Stock Food! Public Service Bulletin!

There are going to be diesel fuel shortages this summer as reported by news agencies for this summer! All your commodities whether groceries or everything else is delivered by truck powered by diesel fuel! Five refineries have shut down since Biden has taken office! Your Transportation secretary Mayor Pete says the answer is for you to ride a bicycle! Meanwhile China and India are buying discounted oil from Russia! Thanks Uncle Joe! They are funding the war in the Ukraine! Suggest you might want to consider buying non-perishable food stocks or some canned goods if or when the grocery stores in your area begin to run out of food! Like Joseph in your Bible stored up in the good years for the lean years to come! The political ramifications of the current administration is felt by every American whether prices for everything like gas or shortages like baby formula! When you elect dummies in the White House you get dummy results! Trump just seems better and better as time goes on! Did you not love his two dollar a gallon gas for those four years? Fasten your seat belt for the Biden administration has enough time left to crash our entire economy! It was so funny in our family prayer part of my wife’s prayer was: “Jesus protect us from the Biden Administration.” We are instructed to pray for our leaders but God did not say how to pray for our leaders! So she may get a pass on this one! The Holy Spirit may be leading her to pray for our protection from the devil! Anyway I prayed in agreement with her! There are two Kingdoms in this earth! God and Satan! Everyone living on earth is in one part or the other! We have to live in both worlds so our prayers as Jesus prayer taught us said: Deliver us from evil! Overcome evil with good! Stock up your shelves for the shortages that will come under this administration! Then try to figure out if you vote the wrong people into political power over you there are consequences! Don’t plant your wild oats or weeds your sin and then pray for a crop failure! James & Hamsa Sasse.

The Democrat Caravan!

Heaven has borders! Heaven has gates! God does not just let anybody in! You have to legally apply for entrance! Your sin has to be forgiven! You have to legally by law accept the conditions for pardon of your sin! You cannot climb up another way! What the Democrats are pushing for is the one world government! The world order Jesus predicted would come before Christ’s second coming! It would be lead by the Anti-Christ a ruthless dictator that brings death and destruction beyond anything history has shown us yet! The one world government will be a Socialist State! You will not even be able to buy food unless you take their mark! The Democrats Socialism is a war against Nationalism! It is a war against our National Flag and our military! It is a war against Christianity because Christ has a Kingdom with borders! The righteous separated from the wicked! There are no borders in Hell! No rules! Anything goes! Loyalty is rejected! Marriage is rejected! Crime is welcomed! Evil is adorned! The one world government will come sooner or later! The question to you is you play a part in its promotion or delay! If you want to give up your freedom our Constitution affords us and move to a deep State where every decision you used to make for yourself is made by the State for you! I will not tell you how to vote but there will be consequences to you and your family to vote for those in government power who are moving America to a Socialist State! James and Hamsa Sasse.

National Emblem!

For my own part, I wish the bald eagle had not been chosen the representative of our country! He is a bird of bad moral character! He does not get his living honestly! Benjamin Franklin   Comment: Dear Mr. Franklin, He only kills for food like you and I. He does not kill for revenge and out of anger! He does not live on food stamps! When I get to Heaven I will explain that one! He is not dependent on the government! He does not get a welfare check! Again explain to you in Heaven! He actually works for a living! He builds his own house! He helps control populations! He has never told a lie! Just like George! Should we have chosen the vulture for our National emblem? He keeps our highways clean! He does not disturb the living! He probably would more accurately represent our government! So you ask me what emblem would best describe the American taxpayer? Road Kills! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Empty Vessels! 2 Kings 4:1-7

The widow of a Prophet had two sons. She could not pay her debts so her two sons would become slaves! Slavery was different then! During this period Hebrew slavery was according to law! The period of slavery was limited to six years! (Exodus 21:2) Slaves had protections and rights under the law! It was possible for slaves to attain position, power and honor! Remember Joseph? Prime Minister of Egypt! Regardless the widow would have been separated from her children! You could not file a Chapter 11 to get out of debt! She took her problem to the Prophet Elisha. Elisha asked her what she had in her house? She told him nothing but a pot of oil. She had only one thing but it was everything! Jesus there is only one lad here who has two loaves and five fish! How can we feed the multitude? We are out of luck Master! We are having a bad day! Elisha asked the widow to borrow empty vessels? He told her to shut the door on her house with her two sons! He asked her to begin to fill the empty vessels! Jesus told his disciples to bring the little boy’s food to him. He prayed and Blessed the borrowed food and told his disciples to begin to distribute the food to the crowd! The widow came to Elijah and told him all the empty vessels were full. He told her to sell the oil and pay the debt! Remember the gold coin in the mouth of the fish? God is looking for the empty vessels on earth whom He can fill. However a majority of these vessels do not believe they are borrowed vessels? They think they own their own vessels? It is my money! Don’t tell me to tithe! Don’t tell me what to do! You can understand the challenge God faces! You are not your own but paid for with a price! The price was His blood! God’s blood! I would never want God’s job! Satan tried to take God’s job and so we have death, disease, destruction and continual war! Let God be God and become an empty vessel He can fill. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Beach Wedding

