Tombstone Territory! Genesis 3:15

In honor to the 61 million children aborted here in America since 1973 I have asked President Trump to create a National Monument to them! I have suggested he call it the Tomb to the Unknown Children! These children would have been doctor’s, lawyers, inventors, technicians, soldiers, airmen, sailors, service workers, production workers, evangelists, pastors, presidents, congressmen and women, senators, business creators, care givers and so much more! We have a generation of missing people here in America who would have paid federal, state and local taxes, social security taxes and provided resources to pay off the National debt! We would not have had to rely on illegal immigration for a work force! So many benefits lost and a negative population growth! These children would have had children and grandchildren! So we have also lost future generations! A memorial needs to be built to these sacrificed children! Also we have exported this abortion with over 1 1/2 billion genocides since 1980. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Memorial Day Thoughts! John 15:13

Our greatest respect for those in our military and especially those who laid down there lives for their friends as Jesus commanded us to do! Jesus commanded us to love one another! Think about this! God laid down His life through His only Son Jesus Christ for His enemies! This act is more than human! This is another reason why Jesus is God! No human would do this! Everyone ever born who accepted Jesus Christ as Savior was first the enemy of God! Yes you and me! Now we better understand why Jesus also commanded us to love our enemies! This is divine and not a capacity of mortal men! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Memorial Day! 2018

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends! Martin Luther King Jr. Comment: The citizen’s of America that we owe the greatest debt of gratitude are not with us anymore! Their sacrifice for our freedom is forever engrained into the conscious of our soul. We cannot forget them because to do so would disrespect everything they did for us on the battlefield of service to our nation! Then we would no longer be America! To be less than American is to forget these patriot’s that we are eternally indebted to for they paid the debt for our freedom yesterday, today and for as long as this Republic endures! To forget them is to remember you are not a real American because everything you have is due to their sacrifice! James and Hamsa Sasse.

They Do Matter! Decoration Day May 1868

They died for you that is why they matter! No life is wasted if it is expended to defend others! That is what the “Cross” is all about! From the Concord Church to Benghazi American’s have sacrificed their lives for you! General John A. Logan ordered his posts in May of 1868 to decorate graves of the civil war fallen, 620000, with the choicest flowers of springtime! We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance! Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic! Please take time to remember the fallen American’s over our history who changed history for you so that you can live in freedom today! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Tribute To Captain David Lyons USAF 1985-2013

One of our very own Captain David Lyons was celebrated at the memorial service today in Colorado Springs at New Life Church. The military protocol was moving as hundreds of Air Force Academy Cadets and other military members attended the services along with New Life church members. Captain David Lyons was killed in action last month in Afghanistan by a suicide bomber. Other military members were killed and injured in the attack along with some NATO troops. David was a star athlete at the Air Force Academy and still holds the Idaho High School State record for the shot put throw. He was adopted and took on his adopted parents name. His wife Dana is also an Air Force Academy graduate and serves in the Air Force. It is so encouraging to see military members and church members support their fallen hero’s and their families. I want to give you a famous quote by Charles Province which was given at the memorial service. It reads as follows;” It is the Soldier, not the minister who gives us freedom of religion. It is the Soldier, not the reporter who gives us freedom of the press. It is the Soldier, not the poet who gives us freedom of speech. It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer who gives us freedom to protest. it is the Soldier, not the lawyer who gives us the right to a fair trial. It is the Soldier, not the politician who has given us the right to vote. It is the soldier who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag, and Who’s coffin is draped by the flag!” Jesus said in John 15:13, “Greater love hath no man than this, That a man lay down his life for his friends!” The word friends translates from the Greek as neighbor. Remember in Mark Chapter 12 the scribes asked Jesus which is the greatest Commandment? Jesus answered, “”Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, mind and strength. Then the second is to love thy neighbor as thyself. There is no greater Commandment than these!” David did lay down his life for his neighbor’s which represents millions of American’s and millions of people in Afghanistan! We must also recognize a distinction here. David laid down his life to save others! The suicide bomber laid down his life to destroy others! There are two separate eternities for each. There are two sides of the fence here. In one eternity David is joined with Christ the one he lived and died for! The suicide bomber who died to bring death to others is separated from God forever in the fires of hell! Two different outcomes created by two different choices! Choose this day who you will serve! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Everything On The Table?

Do not buy what you are not willing to give away! Otherwise things will have you. Do not live for things. Live for Christ. Sometimes examples always help us. Since moving back to Cololrado we have learned of a story of an old gold miner who lived in Colorado Springs. His name was Winfield Scott Stratton. He knew danger and tough times for 17 years wandering the Colorado mountains in search of gold. He finally found it in 1891 on the west slopes of Pikes Peak. His Independence mine made him a millionaire. One hundred years later the house his gold built stands as a memorial to his work and name. The Myron Stratton home off Nevada avenue, named after his father, is one of the more venerable institutions created by one of the most enduring acts of philanthropy! It opened in 1913, in accordance with Stratton’s will, as a free home for the poor who were without means of support and who are physically unable by reason of old age, youth, sickness, or other infirmity to earn a living. Today in Colorado Springs we have another man with the same God given vision! His name is Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church. He is buying properties in our city to provide living places for the homeless, widows, orphanes and single moms. We are thankful for being a part of this work! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Brazilian Man Appears at His Own Funeral!

From the Fox News report looks like an identity mix up by authorities. When this Brazilian came home to his house his family and friends were having a memorial service for him. When his family and friends saw him it was reported that some ran away and some passed out! Why? My best bet would be those that ran away owed him money! Those that fainted probably were waiting for the inheritance money! Think about the poor guy having to return his insurance money! How about the other victim having to go through two funerals? How would your friends and family react if you showed up at your own funeral? The Bible says Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us in Heaven! Jesus will not run or pass out! Thankyou. James Sasse.