As a Man Thinketh…. Proverbs 23:7

When men yield up the privilige of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon! Thomas Paine   Comment: Do not let other people think for you! Do not let the news media think for you! Do not let the politicians think for you! Do not let Hollywood think for you! Do not let academia think for you! Do not let social media think for you! Do not let man made religions think for you! Do not let me think for you! Think on God’s thoughts! The God that created the Heavens and the earth and you and everything that lives! His thoughts are higher than our thoughts! So how does God who created our mind think! Read your Bible! When I was a young man going to school about 50 years ago I studied the latest things in technology then! Those books are now in the museum! The books you study today will soon be in the museum! My Bible says in the last days knowledge will increase! People will run to and fro! My Bible is the same Bible I studied 50 years ago! It is the same Book from generation to generation! Why? Because the Word of God is eternal! Time does not effect it but only confirms it! Read your Bible daily! Study it! This document expresses the thoughts of God! The one who spun your world into existence! An expression of the God who has no beginning and no ending! Life here on earth is very short! Eternity is forever! Have you prepared for your forever? When you stand before Christ what will you say to him? What works can you present him that will satisfy him? Your own works are as filthy rags! Have you accepted his work on the Cross as a atonement for your sin? Tis is the most important question you will ever answer! If you can answer yes then you are on your way to Heaven forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Nazi Killers! No. 303 Polish Squadron

The No. 303 Polish Fighter Squadron was one of 16 Polish squadrons in the Royal Air Force during the second world war. It was just not the highest scoring of the Hurricane squadrons during the Battle of Britain but they had the highest ratio of enemy aircraft destroyed to their own lost (safest). The squadron was named after the Polish and United States hero General Tadeusz Kosciuszko who served during the Polish Soviet War (1919-1921). Comment: With the latest accusations against the Poles that they were complicit with the Nazi’s is really not supported by the evidence! Poland being located between the eastern and western front has suffered untold destruction by invading armies from the west and the east! Some people will with the fear of death cooperate with invading armies! However the Poles fought vigorously against the Nazi’s and did what they could even so out numbered by the German machine! So many were sacrificed resisting the Nazi’s! The real story that history misses is what drove Hitler to do what he did? Evolution or Darwinism is what fueled Hitler’s passion that the stronger should defeat the weaker! The superior should destroy the inferior! Racism and tribalism at it’s best! Sadly our young children here in America are taught this junk science as truth? When a lie is taught as truth and fills the vacuum by discounting the Bible as truth bad things happen! We thank the Polish people for their sacrifices to stop this mad man of the 20th Century! James and Hamsa Sasse.