Would you like a beautiful wedding under the ocean sky? Let your colors be selected by your Creator! Let us begin with a turquoise sky contrasted by a white sand beach. Decide your water colors depending on the time of day. As the sun rises and sets over this occasion let the orange ball of light speak of eternity as it’s color spectrum dances in your mind. Let the sound of waves provide your music. Even the hermit crabs will come out of their homes and see this occasion. The clams will clap their shells in approval. The sea gulls and pelicans will get a bird’s eye view. They may even take a day off from fishing. The dolphins will break the surface to catch a glimpse. A sea foam green carpet stretched from the gazebo to the water will provide continuity. A guest book for surfers and beach bums would be polite. A bare foot dance in the sand would be down to earth. When the crabs come out to dance with you things are getting right. Let your gown, slippers and jewelry match your creation. Sea food should be on the menu. Let your wedding cake match your neighborhood. Let your mind with the creativity God has given you compliment your Creator! Please do not forget your departure time for your cruise ship. Your party is not over! Thankyou. Anita Sasse.

ObamaCare Strikes Twice!

Yes, lightning does strike twice! The Denmark Zoo feeds another giraffe to the Lions! The ObamaCare policy assures that all the animals will have food! They can sleep peacefully knowing their government (zoo keepers), will supply their every need! The giraffe population had their private food policies cancelled last month? They were encouraged to go on the government run food exchange web site. What worried the animals was the private information they were asked like age and weight? The rest is history! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is It All About Food?

Adam and Eve were given all the food in the garden except one tree! They had a vegetarian dish of everything except for one dish! Could they follow instructions? No! Israel ate the Passover mean with unleavened bread before leaving Egypt. No time to ferment the bread they had to get out of Dodge(town). Moses got complaints about the food in the wilderness. The Jews told him they wish they could go back to Egypt and eat the garlic and onions! God wanted to kill them all but Moses pleaded with God and they got frosted flakes in the wilderness. Just a note here I have a bowl of Luckey Charms every morning for breakfast. Then the most significant event in all of history happened! In an obscure village named Bethlehem God prepared another Table for us! The name Bethlehem means house of bread. Then we have the last supper. We have the Lord’s table or Thanksgiving meal. This meal is also called the Communion Table where we receive Christ’s Body(Broken Bread), and His Blood(Wine) as atonement for our sin. On the resurrection day we will all be at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! The point here is God has prepared a Table for us simply by His Grace over us! We did not earn this but a gift to us! God has prepared a table for us both past, present and future! As we sit around a table this Holiday season think on these things and The Table He by His great sacrifice has provided to you! Source; Sermon notes taken from Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given on December 8, 2013. Thankyou. James Sasse.

