The Millennium Kingdom!

2 Peter 3:8 “But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” Comment: We need to go back to the Book of Genesis! Did you know Jesus quoted out of the Book of Genesis more than any other Book in the Old Testament! So how many days for creation? Six days! Most Bible scholars believe the earth is about six thousand years old. One day is equal to a thousand years so how old is he earth? Never believe the lie by Darwin and his theory of evolution that the earth is over 13 billion years old! He came along to try to deceive people drawing them away from God! Carbon dating is also junk science! After the eruption of Mount Saint Helen’s here is the U.S., the newly formed rock after about two years was carbon dated using both methods. It was found the rocks were anywhere between three hundred thousand and a million years old when in fact they were two years old! They did this with other active volcano’s including the one in Sicily. Science is not science if it is exponentially off on dates! History is more accurate than a phony science! We know Moses wrote the Book of Genesis in his wilderness crossing between 1450-1410 B.C. Abraham was born in 1973 B.C. Noah was born in 2948 B.C. So how many years between the creation of Adam and Eve and the flood? Again plus one or a thousand years as most scholars believe. So what happens after the sixth day or six thousand years? We enter into the 7th day of rest! The Sabbath! We enter into the Millennium reign of Christ here on earth! His second coming! Satan is bound for a thousand years and perfect peace on earth! No more war! The lion lays down with the lamb! The Apostle Peter was a prophet! Jesus told us all the signs that would precede his second coming! When we look at all the signs in our scriptures both Old and New Testament his coming is soon! Those that see Christ will be those that are looking for him! Are you looking for him? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas Forever! Luke 1:33

Greek Translation: “And he shall rule and reign over those that belong to Christ the household family of God from Jacob forever; and his Kingdom of Royal dominion over heaven and earth in the heart’s of men shall have no end with continues victory over sin as the purpose of men is consummated in him!” Comment: So will we be celebrating Christmas in Heaven! Yes! With billions of people and millions of Angels! So what will we be doing when we follow Christ back to earth at his second coming? We will be celebrating the second Christmas! Merry Christmas! James & Hamsa Sasse.

This is How it will End! Daniel 7:27

“And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High (True God creator of Heaven and earth), whose kingdom, and all dominion and rule, shall serve and intelligently hear and obey him.”

See! Hear! Write! Revelation 1:11

There are only two kinds of books you will read while living here on earth! The first category of books are those that support the Kingdom of God and his Christ! The second category are those books that oppose the Kingdom of God and his Christ! So the question you should ask yourself is does this book support or deny the kingdom of God and his Christ? You know the old saying you can never judge a book by its cover! The cover of every book ever written is either hiding the truth or a lie! The uncovering of the Book of Revelation uncovers the Truth of Jesus Christ! Either sin or righteousness will author every book that has ever been written! Sin cannot be defeated if it is exalted! Sin can be defeated and is defeated by the Christ that was the substitute sacrifice for your sin! For my sin! If we will confess our sin God is faithful to forgive our sin! To confess your sin to Christ is to uncover your sin before God! If we will do this then our names are written down in another Book! Your name is recorded in the Book of Life in Heaven! This Book will be opened at the Judgment Seat of Christ! If your name is not there it would be better if you had not been born! Remember any man or woman that rejects Christ will write a book to oppose Christ so that others would follow them and reject Christ! Hell loves company! Do not let the Kingdom of Darkness abort your Salvation! Herod like many others tried to abort Jesus! Herod got out his knives and swords the master abortionist and cut the womb of every pregnant woman in Bethlehem! Jesus was preserved by God to be the voluntary sacrifice on the Cross for our sin! All of God’s love for us is recorded in a Book called the Bible! The Book of Revelation reveals Jesus Christ as Savior and Judge of the world! For all of his creation! For his church! Truth boils down to one Book one God and one Savior Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Why Suffer? Revelation 1:9

