Family Communion!

Take your Communion at home during this time of physical separation! I got the scriptures out and added Communion to the family Altar! We broke bread together and took of the cup together! At family prayer tonight I noticed I felt much stronger physically than I have in a long time! Take Communion every Sabbath until you are able to return to your public House of Worship! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Family Reunion!

Revelation 21:3  Greek Translation; “And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle or habitation of the true God is with men who were always looking up to the heavens but now I will dwell with them, and they shall be my community of people joined together, my people, my church and my bride and the true God himself shall be with them and be their God.”  Comment: Men seek God and God has always sought men! We have always looked up for him and he has always looked down to us with favor! No more separation! It is interesting that the Greek word for people has another similar word for people which is a synonym from which we get our word democracy! God has already cast his vote for you! You are a chosen generation a Royal Priesthood! The question now is have you cast your vote for him? He chose you on the Cross as he died for your sin! He was raised from the dead for you promising to raise you from the dead! He gave his life for you will you give your life to him serving him all the days of your life? The family reunion is soon so why not join the family of God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas Forever! Luke 1:33

Greek Translation: “And he shall rule and reign over those that belong to Christ the household family of God from Jacob forever; and his Kingdom of Royal dominion over heaven and earth in the heart’s of men shall have no end with continues victory over sin as the purpose of men is consummated in him!” Comment: So will we be celebrating Christmas in Heaven! Yes! With billions of people and millions of Angels! So what will we be doing when we follow Christ back to earth at his second coming? We will be celebrating the second Christmas! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Saudi Arabia

Muslim’s have no problem killing people! Why? Their Quran or religious book endorses murder! If we America had separated ourselves from Saudi Arabia we should have done it on 9-11. Eighteen of the nineteen hijackers on 9-11 were from Saudi Arabia! Obama bowed down on his knee’s to the King of Saudi Arabia when he was in office! Trump knows we cannot endorse what they did to this journalist! However the vacuum left if we split from them will be filled by Russia and China and the move would strengthen Iran! Billions of dollars would be lost by American contractors who employ American workers! The latest math on this move would cause our gas prices to go to seven dollars per gallon! Trump sanctioned a dozen or so family members of the King! Yes we are dealing with the devil but more devils are waiting in the wings to take over Saudi Arabia and would destabilize the world even more than it is plus an economic blow to America! Trump will take the criticism and protect America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Observations of God and Men!

I have done some studies about events and the leaders of the world prior to WWII. I have studied the ideologies of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Emperor Hirohito of Japan! What was the driving purpose for their ideologies was determined by their belief about God! Their supporting cast were their cultures! Much of Eastern and Western Europe at this time in history embraced Darwinism or Evolution! Charles Darwin was an atheistic Jew who believed that since there is no God things must have happened this way! That is we must have evolved from very primitive life forms! Japan was very different in their culture where they worshipped the Emperor as God! The west and the east were are on very different ends of the spectrum in their belief about God but with the same devastating results! What about Islam? What does believing in a false god lead to whether religious or not? If you are an atheist you make yourself God! If you make man god then you make yourself equal with God! Jesus was man but he was also God! I have noticed in history and in my own life that if you worship a false god you will sacrifice others for your own perceived gains! If you worship the real God you will sacrifice yourself to help others! Whether you wear a religious cloak or not this is the bottom line! The sacrificing could be your laying down your life for others as the disciples did or living one day at a time sacrificing for your family and the community! Sacrificing for friends and sacrificing for strangers! It could be coaching a youth basketball team! Serving in your church! The day I discovered God’s only Son Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for me for my sin I wanted to sacrifice my life in service to others! There is a righteous sacrifice and an unrighteous sacrifice! The righteous sacrifice will always benefit others the unrighteous sacrifice will always destroy others! Serving the living God will benefit all. We face the false god of Darwinism in American culture today! Sacrificing children through abortion to cover sin with 57 million victims so far! Death cannot be our motto! Gay marriage cannot produce children ending in the death of our culture! Gay’s, lesbians and transgenders have about a 40 percent higher suicide rate than the rest of the culture! The only ones holding America together today are the Christians and Orthodox Jews who vote Republican for traditional values that have always made America great! The Bible and the Holy scriptures promote life and not death! When we choose life and Christ we say no to death! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Wait Upon The Lord….! Isaiah 40:31

