Real Freedom!

1 Corinthians 9:19 “For though I be [free] from all men, yet have I made myself [servant] unto all, that I might gain the more.” Commentary: Free used here means not dependent upon another for the most part in a social and political sense! Not a slave! Free from the bondage of dependency. The word servant is just the opposite. It is dependency and bondage to any person or thing, as to be bound by the law. True freedom means to love God and man! Forgiving your enemies perceived or otherwise! Free from all yet servant to all! This freedom is hard to achieve in any political or social system! Why? It is not earned it is a gift! Our U.S. Constitution is probably the best model for a more perfect union! All of us are interdependent in some way! Nothing is done or achieved outside of these relationships! It may be your husband, wife, family, doctor, lawyer, pastor, teacher, dentist, cop, plumber, mechanic, builder, employer or employee! Like Paul we are dependent upon God because he is our Father in heaven and free to worship him and share his love with other people! We build up the Kingdom of God here on earth through Christ not to tear down and destroy our existing political system and wreck our foundations but to lead men to build their lives on a firm foundation that will never perish! We desire a spiritual revolution where men come to Christ and surrender their evil will to the redemptive will of Christ! Freedom is not free! Jesus took away our sin and rebellion on the Cross! Salvation comes with a price even death on a Cross! Christ fulfilled the law for you! He kept the law you could never obey! The love of God is expressed in keeping the law! Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! We cannot do this unless Christ is in us! Love God and man! Love replaces hate of God and man because God does for us now what we could never do for ourselves! Outside of Christ we cannot love ourselves or others because unforgiven sin will dominate our lives! The guilt will never let love flow! Free to serve God and man is a gift from God! Jesus said he who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven is servant of all! To serve not out of obligation but out of the love of God that we have freely received! James & Hamsa Sasse,

Let Freedom Ring!

The true meaning of America, you ask? It is in a Texas rodeo, in a policeman’s badge, in the sound of laughing children, in a political rally, in a newspaper… In all these things, and many more, you will find America. In all these things you will find freedom, and freedom is what America means to the world! And to me! Audie Murphy (1925-1971), Most decorated combat soldier in WWII. Actor, song writer and rancher.

Freedom without Law?

Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred! Martin Luther King Jr.  Comment: Laws can be on the Books but never enforced! That is what sanctuary cities and open borders are all about! Not enforcing our laws! The civil rights laws after the abolition of slavery were on the Books for over one hundred years but never enforced! The Ten Commandments have been in the Books for at least 4000 years yet broken everyday by man! We can legislate until the cows come home yet how to enforce laws in a rebellious world? God had to find someone who never broke any of his laws yet was human to pay the penalties of men! Then that perfect God/Man would have to be sacrificed for the penalty of sin! This perfect lamb would be sacrificed to reconcile man to God! God had one which qualified for the job! His only Son Jesus Christ! His whole purpose was to die for our sin! When we personally recognize our sin against God and man and the great cost that came to him for our redemption for breaking the law then our attitude towards the law changes! The attitude is I want to follow the laws because it cost so much for him to fix my breaking of the law! Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! God’s love brings victory over hate! Martin Luther King knew he was going to pay a price to free his people! Even after the civil rights laws that were put on the Books in the 1960’s no significant change came until after his murder! Then American’s woke up to the fact they had gone to far! Because of the price paid their thirst for hate dried up and a new day of reconciliation came to America! But a sacrifice was required! Freedom requires a sacrifice! To overcome hate and revenge! If all of the world would accept the God given sacrifice of his Son Jesus Christ for their sin another human sacrifice would never be done on earth! Jesus said we must be born again! Something much greater than our first birth! It is a Godly birth with the character of thinking and acting like God making sacrifices for others rather than sacrificing others for yourself! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Draw a Red Line!

This election is about you drawing a red line on the borders of your State! A red line to keep socialism out with its no borders and sanctuary cities that protect criminals! Socialism with its anti-Semitism ideology! Socialism with its atheistic ideology! The Charles Darwin followers! A red line to keep MS-13 criminals out of your neighborhood! The politicians do not live in your neighborhood you do! A red line to stop promotion of drugs to our youth from our unsecure borders! A red line to stop the dumping of illegals into your neighborhood! A red line to keep illegal caravans from crossing into your State! A red line to keep abortion out! A red line to keep the left’s socialist ideology out of your State! A red line to keep freedom in! To keep economic prosperity in! To keep low taxes in! To keep gun rights and free speech in! To keep liberty in! To keep religious liberty in! A red line to keep our military strong! A red line to keep hope, freedom and prosperity strong in America! The only effort on your part is to take a few minutes of your time to go vote in your State! If you do not vote then someone else will erase your red line of your State for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

U.S. Constitution & Trinity!

Our American government is patterned after the Trinity! We have one government yet 3 branches! So is it with God’s Kingdom! We have one God yet 3 person’s! The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The reason the Trinity is one is because there is perfect unity between them with no sin! Any human government will never have perfect unity because of the sin of mortals! Our Heavenly Father is the Executive Branch of the Trinity! Jesus is the Judicial Branch as the Supreme Judge! The Holy Spirit is the Legislative Branch as the writer of the Laws (Bible). Remember the Angel’s were divided into 3 branches with 3 different functions! Gabriel the messenger angel. Michael the war angel and Lucifer the Praise angel. Lucifer became Satan and rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven into the earth! Now we have to deal with him here! However God through His Son Jesus Christ has given us the power to defeat him! The work of Satan is to overthrow families and our Constitutional government patterned after the Bible! He uses rebellion and violence! There is a declared war today on the political left to overthrow our form of government and replace it with a Marxist socialist system! An effort to install a one world government with no borders! The one world leader of this one world government will be the Anti-Christ! It will last for 7 years with the return of Christ to earth! If we as Christian’s are going to sit along the side lines and bench ourselves we will lose this war! Remember that old Gospel song? Stand up Stand up for Jesus ye soldiers of the Cross! Popular Christianity today is to ignore this war and pretend it does not exist? If we decide not to fight for freedom we will lose this war! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Memorial Day! 2018

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends! Martin Luther King Jr. Comment: The citizen’s of America that we owe the greatest debt of gratitude are not with us anymore! Their sacrifice for our freedom is forever engrained into the conscious of our soul. We cannot forget them because to do so would disrespect everything they did for us on the battlefield of service to our nation! Then we would no longer be America! To be less than American is to forget these patriot’s that we are eternally indebted to for they paid the debt for our freedom yesterday, today and for as long as this Republic endures! To forget them is to remember you are not a real American because everything you have is due to their sacrifice! James and Hamsa Sasse.