Follow the Winner!

Follow the leader not the loser! Prior to the win of the Super Bowl by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers a team member in the locker room prior to a game came up to Tom Brady and expressed his regret that he did not make the Pro-Bowl team. Brady replied that players who do not win Super Bowls play in the Pro-Bowl games! The Pro-Bowl is for losers! We are after the game that really counts! The Super Bowl! Never settle for second place! Why risk your body and life for a game that makes no sense? Let us together go after the prize! We risk everything for the prize! Why risk everything playing with the losers? Never settle for a substitute prize! Commentary: I follow Jesus because he is the winner! He conquered death, hell and the grave for me! He beat Satan at his own game! Death and destruction transformed into life and victory! My life and purpose was secured by his victory over death and the grave! Mike Tyson was interviewed years ago and was asked his key to success in the boxing ring? He replied the key to winning is when I go into the ring I have to be better than who I am! Great leaders make you better than who you are! They bring out the best in you! Brady makes a team better than who they are! But Brady cannot conquer death! There is only one that has done that! His name is Jesus Christ! Who are you going to follow into eternity? Christ or Satan? Heaven or Hell? Who are you playing for right now? Today? If not you better quickly change teams or sides before it is too late! Follow the winner! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Follow! Revelation 14:13

Greek Translation: “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed for my sake and worthy are those that have naturally died in the Lord who executes authority for good from this point forward. Yes saith the Spirit or breath of God that they may rest from their labors and their works of spreading the Gospel following them and preceding him.” Comment: One of the most fascinating words used in this passage of scripture in the English word “Follow.” The Greek word used here for follow really has two meanings! It means to follow and it means to go before! This is significant because although we follow after Jesus at the same time we go before him! That is in regards to his second coming! When you spread the Gospel into the earth you are also preparing the way just like John the Baptist did! Like the Old Testament Prophets did for his first coming! This helps us to understand this verse in the Book of Revelation! As you follow Christ you prepare the way for his second coming for others! To prepare people to escape the final judgment! This is why Evangelism is exponential! You share the love of God with just one person then that person tells another! Those younger generations pick up the truth and tell even younger people about Jesus! Sometimes you tell people older than you and they receive Christ before they pass on and later you meet them in heaven! It is interesting but we attended a large church for about ten years and the Pastor one Sunday asked the congregation how many have come to Christ through this ministry? One person out of a thousand raised their hand! Our Pastor understood the importance of personal Evangelism! When I came to Christ in 1973 in Denver Colorado at Calvary Temple Pastor Blair passed on about 10 years ago! His work follows him! If the work of Christ does not follow you then something is wrong! You are not following the Savior! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh!

What was done with these gifts? What did Jesus do with these gifts given to him by these Kings of the East? Since Jesus was only about two years old his parents Joseph and Mary had to decide! Did they give them to the poor? They were poor themselves! Did they give them to Herod paying taxes on them? Did they distribute them to a local charitable organization in Bethlehem? Did they give them to the local synagogue? They used these funds to finance their trip down to Egypt to escape the clutches of King Herod! They used these funds to live in Egypt for two years and returning to Israel after Herod died! Joseph used the funds to set up his business as a carpenter in Nazareth! God will always make a way for his people when there seems like no way! You say no way my friend? He is the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by him! Wise men still follow him! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Thoughts about the Star!

This star is not an astronomical object! The star appeared at the moment of Jesus birth. It was visible to the wise men of Babylon. If they saw the star over Israel, it would indicate it was not astronomical because stars do not rise in the west! They rise in the east. If it rose in the east it was very special because star gazers like these wise men would not have difficulty recognizing the planet Venus! Traditional images show the wise men traveling over the desert following a star. However Matthew 2 does not say they followed a star to Israel. In fact, it would appear, from their reaction, that the star newly reappeared in Matthew 2:9. How could a star go before the wise men? Bethlehem is to the south of Jerusalem! Stars do not move south. They move west. Stars do not settle over houses. The Greek word for star (Aster), implies something strewn! What could it be? What could it be that moves easily from west to east appearing as strewn light? A pillar of fire would be a good example! Remember the Shechinah Glory of light that moved with the Tabernacle representing the presence of God? This light could have been interpreted as a star! It is believed the wise men reached Bethlehem about 2 years after Jesus birth. That is why Herod ordered the murder of the children 2 years and younger! Source:   Comment: Point here is you cannot explain this star or light naturally! It was supernatural. Very seldom does God oppose his creation! Only to deliver his people! He turned the sun and time back for Joshua to win the battle! He opened the Red Sea for Moses and drowned the pursuing army with the same sea! Mary bore Jesus yet being a virgin! Jesus raised the dead and has promised to raise those who believe and trust him! Jesus himself was raised from the dead! Peter at midnight was delivered from the prison! Do I believe in miracles! Absolutely! Jesus delivered me off my death bed some 45 years ago! Is it a stretch to believe God at his word? It is a stretch not to! God who created all this can change anything or everything at his will! He transformed me from sin to righteousness with his atoning blood! Was it a star? All things are possible with God! He can create anyone he wants to! He can create anything he wants to at anytime at any place! He came to Bethlehem so he could prepare a place for you in Heaven! Why not follow Jesus to Heaven! He will return one day soon to earth with his church! If you wait until then to follow him it will be too late! Wise men still seek him! James and Hamsa Sasse.

