The Second Death? Revelation 2:11

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Church: He that overcometh shall not be [hurt] of the second [death].” Commentary: Notice this warning is to the church! To overcome is to have victory! Victory over what? Sin! There is a sin unto death! Everyone dies once but sadly some die twice! You do not want to be in that crowd! So what is the second death? It is a life eternally separated from God! In this state you are conscious of your existence! The Apostle John speaks of the second death in three other places in the Book of Revelation! They are Revelation 20:6, 20:14 & 21:8. Please read and study these scriptures on the second death! Those in Christ will never experience the second death because Jesus paid the price for your second death on the Cross! It is only those who reject Christ that will experience the second death! A place where the worm dieth not and the fire is never quenched! For those in Christ he has prepared a place for us in heaven! If you were to fill out a change of address card before you die what address would you enter? Heaven or Hell? Again there are forgiven sinners in heaven and unforgiven sinners in hell! The difference is what they did with Christ! To accept his grace or reject him! We stand or fall with what we do with the Savior! He is either our Savior or judge! He took your judgment on the Cross do not try to do his job! You will forfeit heaven for hell! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Signs Of His Second Coming!

Many false Christ’s! Wars and rumors of wars! Famines! Plagues! Earthquakes! Beginning of sorrows! Persecution of Christians! Betrayal of family! False prophets deceiving many! Violence grows! Love waxes cold! Why Lord? These signs listed in Matthew 24 by Jesus show us the signs of the return of Christ back to earth to rescue his followers, take charge of the earth to rule and reign over it for a thousand years and to punish the wicked who have rejected him with judgment and condemnation to an eternal hell! I want us to look at Matthew 24:13-14. I have taken the original translation in the Greek and translated it back into the English. “Jesus said, But he that shall endure suffering with a load of miseries staying behind with patience towards your persecutors unto the end or the completion of your goal and conclusion you shall be saved through your spiritual and eternal salvation granted immediately by God through your belief in Christ and the Gospel the good news of salvation through Christ and the preaching of the Kingdom of God out of your moral and personal necessity to the entire world and where you are living for a witness unto all nations: and then shall the end or completion of your mission on earth shall come.” Commentary: So how do I know I am saved? By preaching the Gospel to those that have rejected Christ and hate you for following Jesus! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Democratic Playbook & 2nd Amendment!

They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet! Saul Alinsky  Comment: Michelle Obama is quoted as saying you are not an educated person unless you read the works of Saul Alinsky! So I took her up on the challenge and guess what I discovered? It is the playbook of the Democratic party! They do not get their ideology from the Bible! In fact their ideology opposes the Bible! The push for gun control just like health care is not for your welfare! It is a plan and plot to take down democracy to be another Russia where Saul Alinsky is from! A Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Putin State controlled people! If you do not understand the ideology of who you vote for you can be in for a big surprise! Your best defense is to educate yourself before you vote for anyone running for office! Smart people read their Bible! James and Hamsa Sasse.