Volcano’s! Acts 2:19

Greek Translation: “And I will show wonders or strange appearances in Heaven with different qualities of the same miracles in higher places in Heaven above, and signs or miracles with a moral purpose in the earth beneath with time and age; blood, fire and vapor of smoke.” Comment: Volcano’s have been in the news lately! The Bible speaks about them in both the Old and New Testament! Volcano’s can be used for good or bad! The Hawaiian Islands were built by volcano’s and so was Iceland! Other islands and land masses were formed by volcano’s on the earth! Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by a volcano! Remember Pompeii and several other cities in Italy were destroyed by a Volcano in 79 A.D.? The city was in idol worship with all the Roman, Greek and Egyptian gods! They worshiped ISIS the Egyptian goddess! Ice is formed with volcano’s on the moons of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune! Volcanic winters have caused catastrophic famines on the earth! Noah and his family were saved by the flood yet the rest of the earth was drowned by the same water! Here is an important point to get out of this Bible verse! God will use signs and wonders or miracles to render a moral purpose in the earth! The same water that rescued the Jews and Moses through the Red Sea was the same water that drowned the Egyptians! Judgment or Salvation can come through the same elements of the earth and Heaven! The same blood of Jesus Christ will save some and condemn others!You can either receive God’s love with Mercy or you can reject His love with Judgment! The choice is yours to make! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Jesus Return with Signs! Luke 21:25-27

Verse 25: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.” Comment: What are signs? Are they like signs along the road giving us directions? The word translated from the Greek means miracles! Like the star over Bethlehem! Signs are miracles which lead to something out of and beyond themselves! They are miracles which have a ethical and moral purpose! These miracles are not so much for what they are but for what they point too! These miracles indicate the Grace and Power of God in the higher Spiritual world. The word earth used here by Jesus means the part of creation that is man’s domain and the history transacted between God and man. What about perplexity? Is it Washington D.C.? It really means a quandary where there is no way out! So we have miracles, distress of nations and perplexity. Jesus wants us to focus on looking up to Him for the evidence of His signs and wonders! God is really saying through the solar eclipse coming that He is in control of all events and confirms those things to us with his miracles! Jesus is saying I will do the miracles in your life that are needed to sustain you and give you the victory over this fallen world! He wants us to look up not down! Look ahead not back! I conclude with Jesus words in verse 27: “And then they shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

What is a Hardened Heart? Exodus 4:21

If we take the Hebrew word, “Chazaq”, we find it is a verb and means to be courageous and overpowering! This might seem like a paradox in that God causes Pharaoh to become courageous and overpowering to oppose God! You might say Pharaoh played the fool! If I had been Pharaoh and know what I know now I would have told Moses that he could go! No problem! Sometimes the devil gets blamed for what God does and sometimes God gets blamed for what the devil does! Only God can give us discernment to know! If Pharaoh had been compliant to Moses God’s wonders, miracles and deliverance would not have been displayed as a testimony to God! The Egyptian women would never have given up their silver, gold and clothes to the Jews! They would have been sent away empty! Without Jesus on the Cross the resurrection would not have been possible for us! Remember some people will come into your life that seem useless and even to a great annoyance to you but yet God has a plan and purpose to bring His Glory out through you and the events caused by them and through them! God asked Moses, “Who has made man’s mouth, who makes the dumb or deaf or the seeing and the blind?” Have not I the Lord! The Queen of the Gospels Song Writer Fanny Crosby was born blind. She wrote over 8000 hymns! Over 100 million copies have been printed and distributed! She wrote 1000 poems! She had four books of poetry printed! My favorite song that she wrote is, “Blessed Assurance.” I have eyes yet I have not written one song? Pharaoh could not have done what he did without God’s help! Fanny or I or anyone cannot accomplish anything without divine intervention! God’s Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do yourself! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Miracle Crusade — Aurora Colorado — November 2nd, 2013

Raji Soupra from India will be holding a Miracle Crusade Saturday November 2nd at Harvest Christian Center in Aurora Colorado from 3 – 7 PM. Miracles, Signs and Wonders are worked through Raji by God! Church address is; 14100 E. Jewell Avenue, Aurora, Colorado 80012. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The Last of America and The One World Government!

Biblical prophetic events are closing in fast! It is difficult for me to understand why Obama got re-elected? He has a record of 4 years of economic failure! Another 4 years with him will lead to a welfare state as poverty will grow across America. With welfare failures such as Cuba, Greece, former Soviet Union and others why would we follow their path? An economic collapse of America and a shaky Europe that would also fall will bring in a new world order or a One World Government! From our Bible we know this new world order will be lead by the Anti-Christ! Great destruction will come through his leadership! We also know the rapture of Christ’s Church will preclude this one world system. With the isolation of Israel by Obama Israel must stand alone as Bible prophecy predicts and God alone comes to her rescue through signs and wonders! These are trying times yet exciting times to live in for the Christian today! If I had a choice about what era of history I could live in I would choose today! We look forward to Christ as He rescues His people from the impending destructions that are here and coming over all the earth to those who have rejected Him! Look up for your redemption draweth nigh! God Bless! James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com