He That Overcometh! Revelation 2:11

Comment: Jesus repeated this over and over again to the church! He that overcometh I will give the crown of life! He that overcometh  will escape the second death! What does the word really mean? Let us go to the Greek root word. The word is “Nikao”. The word means to subdue and conquer! To have success in victory! The Greek root word also has a root word! It is the word “Niki”. You got it! It is the athletic foot wear company named Nike! It means conquest! If you are in the body of Christ and believe you will never have a fight with the devil in this life you are in denial! You are in “La La” Land! This life in your generation just as in all preceding generations is a battle between good and evil! You can try to ignore it but it will not go away! You can wish it away? You can try to isolate it away? You can try to spend it away? However you have to join a team and play! Your team can win but you must fight the good fight of faith and face your enemy! Jesus has given you the tools to overcome! To win the victory! His Word! His Spirit! His power! His love! We conquer in Christ’s name! Satan was conquered on the Cross! However in his stupidity he thinks he can still win! He will try to take as many down as he can in defeat! This week a young man went on a mission trip to a remote island where a remote tribe lived! He was martyred! Others will follow to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth! This missionary gave his all to take the Gospel into all the world! If I live my life sheltered, protected, financially secure, and die of old age in this condition I have wasted my life for nothing! The church of Jesus Christ is a conquering army! It is an offensive army! We have real sacrifices and we take some casualties in this war against evil! But we win and will eat of the Tree of Life forever! Remember you are using the blood of a martyr to conquer! The blood of God shed on a Cross for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

No More Excuses! Revelation 1:7

“Behold, he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so. Amen” Comment: The word “wail”, in the Greek is the strongest form of the outward expression of inner grief! It means to beat one’s own body! At Jesus second coming why would the world grieve at his coming? Just as those who rejected him at his first coming so will some at his second coming! Now the man made plans of men supported by Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Atheism, every other religious excuse will come to an end! The false religions will be exposed by the Truth! Every political system that opposes Christ such as Socialism, Fascists, Communism, Darwinism, Nazism and every other Anti-Christ ideology will come to an end! No more hiding behind religious and political systems to promote your sin! Halloween is over and the masks are removed! Sin can no longer be worshiped! Now every knee will bow and every tongue must confess Jesus Christ is Lord! They now stand naked before God! They are striped naked before God! No more coverings! No more hiding! Remember at this time the Church has been raptured! The Saints are following Christ back to earth from heaven at his second coming! For the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth! The only one’s left on earth are those that have rejected Christ! The party is over! Judgment has come! Judgment starts in the House of God yet Christ has taken our judgment upon himself at the Cross! Do you want to try to take your own judgment? Yet many try? You will never be good enough and you have become the fool! Time is short and this life is very short but eternity forever! Are you greater than God? Only a fool would wait and delay a decision for Christ! Choose Christ before you enter your eternity! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Suicide Mission! Proverbs 8:36

Hebrew Translation :”But he that sinneth missing the mark in your relationship to me and missing your true end and purpose in life wrongeth or commits violence and suicide against your own soul; against your mind, your body and your very breath: all they that hate me love death.” Comment: So what would be some examples of suicide in American culture in the 21st Century? How about abortion with over 57 million deaths! How about drugs with over 73 thousand young people killed last year? The list goes on but all because people hate God and will not follow his Commandments! When you teach young people Evolution and remove God out of their lives they lose hope in living! So what ideologies has man concocted to replace God? Let us take the more recent ones! Here is the most recent one with a historical record of hundreds of millions of deaths created! Engels, Marx, Neitzsche, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini all created socialist political systems based on their belief in Darwinism or Evolution! These were all suicidal political systems created by a vacuum left in the belief that there is no God and every man is accountable to no one! Darwinism today in America is the foundation of the Democratic Party here in America! These ideologies are taught in our public schools! The same socialist idea’s are alive in the party today! These idea’s are resurrected in the party today! Remember God laid down his life for you! Are you trying to be greater than God? Men have tried but history proves that they were fools! Are you the same fool? Repent from your sin and follow God and his Christ the rest of the days of your life! James and Hamsa Sasse.