State Control of Your Children!

Do you charge us with wanting to stop exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty. Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto. Commentary: The reason the political left with millions of dollars every year into their coffers from Teacher Unions wants to eliminate private schools and any school choice is they know through public education or State controlled education they can control the children and remove the authority of their parents and will have future generations who will worship the State rather than God who gave us our children! Hopefully you will never have to experience DEFACS showing up at your door with a couple of sheriffs! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Thoughts about the Star!

This star is not an astronomical object! The star appeared at the moment of Jesus birth. It was visible to the wise men of Babylon. If they saw the star over Israel, it would indicate it was not astronomical because stars do not rise in the west! They rise in the east. If it rose in the east it was very special because star gazers like these wise men would not have difficulty recognizing the planet Venus! Traditional images show the wise men traveling over the desert following a star. However Matthew 2 does not say they followed a star to Israel. In fact, it would appear, from their reaction, that the star newly reappeared in Matthew 2:9. How could a star go before the wise men? Bethlehem is to the south of Jerusalem! Stars do not move south. They move west. Stars do not settle over houses. The Greek word for star (Aster), implies something strewn! What could it be? What could it be that moves easily from west to east appearing as strewn light? A pillar of fire would be a good example! Remember the Shechinah Glory of light that moved with the Tabernacle representing the presence of God? This light could have been interpreted as a star! It is believed the wise men reached Bethlehem about 2 years after Jesus birth. That is why Herod ordered the murder of the children 2 years and younger! Source:   Comment: Point here is you cannot explain this star or light naturally! It was supernatural. Very seldom does God oppose his creation! Only to deliver his people! He turned the sun and time back for Joshua to win the battle! He opened the Red Sea for Moses and drowned the pursuing army with the same sea! Mary bore Jesus yet being a virgin! Jesus raised the dead and has promised to raise those who believe and trust him! Jesus himself was raised from the dead! Peter at midnight was delivered from the prison! Do I believe in miracles! Absolutely! Jesus delivered me off my death bed some 45 years ago! Is it a stretch to believe God at his word? It is a stretch not to! God who created all this can change anything or everything at his will! He transformed me from sin to righteousness with his atoning blood! Was it a star? All things are possible with God! He can create anyone he wants to! He can create anything he wants to at anytime at any place! He came to Bethlehem so he could prepare a place for you in Heaven! Why not follow Jesus to Heaven! He will return one day soon to earth with his church! If you wait until then to follow him it will be too late! Wise men still seek him! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Putin, Gays & Immigration!

Europeans are dying out! Do you not understand that? Same sex marriages do not produce children. Do you want to survive by drawing migrants? But society cannot adapt so many migrants! Vladimir Putin  Comment: Even Putin see’s the light but not the Democrat’s on the left? What about the 57 million dead American’s through abortion? A missing generation of children! If the Democrat’s continue their genocidal policies no wonder they want open borders, sanctuary cities and  illegal immigration! They need bodies to replace the dead! The dead from their policies! Even our enemies see their error! Tragically many who live here in America cannot? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Train Up! Proverbs 22:6

Hebrew Translation: “Train up; that is initiate, consecrate, dedicate and teach in community, a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Comment: The key here is to teach the child in the totality of the community! So what is the trinity of the community? It is first parents, church and school! The school part is where the rub can come in! If your children attend a public tax funded school here in America the children or young adults will be conflicted! That is they will be taught things there that will contradict what you teach them at home and in the Church! Creation versus evolution is one important example! The children will be taught that homosexual, lesbian and transgender gender is to be celebrated! Loyalty to America will be discouraged! Prayer will not be allowed! No Bibles in school! If your children attend a religious supported school whether Jewish, Catholic or Protestant their chances of confliction are greatly reduced! They will also be exposed to real academic training rather than social engineering! The Democratic Party gets their supporters and voters through the Public education system! Home schooling is an option! One third of all Harvard freshman are home schooled adults! I want to have my children miss out on school shootings, drugs and the violence in public schools! Twenty percent of all public high school graduates cannot read! Raising children is a real challenge but what complicates it is your children being taught atheistic ideologies from Darwin, Engels, Marks and others that oppose your Biblical view of life! Jesus said what profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your only soul! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Nazi Killers! No. 303 Polish Squadron

The No. 303 Polish Fighter Squadron was one of 16 Polish squadrons in the Royal Air Force during the second world war. It was just not the highest scoring of the Hurricane squadrons during the Battle of Britain but they had the highest ratio of enemy aircraft destroyed to their own lost (safest). The squadron was named after the Polish and United States hero General Tadeusz Kosciuszko who served during the Polish Soviet War (1919-1921). Comment: With the latest accusations against the Poles that they were complicit with the Nazi’s is really not supported by the evidence! Poland being located between the eastern and western front has suffered untold destruction by invading armies from the west and the east! Some people will with the fear of death cooperate with invading armies! However the Poles fought vigorously against the Nazi’s and did what they could even so out numbered by the German machine! So many were sacrificed resisting the Nazi’s! The real story that history misses is what drove Hitler to do what he did? Evolution or Darwinism is what fueled Hitler’s passion that the stronger should defeat the weaker! The superior should destroy the inferior! Racism and tribalism at it’s best! Sadly our young children here in America are taught this junk science as truth? When a lie is taught as truth and fills the vacuum by discounting the Bible as truth bad things happen! We thank the Polish people for their sacrifices to stop this mad man of the 20th Century! James and Hamsa Sasse.

War on Women! Jeremiah 1:5

The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men! It has sown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships. It has aggravated the derogation of the father’s role in an increasingly fatherless society! It has portrayed the greatest of gifts -a child- as a competitor, and intrusive and an inconvenience. It has nominally accorded mother unfettered dominion over the dependent lives of their physically dependent sons and daughters and, in granting unconscionable power, it has exposed many women to unjust and selfish demands from their husband’s or other sexual partners! Mother Teresa

Subjective Morality? Exodus 20:1-17

This is what the atheists in America are proclaiming! That is if man is just left to himself he will do good things! The historical evidence debunkes the left ideology! More people were killed by war in the 20th Century than the previous 19 Centuries! What happened to the evolutionary model? Getting better? We did not get off to a good start in the 21st Century with 9-11? America has been at war ever since in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and North Africa! God has Commanded us in the 4th Commandment not to murder! What about the millions of babies killed here in America through abortion! This supports the statement made by Ben Shapiro that the political left breaks everyone of the 10 Commandments! You remember Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty? He has a new show now! He went to the Governor of Nebraska and ask him to proclaim to the State of the people to just try to keep just two of the Commandments for just one year and see if things are better? The two are thou shall not murder and thou shall not steal. We have the 10 Commandments hanging on the wall of our living room! If every family in America would do this and the children would be reminded of them daily we would have a very different America! At first they would be objective but later would move into our hearts and change us! Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! That is to love God and love man! James and Hamsa Sasse.