Greek Translation: I John, who also am among you a brother of the same womb (Born Again) and companion in tribulation. In tribulation of being broken, squeezed, crushed with the pressure of a burden upon my spirit in a confined space (Prison). And in the Kingdom of God under all circumstances with endurance towards people. I was in the isle of Patmos, for the Word of God and for the testimony being a witness, certifying and declaring Jesus Christ.  Comment: Suffering by the world brings death! Suffering by God has brought men Salvation! John suffered for a testimony of Jesus Christ! Suffering in Christ brings purpose in your life! To live is Christ and to die is gain! We have an interesting story about India. We spent two of our three years there on a remote mountain village named Yercaud in South India. They had an old English church up there that had the graveyard surrounding the church! I explained in a previous post why the British did this. Since I had to walk through the cemetery to get to the front door of the church I noticed some of the grave markers. There were two grave markers of a missionary couple from England that spent their whole life preaching the Gospel in India! But I noticed next to their graves was a little grave marker of a four year old girl. This was their daughter who died of malaria while ministering to the people of India! I wrote there names down and then inquired of the elders of the village if anyone knew about them? An old man in the village told me the story his grandfather told him many years ago. This couple had a powerful ministry bringing  hundreds of Hindus and Muslims to Christ! They had been appointed to a three year mission work to India. However after their daughter died there they spent the rest of their lives ministering in India! They decided their daughter’s death would not be in vain! Her sacrifice was not to be wasted! Jesus said, “This do in remembrance of me!” As we take the bread and the cup let us remember he did not let the cup pass from him! A sacrifice was provided to you for your Salvation! Remember him when you are suffering for he has never forgotten you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Democrat Caravan!

Heaven has borders! Heaven has gates! God does not just let anybody in! You have to legally apply for entrance! Your sin has to be forgiven! You have to legally by law accept the conditions for pardon of your sin! You cannot climb up another way! What the Democrats are pushing for is the one world government! The world order Jesus predicted would come before Christ’s second coming! It would be lead by the Anti-Christ a ruthless dictator that brings death and destruction beyond anything history has shown us yet! The one world government will be a Socialist State! You will not even be able to buy food unless you take their mark! The Democrats Socialism is a war against Nationalism! It is a war against our National Flag and our military! It is a war against Christianity because Christ has a Kingdom with borders! The righteous separated from the wicked! There are no borders in Hell! No rules! Anything goes! Loyalty is rejected! Marriage is rejected! Crime is welcomed! Evil is adorned! The one world government will come sooner or later! The question to you is you play a part in its promotion or delay! If you want to give up your freedom our Constitution affords us and move to a deep State where every decision you used to make for yourself is made by the State for you! I will not tell you how to vote but there will be consequences to you and your family to vote for those in government power who are moving America to a Socialist State! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Case Against Socialism Isaiah 62:8

The Lord has sworn by his right hand, and by the arm of his strength, Surely I will no more give  thy corn to be meat for your enemies; and the sons of the stranger shall not drink thy wine, for which thy has labored.  Comment: I know what the socialists will say! Well Jesus said to love your enemies! Right? Let us look at the Greek word “Agape”. This Greek word is not found in Classical Greek but is only used in revealed religion! Here is the key to this word used for our English word love! This word when used is not doing what the person loved desires but what the one who loves deems as needed by the one loved! This is central to understanding what Jesus meant! Jesus love is not based on what we want but on what we need! If people wanted Salvation then the whole world would be saved and we could close up our churches and go home! Most people are not in love with God but with the world and themselves! Ever try to sell someone what they don’t want? Like selling a comb to a bald man! However I was blind but now I see! So the Jesus standard of love is to give people what they need not what they want! Socialism is all about people getting what they want! Free stuff! Do not have to work for it let someone else do the work! Theft! Why did God invent work? Work is a sacrifice! God’s whole Kingdom is built on a sacrificial system! Work is a sacrifice! Jesus sacrificed himself on a Cross for us! God worked 6 days in creation and rested on the 7th day! Should he expect less from us? God has made provision for those who cannot work! Work is the only vehicle that brings out our gifts God has given us! We love our enemies by sharing Christ with them! It is tough because most do not want him! They trust the world and themselves rather than God! James and Hamsa Sasse,

