Christian Vacuum!

We shall not rest until we have rooted out Christianity! Heinrich Himmler 1937 Top Nazi Party Leader and Architect of the Holocaust. Comment: The push from the political left here in America over past decades has been to marginalize Christ and his followers! History repeats itself with the same bad outcomes! When any culture abandons Christ they become their own worst enemy! We are witnessing this in America today! Read ANTIFA’s ten point doctrine! Repeats of Hitler’s 25 point plan! ANTIFA believes the demise of America will be the beginning of freedom! Eliminate all law enforcement and military! This is exactly what the black shirts of Mussolini did and Hitler’s brown shirts! They became the enforcers of law and terrorized anyone who resisted! If you are a freedom lover then love our Constitution and defend America from the new Nazi’s from the past! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Suicide Mission! Proverbs 8:36

Hebrew Translation :”But he that sinneth missing the mark in your relationship to me and missing your true end and purpose in life wrongeth or commits violence and suicide against your own soul; against your mind, your body and your very breath: all they that hate me love death.” Comment: So what would be some examples of suicide in American culture in the 21st Century? How about abortion with over 57 million deaths! How about drugs with over 73 thousand young people killed last year? The list goes on but all because people hate God and will not follow his Commandments! When you teach young people Evolution and remove God out of their lives they lose hope in living! So what ideologies has man concocted to replace God? Let us take the more recent ones! Here is the most recent one with a historical record of hundreds of millions of deaths created! Engels, Marx, Neitzsche, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini all created socialist political systems based on their belief in Darwinism or Evolution! These were all suicidal political systems created by a vacuum left in the belief that there is no God and every man is accountable to no one! Darwinism today in America is the foundation of the Democratic Party here in America! These ideologies are taught in our public schools! The same socialist idea’s are alive in the party today! These idea’s are resurrected in the party today! Remember God laid down his life for you! Are you trying to be greater than God? Men have tried but history proves that they were fools! Are you the same fool? Repent from your sin and follow God and his Christ the rest of the days of your life! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Nazi Killers! No. 303 Polish Squadron

The No. 303 Polish Fighter Squadron was one of 16 Polish squadrons in the Royal Air Force during the second world war. It was just not the highest scoring of the Hurricane squadrons during the Battle of Britain but they had the highest ratio of enemy aircraft destroyed to their own lost (safest). The squadron was named after the Polish and United States hero General Tadeusz Kosciuszko who served during the Polish Soviet War (1919-1921). Comment: With the latest accusations against the Poles that they were complicit with the Nazi’s is really not supported by the evidence! Poland being located between the eastern and western front has suffered untold destruction by invading armies from the west and the east! Some people will with the fear of death cooperate with invading armies! However the Poles fought vigorously against the Nazi’s and did what they could even so out numbered by the German machine! So many were sacrificed resisting the Nazi’s! The real story that history misses is what drove Hitler to do what he did? Evolution or Darwinism is what fueled Hitler’s passion that the stronger should defeat the weaker! The superior should destroy the inferior! Racism and tribalism at it’s best! Sadly our young children here in America are taught this junk science as truth? When a lie is taught as truth and fills the vacuum by discounting the Bible as truth bad things happen! We thank the Polish people for their sacrifices to stop this mad man of the 20th Century! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Raise the Age of Gun Ownership?

From 18 to 21 years old? Most of these high school shooters are under the age of 18! If a young man or woman is 18 and can go into the military and risk their life for their country why should they be denied the right to purchase a weapon! Should we wait until they are 21 years old before they can join our military services? If that would have happened during WWII we would have lost the war! Many young people joined when they were 17 including President George Bush Senior! Had these men and women had to have waited until they were 21 we would all be speaking German and Japanese right now! This is all barking up the wrong tree! Why not reinstate the 10 Commandments back into our public schools? How about one Commandment? Thou shall not kill. The vacuum left by abandonment of Religious education is being replaced with secular education devoid of respect for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness! It is a loveless system with loveless victims! James and Hamsa Sasse.