Coffee House Meeting With 3 Gays!

Dear Pastor Brady Boyd, We enjoyed your article in Charisma. Hopefully you will not get a lot of hate mail from our congregation? Great people take great risks! Jesus said in Matthew 10:34, Luke 12:51 and Revelation 6:4, that I have not come to bring peace on the earth but division! Jesus came to bring peace between God and man! The division on the earth whether through religions, politics, families, church, wars, is about Christ! The theme of these last days by the world is to think that the way to peace is to get rid of Christ and these Christians. All sin whether homosexual or any other sin separates man from God. To repent means to accept God’s atonement in and through Christ and stop the sin against God and man! I know you know these things but do not expect the world to be your friend for they will betray you! In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse.

God’s Best Gift? Satan’s Best Gift?

A conclusive list of God’s Gift’s are listed in First Corinthians Chapter One and Chapter 12. Also Romans Chapter 12 and Ephesians Chapter 4. Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church in Colorado Springs gave us two important purposes of our spiritual gifts in his Sunday message. They are; 1. Our gifts bring others to God! 2. Our gifts help us to grow up! There was much more in his message Sunday and you can go to their web site if you want more. NewLifeChurch.Org Commentary; When I was reading First Corinthians Chapter 12, verse 31, I noticed that Paul said to covet earnestly the best gifts, and i will show unto you a more excellent way. Then i asked myself what is God’s best gift? In the next verse i got the answer! Remember in the original manuscripts there were no chapters but a continuation of thoughts. God’s Best Gift is “Love”! What is Satan’s best gift? Remember the temptations he offered Jesus? Stones into bread-food. Show-off and jump off the mountain-pride. All the kingdoms of this world-Power,Authority,Rule Jesus said that my Kingdom is not of this world! There is competition for your soul between two Kingdom’s! The Kingdom of this world and the Kingdom of God! The lust of the eyes and the pride of life is cheese on the rat trap for you and me! Satan’s gifts are death, disease, sickness, pestilence, abortion, sin, war, judgement and hell forever! God’s gifts are love, joy, peace, prosperity, long-suffering, patience, eternal life, forgiveness of sin. Choose life! Choose death? The choice is yours! Thankyou. James Sasse.