Divine the Answer!

Three dog night? What is a bad night for a tree. UCLA? What happens when the fog is gone. ABC News and a Crowbar? Name two things that will soften your brain. Hurry Up? When you mix 7Up with prune juice. Carnac the Magnificent, Johnny Carson 1974.

First & Last! Isaiah 44:6

Hebrew Translation: “Thus says the King with Divine authority giving statutory laws to frame moral character. This is the King of Israel. I am the Redeemer a deliverer paying a ransom for your sin. I am the Lord of hosts directing my army of troops in Heaven who are in military service to me. I am first in place, time and rank. I am last concluding everything. Beside me there is no God.” Comment: Remember the words of Jesus in Revelation 22:13? I am the Alpha and the Omega! The first and the last! Why is he first? He is the cause of creation! Jesus was before all things! Very opposite to Darwin and evolution where he believed there was no God so with him everything began with man! When Jesus said he is the end it does not mean his extinction! Jesus meant his goal is reached redeeming men from death, Hell and the grave! Jesus is last for the conclusion of everything! He concludes with grace and judgment! You cannot have one without the other! You either let Jesus take your judgment on the Cross or you take your own judgment condemned to Hell.  Remember Matthew 20:16? Jesus said the last shall be first and the first shall be last! Lazarus the beggar was last in this world and the rich man was first! Then after the judgment Lazarus was first and the rich man was last! Jesus being first in time, order and rank will pass out rewards and punishments! If you have ever been in the military service you know the highest ranking military officer determines the rank of the rest of the unit! He will promote who he will. He will demote who he will. One day every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus Christ is Lord! You will do this from either Heaven or Hell. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

I Am That I Am! Exodus 3:14

The Hebrew word for this English phrase is “Hayah”. Strongs # 1961. This Hebrew word is also related to another Hebrew word “Havah”. Strongs #1933. What is interesting is that these words are not nouns but verbs! So they represent an action or initiation of something! The first word describes God as “to exist.” He always was and always will be! He does not fade off into history like men! The second Hebrew word used means to “breathe.” Do not confuse this word with the two Hebrew words used in Genesis 2:7 and Genesis 6:17. In Genesis 2:7, Strongs #5387, the word breath means a Divine inspiration with intellect. The word breath used in Genesis 6:17, Strongs 7307, means a violent exhaustion of air and spirit. Like giving up the ghost! At Creation God the I Am That I Am, initiated his breath into man with Divine inspiration and intellect! At Noah’s flood in Genesis 2:7, the word breath means a violent exhaustion of air and spirit by death! At birth we receive God’s breath! At death we exhaust God’s breath! At Creation our life is established by his breath! We are established with his breath! We did not evolve! So our breath is not our own! So you have to be careful what you say! Some people have bad breath! Do we praise God or curse him with bad breath? Do we exalt God or ourselves? Every good or evil action is initiated with the breath of our words! Again our breath is not our own! Who is the owner of your breath? When Jesus raises us from the dead again one day we will have breath again! Both believers and unbelievers! Remember the story Jesus told of Lazarus and the rich man? It is found in Luke 16:19-31. Lazarus the beggar was taken to Heaven and the rich man to Hell. There was a great gulf between the two abodes! The rich man begged Abraham to warn his brothers still on earth to the Hell that awaits them unless they repent! Abraham told the rich man in Hell that his brothers had Moses and the Prophets! Abraham told the rich man that if they will not believe them then they will not believe one though raised from the dead! So God was really telling Moses to tell Pharaoh that I am the breath that all men have! I am the God that breathes breath into men! I am the Creator of all living things! Pharaoh you have not evolved by your own works! Pharaoh since you are using my breath that I gave you do not abuse me in unbelief towards me! Jesus said we must be born again! I second breath or wind! Before being born again I cursed God with my breath! No I praise him with the same breath! Pharaoh rejected the God that gave him breath and he and his army was drowned in the Red Sea! In the time of Noah the world except for 8 souls were drowned in the flood! Remember Lucifer who became Satan the Praise Leader of Heaven? Remember the fallen Angel? He used the breath of God to Glorify God then he used the same breath to oppose God! He rebelled against God in Heaven and was cast down to earth with 1/3 of the angels! Now they use the breath of God to oppose his Kingdom here on earth! Satan has many followers over the generations that have lived since the Garden of Eden! Is your breath used to raise doubts about God or affirm him? After the resurrection of the dead we will have breath again! Some to everlasting life and some to judgment! The Praise of the Saints will be beautiful but the screams of Hell deafening! Remember this! What you did with God’s breath while here on earth will determine your outcome in eternity! You are not your own you have been bought with a price!If I were God I would be reluctant to give mortal men my breath! Very risky! Will they praise me or curse me? With the breath of God Jesus said on the Cross,” Father forgive them for they know not what they do”! Crucify Him! One day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Why not start now while you have breath! Worship the I Am That I Am! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Is Jesus Blood Human?

