School & Police Shootings! James 1:2

“My brethren of the same womb count it all joy, that is rejoice with gladness of heart when you fall into various types of temptations.” Comment: James had a primary ministry to the Jews. He was referring to the Jews when he spoke of the same womb! However we as Gentile Christian’s that are “born again” are of the same family! So we to are to rejoice when temptation comes! Why? Remember Jesus prayer he taught us? Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Temptation is authored by Satan and God will deliver us from his evil. What we do with the temptation will prove us either good or evil. Remember Job? Satan was the author of all his loses of family and wealth! However God gave him back twice as much! Jesus himself was tempted many times by Satan to try to keep him off the Cross! If you are God turn these stones into bread! Jump from the Temple Mount one of your angel’s will save you! Temptation will either condemn you or exonerate you! The evidence that we are all sinner’s and need salvation tells us we all have had moral failings! God has given us a way of escape through the one that defeated Satan at the Cross! We can choose to repent and change! Satan will solicit us to sin! God will empower you to resist! Resist the Devil and he will flee from you! Jesus cast out Devil’s but he did not destroy them! They moved on finding a herd of swine to dwell in! Satan was a deceiver from the beginning even before creation! He was cast out of Heaven and was waiting in the Garden of Eden! One day he will be cast into the Lake of Fire with his followers! So why did James say count it all joy? James goes on to explain in the following verses! To develop your faith with patience! A Crown of Life waits those who endure temptation! Endure means to resist Satan! How? God can empower you to resist Satan! Without the power of Christ no mortal can resist Satan! How did Jesus do it? He constantly said , “It is written! It is written!” Do you know the Words God wrote? Jesus resisted the Devil with the Word of God! The liar of all lies when he hears the Word of God will flee! Satan thrives on ignorance! Ignorance is not Bliss! It is Hell. Why is the Bible the most banned Book on earth? Try to get a Bible into any public funded University or High School. Our youth are taught Darwinism or Evolution where the strong should get rid of the weak! The stronger species will destroy the weak! The same conclusion that Darwinism teaches to our children is the same ideology that drove Hitler to do what he did! This ideology leads to racial pride and violence against each other! No knowledge of the Word of God leads to school violence and attacks on legal authorities! The vacuum left by removing every trace of God is filled with anarchy! They cannot hear the voice of God so they listen to the voice of Satan! It is back to the Garden of Eden all over again! You can take away guns but they will be replaced with knives, swords and clubs! Violence is not done by the weapon but by the evil heart of man living without the knowledge of God! The political left is behind all this Godless ideology! We need to return education to the American family and privatize our public institutions! Solicit President Trump to give school vouchers to every American family instead of sending these hundreds of billions of dollars from your tax money to public institutions! If this would be done the failing public schools would vanish overnight with competition in education! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

A Sign! Isaiah 7:14

Isaiah was telling King Isaiah of Judah that the enemies of God have come up against you! Because you have chosen God you have also chosen your enemies! Everyone wants to choose their own future! Our life is a composite of our choices! We either choose good or choose evil. However the Bible makes it clear we are all evil. To choose God is paramount because only God can forgive evil or sin! Isaiah was telling the King that God was going to give a sign to deliver him and even his enemies from sin through the virgin birth of Jesus Christ! Choosing Christ is victory over sin and death! God would not ask us to do something that first He has not done! Father forgive them for they know not what they do! Those that consciously reject Christ know what they are doing! Judas Iscariot would be a good example! Christ had friends and enemies! However even His disciples fled when He was put on the Cross! I will make it clear you really have only one true friend! His name is Jesus Christ! All others will forsake you! Christ defeated the enemy within you and the enemies around you! Yet people today still foolishly challenge God? Turn these stones into bread! Jump from the Temple Mount and the angels will rescue you! Jesus defeated Satan with the Word of God! Lucifer woke up one day in Heaven and decided he was God! He became Satan and author of all sin against God! That is why he can never be redeemed! He will just try to take as many souls as he can with him to Hell. There are many ways in which we can follow Satan! There is no God! Making little gods out of God or idols! Making yourself God! As old as Satan! Sunday is my day off I do not need to go to church? I need to work on Sunday! I do not need to tithe my income? My money is mine! Jesus was just another prophet like Mohammad! Receive the sign and sign up for Heaven! The choice is yours! If you made a wrong choice yesterday you can make the right choice today! Do not delay! You have only one life here on earth and one eternity in either Heaven or Hell. Make your decision and do not default to Hell. His Mercies endure forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jesus Words! Matthew 24:13

Greek Translation: “But he that endures a load of miseries, adversities, persecutions, provocations in faith and patience towards people until your goal of perfection is accomplished completely shall have the spiritual and eternal salvation granted immediately by God through Jesus Christ,” Comment: Did you ever notice you do not start off your life with Jesus Christ? You start out by being in love with the world. However after a load of miseries, adversities, persecutions and provocations you figure out something is wrong? Most of our woes are self inflicted but a few done by others! Then Jesus Christ comes into your life with a love you never thought possible? Jesus fills your emptiness with His love! You still have the miseries, adversities, persecutions and provocations however they are no longer internal but external! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Rag Doll Election Cycle?

Remember the 1960’s era song by the Four Season’s? Remember the lyrics? She wore hand-me-downs. They laughed when she came into town. Called her “Rag Doll.” Such a pretty face she should have been dressed in lace. If I could change her sad rags into glad rags I would. My folk’s won’t let me because they say she is no good. I love you just the way you are. Though I love her so I can’t let her know. She is a ‘Rag Doll.” Comment: Every election cycle the politicians drag their rag doll out of the closet! Jesus name gets thrown around like a rag doll. Donald Trump went to church last week! Congregation members said it has been years since they have seen him? Remember when Obama said he was a Christian? After November Jesus will be thrown back under the bed for another four years! The Democratic contender’s are really mute on Jesus this election cycle mostly because they are pagan’s! In America we have to learn to endure the election process! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.