Foundation of Feminist Movement!

Anyone who knows anything of history knows that the great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval! Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included! Karl Marx Comment: This sounds like the Garden of Eden re-visited! Surely God has not said you cannot eat of the fruit of this tree in the middle of the Garden? You will not die if you eat it! God is a liar! He is trying to keep good things from you! You know more than your husband! So here started the feminist movement! Marx is right! If you want to start a revolution get the women of the culture to rebel against authority! Why get married? Live together! Get divorced! Get on welfare the state will send you a check! Send your children to state schools! Bring dissatisfaction in the family! Religion is the opiate of the people! The State will train them! You don’t need God! He does not exist! One of Karl Marx quotes was that he wanted to defeat God! He has done a good job here in America as the political left embraces his ideology! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Time Shall Be No More! Psalm 90:1

Lord God, thou has been our dwelling place in all generations. Comment: Moses wrote this Psalm and is the oldest Psalm in our Bible! What was Moses saying? Generations represent the revolution of time! Time reveals everything! It includes the revelation of God to men! It also reveals the character of man and the character of God! Time is linear and measurable! Time is the result of creation! Time does not measure creation it is creation! Time is your best friend or worst enemy depending on what you do with it! It allows you to find the living God or allows you to reject the living God! Time proves God’s faithfulness and man’s folly! Time is the opportunity presented to you for redemption! Time marches on as generations come and go! Every generation has to make a choice about God! Reverence him or reject him! After time passes for us the opportunity for accepting redemption passes! Then our choices are locked in forever! God wants to forgive you of your wrong choices but that requires repentance on your part! Humility rather than pride! Time opens the door and closes the door! Time presented the incarnation of God into flesh through his Son Jesus Christ into the earth! Time allowed his crucifixion on the Cross for our sin! Time will present his second coming into the earth! Time will reveal you redemption or judgment! Time is the best friend of the believer and the worst enemy of the unrepentant! Time allows us to receive God’s love and demonstrate God’s love to others! Water saved Noah and his family but destroyed the rest of the world! If you choose God the elements of the earth created by God will save you! If you reject the Savior the elements will destroy you! Which side of history will you choose? Your way or his way? Life or death? Sin or redemption? Living in Hell is not an option worth considering! Time shall be no more is declared in Revelation 10:6! This is the echo of Moses in Psalm 90! When judgment comes to you your only escape is if you allowed Christ to take your judgment upon himself! Have you done this? James and Hamsa Sasse.

School & Police Shootings! James 1:2

“My brethren of the same womb count it all joy, that is rejoice with gladness of heart when you fall into various types of temptations.” Comment: James had a primary ministry to the Jews. He was referring to the Jews when he spoke of the same womb! However we as Gentile Christian’s that are “born again” are of the same family! So we to are to rejoice when temptation comes! Why? Remember Jesus prayer he taught us? Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Temptation is authored by Satan and God will deliver us from his evil. What we do with the temptation will prove us either good or evil. Remember Job? Satan was the author of all his loses of family and wealth! However God gave him back twice as much! Jesus himself was tempted many times by Satan to try to keep him off the Cross! If you are God turn these stones into bread! Jump from the Temple Mount one of your angel’s will save you! Temptation will either condemn you or exonerate you! The evidence that we are all sinner’s and need salvation tells us we all have had moral failings! God has given us a way of escape through the one that defeated Satan at the Cross! We can choose to repent and change! Satan will solicit us to sin! God will empower you to resist! Resist the Devil and he will flee from you! Jesus cast out Devil’s but he did not destroy them! They moved on finding a herd of swine to dwell in! Satan was a deceiver from the beginning even before creation! He was cast out of Heaven and was waiting in the Garden of Eden! One day he will be cast into the Lake of Fire with his followers! So why did James say count it all joy? James goes on to explain in the following verses! To develop your faith with patience! A Crown of Life waits those who endure temptation! Endure means to resist Satan! How? God can empower you to resist Satan! Without the power of Christ no mortal can resist Satan! How did Jesus do it? He constantly said , “It is written! It is written!” Do you know the Words God wrote? Jesus resisted the Devil with the Word of God! The liar of all lies when he hears the Word of God will flee! Satan thrives on ignorance! Ignorance is not Bliss! It is Hell. Why is the Bible the most banned Book on earth? Try to get a Bible into any public funded University or High School. Our youth are taught Darwinism or Evolution where the strong should get rid of the weak! The stronger species will destroy the weak! The same conclusion that Darwinism teaches to our children is the same ideology that drove Hitler to do what he did! This ideology leads to racial pride and violence against each other! No knowledge of the Word of God leads to school violence and attacks on legal authorities! The vacuum left by removing every trace of God is filled with anarchy! They cannot hear the voice of God so they listen to the voice of Satan! It is back to the Garden of Eden all over again! You can take away guns but they will be replaced with knives, swords and clubs! Violence is not done by the weapon but by the evil heart of man living without the knowledge of God! The political left is behind all this Godless ideology! We need to return education to the American family and privatize our public institutions! Solicit President Trump to give school vouchers to every American family instead of sending these hundreds of billions of dollars from your tax money to public institutions! If this would be done the failing public schools would vanish overnight with competition in education! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Why Believe?

The Apostle Paul told us five things we must remember if we are to be sincere followers of Jesus Christ. We follow Him out of conviction not out of convenience! First Jesus has always existed! He is the only sure foundation! All else will fail and pass away! Jesus will never leave you or forsake you! He was and is and is to come! Second Jesus is fully God! He took on our humanity but kept His Divinity! Fully God and fully man! Why are our prayers answered? His death was full payment for our sin and we are no longer separated from God! Third through Jesus all things were created! All things were created for Jesus! He exists for you! Invite Jesus into your life! Invite Him into your marriage, your work, your plans and your future! No future without Jesus! Jesus created marriage! He knows how to hold it together! When a couple has Jesus on the thrown of their lives and marriage great things happen! Jesus created all human life! Fourth the Holy Spirit will give you the power you need to continue in His purpose! Everyday is a new day! All things become new! The Holy Spirit has changed the game! You can win now! Jesus said no man comes to the Father but by me! Fifth you need to decide today to believe! Is He your Lord? Is Christ your Lord or someone or something else? Are you on your own throne? Christ left a perfect Heaven to suffer for you! His Kingdom will have no end! Do you want to be a part of forever? C. S. Lewis said that Christ is either a lunatic, liar or He is Lord! How many bad choices before you choose Christ? How much suffering do you want trying to make it own your own? Nobody has ever succeeded trying! Victory or failure depends on who you have on the thrown of your life! Self or Christ? I cannot choose for you but I can say when I chose Christ things began and continue to get better in my life! Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado