Fast Forward Evolution!

Is discord going to show itself while we are still fighting, is the Jew once again worth less than another? Oh, it is sad, very sad, that once more, for the umpteenth time, the old truth is confirmed: “What one Christian does is his own responsibility, what one Jew does is thrown back at all the Jews.” Anne Frank Comment: What a wise little teenage girl! She was way beyond her years! It is such a paradox that Hitler was blaming the Jews for Germany’s problems yet he was following a Jew named Charles Darwin? Darwin was an atheist and Hitler was planning out his genocide not only on the Jews but every race except the German race! Hitler through his propaganda minister spread the fake news to the Christians of Germany that Jesus was not a Jew! Hitler blamed the Russian Revolution on the Jews and it is true that Marx, Engels, Lenin and other founders were atheistic Jews! Hitler believed he could fast forward or speed up evolution by millions of years by getting rid of the undesirables which included everyone but the Germans! Do you see how racial selective evolution will lead you? One false doctrine lead to 60 million dead across Europe during WWII. Darwin is also responsible for the deaths of over 57 million babies here in the United States! Abortion! Yet I cannot condemn all Jews because of a few atheistic Jews promoted a ideology that has lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people! My savior is a Jew! The Anti-Christ will be a Jew! So this bright little Jewish girl sorted things out! What a difference had Hitler followed a Jew by the name of Jesus Christ! He could have become the greatest Evangelist for good the world had ever seen! Who we follow determines our outcome! Everyone will follow someone! Our Bible teaches Creation and that all people are created in the Image of God! We are all created equal before God! This is confirmed in our United States Constitution! Our Constitution is a Biblical document! When a false teaching enters the minds of men bad things happen! When men believe their is no God then they take things into their own hands! If men believe in a false God they again take matters into their own hands for a desired outcome! What new doctrine or old sin will men pursue in the 21st Century? Islam, socialism, racism, fascism, communism, Nazism and the Anti-Christ that lives in all these ideologies! Or will Christ come into the hearts of men causing them to live in peace with God and man? We know right now 1/3 of the earth is Christian. There are three major religions in the world. Their were 3 Crosses at Calvary but only one counted for the redemption of man! Even though a minority the Jews have played a major part in the redemption of man! Think about this! If the religious Jews would have accepted Jesus in the 1st century then their would not have been a crucified Christ! No redemption for man! God provided a Jewish Savior and the religious Jews made the sacrifice! If you fast forward evolution you come up with death! If you fast forward Christ he is waiting for you in Heaven and has prepared a place for you! You live for him because he died for you! So the choice is yours! The Christ or the Anti-Christ? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Salvation through the Jew! Genesis 49:10

Hebrew Translation: “The septre or staff with authority to punish, fight and rule shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver engraving and writing ordaining Kingship to Judah from between his feet, until Shiloh the Messiah come; and unto him shall the gathering of the whole human race be.” Comment: Today we as believer’s in Christ sit before his Throne in Heaven submitting to his authority! One day at the Judgment Seat of Christ he will be seated but you and I will stand before him so judged to everlasting life and some to everlasting punishment! So why did God give us the Law? Simply to show us we all need the Savior! The truth is we are and will submit to someone! It may be God or it may be Satan! I was blind but now I see! I served Satan for years then one day just like the Apostle Paul a great light shone over me and the scales were removed from my eyes! I can see clearly now! You cannot discern you destiny unless Christ intervenes and shows you your error! I will one day stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ! However for me his judgment for my sin was taken by the judge and paid for on the Cross at Calvary! You do not want to take your own judgment! You will end up in Hell. The choice is still ours to make! This life is short but eternity is forever! Where we spend it is the most important decision you will ever make! Like the thief on the Cross there may still be time for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Does God Discriminate?

Yes he does! He discriminates between good and evil! In fact he has prepared a place for some in Heaven and he has prepared a place for some in Hell!
The choice to where you spend eternity in one of these two places is totally based on your decision! You have a choice! You can accept Jesus Christ who sacrificed his life for your sin or you can reject him and suffer in Hell separated from God taking the penalty for your own sin! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christian Responsibility!

Providence has given our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty as well as privilege and in the interest of a Christian nation to select or prefer Christian’s for their rulers! William Penn, Founder, Province of Pennsylvania. Under his direction and leadership the city of Philadelphia was planned and developed in 1681.

John 3:16 Word Study “Loved”

Loved Strongs #25 Agape (Greek). This love is from the direction of the will finding joy through this choice! Love is a choice! Judgment is also a choice! Our judgment is based upon the rejection of God’s choice to save us! The word ‘Agape” is not a word found in classical Greek. It expresses God’s love towards man! Sometimes the word “charity” is used. This word expresses compassion! Compassion means to suffer with! God’s love is a sacrificial love! There are three other Greek words used for love but they are lower level’s of love! This love is a gift and is not given to us by what we desire but by what is needed for us to save us! It is a love we do not deserve! It is God’s willful choice for man! To love God we must show his love that is expressed to us! Without his love we cannot love him and others! It is the love we do not think we need that is the only love we need! We must chose to receive his love! If you chose to receive God’s love, Jesus Christ on the Cross for you then you have a new ability that is divine to share his love with others! The angel’s also have a choice! They are created beings just like we are! Lucifer decided one day in heaven not to receive and show love! He rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven! Even in heaven you will still have a choice about “Agape”! If you make heaven then as now here on earth you still will have a choice! Love demands a choice! When you do your Bible study remember every time you see the English word “love”, the Greek root word may not be “Agape” but another Greek word in the New Testament! It helps in our understanding if we know which word is being used for love! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Cloudless Harps! Revelation 21:1-27

In the new heaven and earth there will be no sanctuary, temple or church! Yes unemployed Rabbi’s, Priest’s and Pastor’s! There will be no sun and no moon! Jesus is the light of the world! Remember at creation? Let there be light! No night there! No clouds there! We reflect the light of Jesus as the moon reflects the light of the sun! No sickness in heaven! No hospital’s, no doctor’s, no nurses, no pharmacy, no x-ray machines, no MRI scanners and no chemo therapy! No sadness in heaven! No more tears! No tears of wasted lives! No tears of pre-mature death! No tears for suicides! No graves! No undertaker’s! No cemetery! No stone cutter’s! No wreath maker’s! Also no separation in heaven! No more farewell parties at the airport! No crying for departed loved ones! No more sea of separation! Remember the Apostle John who wrote this Book of Revelation? He was imprisoned on the island of Patmos surrounded by a sea! He longed to be with the seven Churches but was imprisoned as a slave laborer in a marble stone quarry! No prison’s in heaven! No more condemnation in heaven! I will pray for you but the reason for all your problems is because of sin! No prayer in heaven! Last no more sin in heaven! No military, no police departments, no FBI. no CIA, no NSA. The unrepentant sinners will be separated from heaven in the Lake of Fire! No dirty words spoken in heaven! No disobedient thoughts and actions! No acts of revenge from unrepentant sinners expressed in violence! Yes, cloudless harps! We will be in constant praise to our King in heaven! Sound boring? Then try the Lake of Fire where the worm never dies and the fire is never quenched! You cannot have one foot in heaven and one foot in hell? You have a choice as long as you have breath! Do not delay and default to hell. A choice not for Jesus is a choice for hell. Pastor David Jeremiah. Note; The wife of Pastor David Jeremiah is the great granddaughter of D.L. Moody!

Volcano’s! Acts 2:19

Greek Translation: “And I will show wonders or strange appearances in Heaven with different qualities of the same miracles in higher places in Heaven above, and signs or miracles with a moral purpose in the earth beneath with time and age; blood, fire and vapor of smoke.” Comment: Volcano’s have been in the news lately! The Bible speaks about them in both the Old and New Testament! Volcano’s can be used for good or bad! The Hawaiian Islands were built by volcano’s and so was Iceland! Other islands and land masses were formed by volcano’s on the earth! Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by a volcano! Remember Pompeii and several other cities in Italy were destroyed by a Volcano in 79 A.D.? The city was in idol worship with all the Roman, Greek and Egyptian gods! They worshiped ISIS the Egyptian goddess! Ice is formed with volcano’s on the moons of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune! Volcanic winters have caused catastrophic famines on the earth! Noah and his family were saved by the flood yet the rest of the earth was drowned by the same water! Here is an important point to get out of this Bible verse! God will use signs and wonders or miracles to render a moral purpose in the earth! The same water that rescued the Jews and Moses through the Red Sea was the same water that drowned the Egyptians! Judgment or Salvation can come through the same elements of the earth and Heaven! The same blood of Jesus Christ will save some and condemn others!You can either receive God’s love with Mercy or you can reject His love with Judgment! The choice is yours to make! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Just One Unpardonable Sin! Mark 3:29

On previous posts we have discussed this important topic! We have discussed what is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Remember these are the words of Jesus speaking in Mark 3:29! Jesus can forgive every sin except one! Would it not be wise to know what this sin is? The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity! To offend one person of the Trinity is to offend all for they are one! Jesus is the only one who can forgive sin because He is God! God’s sacrifice for our sin! When it comes to the virgin birth of Jesus by Mary who came over her to conceive Jesus in the flesh? The Holy Spirit! To reject Jesus Christ is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit! Jesus will be your Savior or your Judge! Which is it for you depends on your choice about Christ! It depends on your choice! Morality is a choice! The outcome of your eternity depends on what you do with Jesus Christ while here on earth! Choose this day who you will serve! God or Satan? Heaven or Hell? As for me and my house we will serve the Lord! James and Hamsa Sasse.

War on Women! Revelation 12:13

We know from reading our Bible that war was started in Heaven! When the angel Lucifer who became Satan rebelled against God he and 1/3 of the Angel’s who followed Lucifer in Heaven in the rebellion were cast out of Heaven into the earth! So now the war continues in the earth! This constant war on earth will stop with Christ’s second coming! Why does Satan have a war on women? Why did he sweat Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? Because she would produce a seed that would crush the head of the serpent! Satan knew he had to stop this seed which would produce a rival that would defeat him! Salvation has come through the Jew! Christ born into the earth through the Jew! Now Satan has to also persecute the Jews and the Christians! Who replaces the 1/3 of the fallen angel’s that were removed from Heaven? Remember Lucifer was the praise leader of Heaven! Facts show us that 1/3 of the earth’s population are Christian! So the believers on earth replace the fallen angel’s that vacated Heaven! As long as women produce a seed in the earth that could potentially become Christian he will continually find ways to thwart the families! Like divorce and abortion! Homosexual promotion is also a war on women! Kill the seed while it is in the womb! Then to politicalize abortion so as to paint a good picture of death as a woman’s right or choice? Then to use millions of our tax dollars to promote abortion? Why? To kill the offspring so they could never populate Heaven as Satan’s replacements! The battle between good and evil rages on! Everyone has to make a choice about which side you are going with? God through His Son Jesus Christ has paid for our sin on Calvary! If you reject His redemption what hope is there for you? God can forgive every sin except the rejection of His Son! Why? Because that is the only one who can save you! Everything you put your trust in on earth will fail you one day! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness! How about you? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Jesus Just a Gardener to You? John 20:15

Just as with Mary at one time in my life Jesus was just a gardener to me! As long as you do not look for Jesus you will never see Him! Mary Magdalene was the first disciple to recognize Jesus after His resurrection from the dead! Death seems to close the door on our personalities but really it does not! Remember the rich man and Lazarus? One life carried on in Heaven and the other life in Hell. Jesus carried on after his death the same way He was before death! Jesus disciples wrote Jesus off after the Crucifixion! Peter and John had preconceived idea’s about Jesus before they entered the tomb! They looked around the empty tomb and saw the grave clothes then fled and went into hiding from the Romans and the Jews! What they saw confirmed what they believed! This whole thing is a hoax! Mary hung around the tomb weeping because there was no body there to anoint for burying? Mary had experienced Jesus power for He cast 7 demons out of her! Yet she let death close the door on her faith and thought the man speaking to her in the tomb was a gardener! Then the voice and light of Jesus opened her eyes! Rabboni! Rabbi! Master! Jesus is always present even if you do not see Him! Just as a blind man can feel the rays of the sun so you can feel Jesus love! The stars shine brightest in the darkness of the night! After Jesus delivered me from death I could only see Him and experience His love! My allegiance and devotion turned to Him! Rabbi! Master! Power over death! Jesus was no longer a gardener to me! The Resurrection took on a whole new meaning! It was no longer just a religious story I heard once a year at church! Do you want the reality of Jesus or just a once a year story? You do not want to wake up on the wrong side of death as the rich man did! Either a Heaven or a Hell? The reality of Christ will one day come to all the living and the dead! Just so it is not too late for you! Chance and choice only come once to every individual. Wise men and women still seek Him! James and Hamsa Sasse.