This is a famous scripture that is often quoted! There are even songs written of this verse! So what does “Wait Upon” mean? In a generic sense we all know but if you go to the Hebrew root word you will find some amazing things! The Hebrew root word is “Qavah”, Strongs #6960. The word means to bind together by twisting! Just like a rope is made! A rope becomes strong by binding together small cords! A three strand cord is not easily broken! The Trinity would be a good example! Like the rope they are one but three separate individuals that are unbreakable formed together. They are one because there is no sin in them and they are in perfect agreement! The first symptom of sin is disagreement! Disagreement with the Word of God! Then with family and nation! Our Constitution established by our Founding Father’s three separate branches yet one government! Samson was twisted together with the strength of God! No rope could hold him! Until he was deceived by a woman who cut his hair and his spirit was unraveled from God! I am not blaming the woman here but he consented to her deceit and knew well what he was doing! Then his eyes were put out by the enemy. Sin will blind us to the truth! He repented and used his strength that God had restored to him to bring down the coliseum upon his enemies and himself! The reason we wait upon God is that we do not defeat the enemy Satan by ourselves but by who God is and our close wrapped relationship to him! Jesus could have easily broken the ropes that tied him to the whipping post and the Cross! However he was stranded together in the Trinity and knew his sacrifice was necessary to deliver all men from sin! Paul and Silas were tied together by ropes and chains in the prison! The ropes and chains of sin that put them there could not hold them! The hang man’s rope was broken as the punishment of death for sin was paid at Calvary! The word “Wait Upon” also means to be lifted up and exalted! To be offered up, carried up and elevated from one elevation to another! The Jewish Temple at Jerusalem was elevated up above the city! They call it the Temple Mount! Worshippers had to ascend up from the city to the Temple! Jesus was taken high up above the city at Mount Calvary! He was exalted there! Jesus ascended from Mount Olivet to Heaven! The Rapture of the Church will be an ascension from earth to Heaven! Holiness brings ascension while sin brings descension and death! This word also means to “offer Up.” Jesus was offered up as the only acceptable sacrifice for our sin! God offered up himself for our sin! We trust Christ because no one else or nothing else is trustworthy! We wait upon him in trust and confidence that he will accomplish the promises he has made to us! We offer up sacrifices for others because that is what God did for us! If you would have the patience to wait upon God great things will come to you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Democrat’s Playbook!

“It was always our view that in order to attain this (proletarian revolution) and the other far more important aims of the future social revolution, the working class must first take possession of the organized political power of the State and by it’s aid crush the resistance of the Capitalist class and organize society anew.” Frederick Engels   Comment: Who was he referring to by always been our view? He was referring to his partner Karl Marx! Socialism is immoral! It is theft of wealth! Capitalism is moral and the business people work to create a product to supply a demand for services and products! The creation of these products employ people! Socialism is taking what is not yours! It is living off those that do work! Engels made an argument using anthropological evidence of the time to show that family structure changes over history, and that the concept of monogamy came from the necessity within class society or men to control women to ensure their own children would inherit their property. He argued a communist society would allow people to make decisions about their relationship free of economic constraints. Where did Engels get his anti-marriage anti-Biblical idea’s? After reading the publications of Charles Darwin on the “Origin of Species”, which was the epiphany of everything they believed! (Marx and Engels).  So we see our social ills in America are based on the left promoting this agenda! Welfare since the 1960’s in America took Father’s out of homes with children with no moral guidance! Their economic welfare state requires they sell drugs to supplement their welfare monies! So our war zones in Chicago and other inter cities are the result of Democratic administrations over decades of time pushing the socialist doctrines of Marx and Engels that has put our inter cities into war zones! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sell the Swamp!

Dear President Trump, If you want to drain the swamp you need to sell the swamp! Our Federal government owns 1/3 of America! This is the average but let us look at some states! The Federal government owns 90 percent of Nevada? The Federal government owns 50 percent of California! No swamp bug can manage this much swamp! Our Federal government cannot manage itself much less all these swamp creatures! Use the funds to pay off our National debt caused by politicians making promises to get re-elected! Our greatest National security threat is our debt! The same applies to any American family! If I as an American citizen owed 20 Trillion dollars in debt and had 20 trillion dollars in assets what would I do to eliminate this debt? I would sell these assets to pay the debt! I would never want to see our government have to declare bankruptcy! You also may be able with the exception of military bases and National defense sites turn this property back to the States! If you would do this one simple thing no one would be able to challenge your re-election in 2020! Thankyou for your heart to help middle class American’s! In my lifetime none has done this with the only exception Ronald Reagan! Our government is for the people by the people! You have been the first President in a very long time that really believes this and lives out  this Constitutional Blessing! God Bless You and America! James and Hamsa Sasse.