What Did Jesus Say About Following Him? Matthew 7:13-14

Jesus had a radical message! You can only enter in at the narrow way, narrow passage or narrow gate to follow me. A narrow gate would only be about the width of your shoulders. You cannot carry any baggage with you when you go through it. Following Jesus through the narrow gate requires focus with no distractions in the way. The broad road or gate leads to destruction. Jesus does and did not go this path. It is a dead end road. Few people choose the narrow gate. American culture is more Christ resistant than anytime in our history. To follow Christ today is more costly than in previous generations. We are considered radicals by our culture and ridiculed. We are considered on the outer fringes like space cadets. Did you ever notice the on-line surveys always give you a way out. You are never committed to a yes or no answer. Kind of like politics today. Christ gave His disciples no third choice. It was either Heaven or Hell. The same holds true for us today! Yes or no? Easy or difficult. Matthew 5:1-2. Jesus real audience was more than the crowds it was His disciples. They had already made up their minds to follow Him but their trust level was low. It takes time to figure out if you can trust someone. Jesus told them the Kingdom of God is right now! It was not yesterday or tomarrow. Living right now is Monday through Saturday working, school and difficult schedules. Jesus said let Heaven break into your boring day to day world. Jerusalem has 12 gates. The wide gate is the most used gate. Examples today are convenience stores, shopping malls, fast food, ect. We like the best paved roads with the fewest traffic lights. They even have drive through churches today. Just hear a message on the internet or television. Why go to church? Studies have found that women like to shop on the internet after 9:00PM. Why? Convenient! We like to choose the easy way over the difficult. Going through the wide gate we can take along as much baggage as we want. No constraints, no sacrifices, easy choices, no boundaries, no commitment applies to all who travel the wide gate. Taking this path leads to ruin. Jesus took a narrow path from The Judgment Hall to Calvary. It was also a steep climb carrying your Cross! He took your unforgiveness, hurt, pain and all your sin. Jesus was a teacher of virtue. Creativity exits between boundaries. Whether it be inventions, music, poetry, sciences, discoveries or even the work of a humble farmer. All great work is done within constraints and boundaries. Jesus had to be sinless to fix your sin. Because of the discipline of constraints and boundaries we have very few great people. People do not like boundaries. Live together why get married? Why study? Why work? Get on welfare. Pregnant? Get an abortion. Vote for the political party that offers you no constraints or boundaries. Revelation 7:9. Heaven is not sparsely populated but has a great multitude. Salvation belongs to our God! It is a free gift like a Christmas gift under a tree and is easy to find. Jesus is easy to find but very difficult to follow. Weddings are exciting but then the couples have to learn to live together. Marriage goes from easy to difficult. The wide gate is to get a divorce or just live together unmarried. To remain in covenant is a miracle from God and requires His Grace. To stay married is hard work and a challenge. Getting pregnant is easy but raising children is hard work. The family under the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman is God’s only plan and design for relationships and for the security of future generations. Worship even requires constraints and boundaries. All people will make one of the following four choices in their life. 1. Secularism- autonomy, it’s my life, live for yourself, no boundaries, no restraints. Not Jesus way. No! 2. Moralism- Follow the rules and get the life I deserve. Entitlement. Steeped in religion that says it is all about me. I deserve to be rich and famous because I am a moral person. 3. Religion- I owe my life to God. Obligation. Things better go right with me because I am serving God! Bad exchange. Problems come! Death and disease comes to all! 4. Grace- Jesus says your life for my life! Wonderful exchange! Great Exchange! My nothingless for His everything. Give God your life and He gives His life back to you! Stop living for yourself. It is a dead end. Let Christ come in. Welcome the Holy Spirit! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. What needs constraint in your life? Do you eat food for comfort? Do you have a drug or sex addiction? Do you feed your senses to no avail. Let Christ increase and you decrease. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and He will add to your life that will help you to victory. Source: Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given Sunday September 1, 2013.

Mistaken Identity!

My Pastor Steve from Macon Georgia is a very talented man and oversee’s a congregation of about 1200 people. As a college student at Lee College he took a summer job in the local town at a funeral home. He thought the experience of ministering to the grieving would help him prepare for the ministry. That summer the funeral director made steve supervisor over 6 people because steve was so talented. This particular day they had two funerals scheduled. Both were scheduled to begin at 2:00 PM in churches located in opposite ends of the city. One deceased was a man and the other a woman. Well, Steve got the caskets mixed up and sent them to the wrong locations! To make matters worse they were both open viewing! When the lids were both lifted at 2:00 PM shreaks and screams began! Steve thought it was just emotions from the crowd for the dearly beloved. Then he heard one lady say he looks like her old boyfriend? Another said he was going to sue the funeral home? After some bad words were said to steve he realized his mistake! He quickly loaded the casket and headed for the other church! He got stopped on the way and got a speeding ticket. When he got to the other church there was not a warm reception for him there either! Monday morning was a difficult morning for steve as the funeral directory called him into his office. He explained to Steve that anything less than termination would not be accepted by the community. Steve got another job in fast food just up the road in the next town. We love and appreciate Pastor Steve Sawyer and the years he ministered to our family in Macon Georgia! James and Hamsa Sasse.

God’s Best Gift? Satan’s Best Gift?

A conclusive list of God’s Gift’s are listed in First Corinthians Chapter One and Chapter 12. Also Romans Chapter 12 and Ephesians Chapter 4. Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church in Colorado Springs gave us two important purposes of our spiritual gifts in his Sunday message. They are; 1. Our gifts bring others to God! 2. Our gifts help us to grow up! There was much more in his message Sunday and you can go to their web site if you want more. NewLifeChurch.Org Commentary; When I was reading First Corinthians Chapter 12, verse 31, I noticed that Paul said to covet earnestly the best gifts, and i will show unto you a more excellent way. Then i asked myself what is God’s best gift? In the next verse i got the answer! Remember in the original manuscripts there were no chapters but a continuation of thoughts. God’s Best Gift is “Love”! What is Satan’s best gift? Remember the temptations he offered Jesus? Stones into bread-food. Show-off and jump off the mountain-pride. All the kingdoms of this world-Power,Authority,Rule Jesus said that my Kingdom is not of this world! There is competition for your soul between two Kingdom’s! The Kingdom of this world and the Kingdom of God! The lust of the eyes and the pride of life is cheese on the rat trap for you and me! Satan’s gifts are death, disease, sickness, pestilence, abortion, sin, war, judgement and hell forever! God’s gifts are love, joy, peace, prosperity, long-suffering, patience, eternal life, forgiveness of sin. Choose life! Choose death? The choice is yours! Thankyou. James Sasse.