The latest political ploy by the Democrats is that everyone except them has a war on women? What an oxymoron this is since they promote abortion and homosexuals! The primary sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was homosexual behavior. God does not have a war on women but Satan does! History has shown us that God does have a war on gays! The next major event of God’s judgment on man was at the Flood of Noah! I want to quote a Jewish commentary about the sin in the Days of Noah; “In the new issue of Inside Israel newsletter (vol.13, No.7), Rabbi Chaim Dov Keller is reported as writing in the “Jewish Observer”: The Midrash (Acharei Mos) tells us that the Generation of the Flood was wiped out only because they wrote marriage contracts between males just as they did between conventional couples. We can better understand the cultural expression “only because” as meaning “the singular primary reason” in importance as the cause why God brought the Flood upon the world at that time in antiquity. For many years I have realized that Mr. GTA’s explanation of Matthew 24:38 did not hold water– There is nothing wrong in marriage itself, unless wrong things or wrong people are being married to one another.” Rabbi Keller has provided information from Jewish Midrash (commentary) to help us better comprehend Jesus intended meaning and message. Comment; As we see the continued decline of America we also see cultural perversion endorsed and sanctified by our governments across America. Much of the “Church” is mute on these issues and some even endorsing them! Many Pastors do not want to loose their 501c exemptions and many want to remain popular and sell their books! There is only one “Book” that counts and that is the Holy Bible! God has provided a way out from all sin through His Son Jesus Christ! God will not accept “Gay Christians” which is another oxymoron! Repent means to denounce your sin whatever it might be and stop your sin and let Christ take your Judgment on Calvary! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com