National Emblem!

For my own part, I wish the bald eagle had not been chosen the representative of our country! He is a bird of bad moral character! He does not get his living honestly! Benjamin Franklin   Comment: Dear Mr. Franklin, He only kills for food like you and I. He does not kill for revenge and out of anger! He does not live on food stamps! When I get to Heaven I will explain that one! He is not dependent on the government! He does not get a welfare check! Again explain to you in Heaven! He actually works for a living! He builds his own house! He helps control populations! He has never told a lie! Just like George! Should we have chosen the vulture for our National emblem? He keeps our highways clean! He does not disturb the living! He probably would more accurately represent our government! So you ask me what emblem would best describe the American taxpayer? Road Kills! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Phyllis Schlafly 1924-2016

We pay tribute to her as she brought the Kingdom of God down to earth! She was a Constitutional lawyer and conservative activist. A Harvard graduate she successfully campaigned against the Equal Rights Amendment and opposed the feminist movement! Her books sold millions of copies over the years. She hosted a daily talk show Eagle Forum and i was an avid listener back in the 1970’s and 1980’s! Her father was granted a patent on the Rotary engine design in 1944. Donald Trump is going to honor her at her funeral. She was a great lady and her input made my life better! She respected God and country and honored Christ with service to our nation! Being so close to 9-11 in her passing we are reminded that she stood for American values in which our enemies hate! She will be missed and we know God has a greater work for her now! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.