Goals! Matthew 4:8-9

Jesus said what profits a man if he gain the whole world and lose his only soul? Remember the Devil offered Jesus all the Kingdoms of this world if he would bow down and worship him! We need a Godly goal! An eternal goal! Depending on our natural gifts we have different abilities. I will never play football in the NFL. I will never go to the Olympics. I am not a rocket scientist. I always enjoyed taking things apart and turning wrenches. I love preaching the Gospel but never had a full time job doing it. I love girls but they are very expensive! I like politics but it is too ugly for me! I would rather do a Bible Study than balance my check book! Math was not my best friend! We should all have one common goal! Reach the Kingdom of God! After this life an eternity awaits us all! Did you ever notice Jesus just had one goal. His goal was to prepare people for Heaven! To do that he had to die a ugly death on a Cross! He had to be raised from the dead! He had to ascend to his Father in Heaven to prepare a place for us there and send his Holy Spirit to us here on earth! How would I know if I had a Godly goal? I would have the same goal for you that I have for myself! My goal is to lead people to Jesus! I do not want to be set apart from Jesus seeking the Kingdoms of this world ending up separated from God forever! Also denying you access to Heaven by my rebellion against Christ! By creating an ideology that opposes the Kingdom of God! I want to share Heaven with you! My goal is that we both share Heaven together! Jesus said they will know you are my disciples if we have love for one another! Do you love the world as much as God does? Humanly impossible! But by his indwelling Holy Spirit all things are possible! Why not give your goals to God and let him sort them out in his eternal plan and purpose for your life! If you fight God’s plan and purpose for your life you will be miserable! If you confederate yourself to him then you will have joy forevermore! James and Hamsa Sasse.

John 3:16 Word Study “Life”

Life (Zoe), Strongs #2222 This word refers to the principle of life in the spirit and the soul. It is distinguished from our physical life! It expresses the highest and best of what Christ is and which he gives to his Saints! It is the highest blessing of the creature! It is the eternal part of us that never perishes! Whether in heaven or hell. What profits a man if he loses his only soul! Our physical life will perish one day for flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Inverse Proportion! John 3:30

Comment: How do we decrease and Christ increase? How did the Apostle John do this? Caesar boiled him in a pot of hot oil and when that did not work he exiled him to a slave labor camp stone quarry on the island of Patmos! There he wrote the Book of Revelation! The purpose of any ministry is to point people to Christ! If pride rules your life you cannot do this! Every time you point people to Christ, that is increase the Kingdom of God you must decrease! If we try to increase ourselves then Christ decreases in us! Our 3 years in India helped me to understand this! The more I decreased the more Christ increased in me! The more I try to puff up myself the less Christ has influence over my life! The measure of Christ’s influence over any culture is measured by church attendance! Today only 28 percent of young people between the ages of 23-37 attend church? Forty seven percent of all American’s are unchurched! Fifty nine percent of all millennials who grew up in church have left! Eighty five percent of all American churches are declining or have plateaued! Europe is even worse! Before we start blaming Pastor’s let us see how we got to this point! Supreme Court rulings banning prayer and the 10 Commandments in our public schools! The vacuum left is school shootings! The secularization of public schools by atheists John Dewey and Charles Darwin! The teaching of evolution as a science disregarding the creation model of our Bible! The pursuit of success and money robbing parents the time needed to instill religious values in their children! The list goes on but these are some honorable mentions! Imagine the millions of souls Dewey and Darwin have kept out of the Kingdom of God ? Certainly they are seated at the right hand of Satan! So how do we get America back? Is this prophetic heading us towards the one world government ruled by the Anti-Christ? I have asked President Trump to introduce school vouchers where private schools can replace our failing public tax funded education system! Schools must be competitive not paying our tax money to the failed public education system! Christianity is just one generation from extinction! Is America worth the fight to turn this around? Is it worth your time? Go to They have some good idea’s! The Southern Baptist’s found out after building 600 new churches that attendance increased 21 percent in these new churches over a 5 year period! Thankyou! James and Hamsa Sasse,