The father of any child determines the gender and blood type! Jesus carries the blood of his Father in Heaven! If Jesus had human blood it would be contaminated with sin! Jesus had a human body except for his blood! God does not look at our sin whatever it may be but looks on the sacrifice! Is the sacrifice adequate? Is the sacrifice enough to atone for our sin? The same in the Old Testament! The High Priest provided the shed blood of an innocent sacrifice for the forgiveness of the sin of the people! Jesus without sin and his shed blood of God is the only sacrifice that qualifies us for redemption! Not your works not your own efforts but the Divine blood of Jesus Christ! Nothing else! Pastor Joseph Prince

Evangelism on Steriods! Isaiah 61:1

Hebrew Translation: “The Divine Breath of God is upon me: because the Divine Nature of God has consecrated me into the office of Evangelism to preach a military victory over Satan to the meek: he has sent me to cover and bandage up, rule and govern the broken hearted, to preach, celebrate and invite calling you by name to the captives subdivided by religion, race, culture, gender, ideology and lies: and the opening of the prison to them that are imprisoned by them.”

Work of Holy Spirit! John 16:13

Greek Translation: “Now when the breath of God blows on you at the reality of my appearing he will show you the way into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear with the ear of the mind, that shall he announce to you things to come.” Comment: Jesus was not talking about fortune cookies here! The Apostle John also went on to write the Book of Revelation! Want to know the future? Do not go to a palm reader! Read the Word of God! Yes! Your Bible you never open! Most of the Church avoids the Book of Revelation? They pretend it does not exist? Is the church interested in the future? Does your future interfere with God’s plan for your life? What makes the Book of Revelation challenging is that John makes many references to Old Testament prophecies out of Ezekiel, Isaiah, Psalms and others but he does not reference these scriptures! So if you are not a student of the Old Testament it will be hard for you to understand! Remember the Old Testament prophets predicted the time and place of the arrival to earth of our Messiah! Hundreds of years before! They also predicted events today in the 21st Century! Tim Clement was probably the best prophet I have seen in my life time! I first met Kim back in the early 1990’s when he came to our old church Harvest Cathedral in Macon Georgia. After hanging around him and his  piano a few minutes revelation would begin to come to you! Kim went on to prophecy in 2007 a leader by the name of Trump would come to power to turn America back to God! In 2013 Kim prophesized his first name “Donald!” This is why the left hates Trump so much! He is God’s choice and not their choice! Kim’s video’s are all on YouTube so you can check them out for yourself! Kim has gone on to the Lord! Kim was not a 50 percenter! Will it be Hillary or Trump in 2016? Even the Gamblers in Vegas can hit on this one! Kim did not divine for money! He was the real deal! God can use you just like Isaiah, Ezekiel and Kim! Remember that old song, “The future is not ours to say?” A big lie! We choose our future by accepting or rejecting Jesus Christ! God has predicted the future because he has written the future! Is your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life? God has spoken his word through his written word (logos) from the pages of your Bible! Our future is our choice! Speak the Rhema or spoken word from his written word and the life of God will come to you! God will then dwell in you and you will speak the things he gives you! Excitement will come to your life! An eternal purpose will come to you! To see the future before it happens and to then see the newspapers report these events and confirmed through history is about as exciting as it will ever get for you! Are you bored? Get on with God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Memorial Day Thoughts! John 15:13

Our greatest respect for those in our military and especially those who laid down there lives for their friends as Jesus commanded us to do! Jesus commanded us to love one another! Think about this! God laid down His life through His only Son Jesus Christ for His enemies! This act is more than human! This is another reason why Jesus is God! No human would do this! Everyone ever born who accepted Jesus Christ as Savior was first the enemy of God! Yes you and me! Now we better understand why Jesus also commanded us to love our enemies! This is divine and not a capacity of mortal men! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

What Color is America?

Is it white, black, red, yellow or brown? The color of America is red, white and blue! MSG Roy Benavidez, Medal of Honor, Vietnam War.  Comment: The color of our American flag represents character not race! White represents purity and innocence! Red represents hardiness and valor. Blue represents the color of our Chief, vigilance, perseverance and justice! The stars are the symbol of Heaven and the divine goal of men from the beginning of time! The stripes represent rays of light as from the sun! Character is chief among God and men! Nations that drift from character go into the annals of history! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

First & Last! Isaiah 44:6

Hebrew Translation: “Thus saith the Lord the Divine Authority of Israel, who was not elected by men but created men has ransomed and released you the Lord of the Armies of Heaven and His Angels. I am the first in place, time and rank, and I am the last following behind my creation with redemption and judgment; beside me there is no Holy, Righteous and True God.”

Hall of Faith! Hebrews Chapter 11

Can you place your name in with those in the Hall of Faith as listed in Hebrews Chapter 11? How do you get there? So what is Faith? Faith is a relationship with God that causes one to be persuaded to trust and believe in the confidence of Divine Truth that produces good works! Faith in a false god will produce destructive works! Islam is probably our best example but atheism with Darwinism ranks right up there with Islam! A Faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ leads to the miracles described in Chapter 11. Faith in Christ makes one confident and free from guilt, doubt and fear! Faith in a false god leads to guilt, fear and death! You have to trust in the one greater than yourself! You cannot save yourself! To trust in yourself is sin! God and His Christ is the gold standard for Faith because there is no sin in them and they have power over death, hell and the grave! A Faith in a false god will send people to the grave! A Faith in the true God will raise people from the grave! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com