Sin in Congregation!

1 Corinthians 5:11 “But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such a one, no, not to eat.” Commentary: The Apostle Paul gives specific instructions not to fellowship with those sinning against the Commandments of God! You might say well are we not all sinners? We are forgiven sinners because we have repented of our sin and have ceased those sins! True repentance is to reject the sin that God has rejected in us! We have applied the Blood of Christ over our sin and he has forgiven us! I have noticed over the years that is just one sin that dominates us! Not many but one! There is one sin from one Satan for one man and only one God that can remedy it! One sin keeps one God out! He cannot dwell in us because in him there is no sin! If we resist the Devil in the name of Jesus Satan will flee from us! Then we receive his Holy Spirit and the love and peace of God will dwell in us! Remember the Apostle Paul had one sin! What was it! Religion! The Law! Paul could not follow the Law himself yet required others to do that! His Law became Lawless! He persecuted Christians! Jesus fulfilled the Law by being without sin and becoming God’s only acceptable sacrifice for our Lawlessness! No other mortal could ever achieve this work! Only God could do this! When we come to Christ the Law of sin and death is no longer held against us! Jesus satisfied the Law and the anger of God against our sin on the Cross! It is finished! True repentance requires a change! Internal and external! After the Damascus Road experience Paul no longer persecuted Christians but became the chief spokesman for the promotion of the Gospel! One of the most obvious signs you are not saved is that you will persecute Christians and Jews! Every church has sinners just like the world! Some saved and some unsaved! If you are saved in the church you do not have to look for them they will find you! In the world you have to seek them with the Good News! The world will try to sell you their sin but the price has already been paid! The price of redemption is the Blood of Christ on the Cross! Do not let the temporary pleasures of this world rob you of eternal life! Exchange your sin for redemption! Redeem your rewards for heaven! Peace on earth good will towards men! Jesus exchanged his life for yours! Paul exchanged his life for Christ in this earth and also went to a Cross! If you will not suffer for Christ then you do not understand the suffering he made on your behalf! Do you want to trash Jesus so you can keep your hell? Or do you want Jesus to transform your hell into heaven? You can only make that choice! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Wrath or Salvation? I Thessalonians 5:9-11

Thessalonica was the Crown Jewel of the Apostle Paul’s mission work! His preaching there achieved a numerous and socially prominent following! Paul and his companions in the summer of 50 A.D. had to leave the city! Paul’s sudden departure left the newly found church exposed to great persecution! Paul sent Timothy from Corinth to check on the congregation at Thessalonica. Timothy informed Paul at his return to him that the congregation was steadfast and had a zeal to spread the Gospel! However the church did have some internal problems with sexual relations and some theological issues. Some in the congregation thought that those believer’s that had preceded them in death would have a disadvantage over the living when the Lord returned! So the Letter to the Thessalonians was born out of the need for Paul to settle these issues with the Church there. Paul has made it clear in his letter that God has not appointed us to wrath! The word wrath used here means a punishment with revenge from men! Revenge is a punishment from men that satisfies them but also brings grief to the punisher! The wrath of men is the opposite to the Salvation of God! God took out his revenge on men for their sin by punishing his only Son Jesus Christ on the Cross! Wrath and judgment came upon Jesus Christ for our sin! This is why rejecting Jesus Christ is so serious an offense to God! In fact it is the only unpardonable sin! Judgment or Salvation? Heaven or Hell? The choice you make about Jesus Christ will cast your eternity forever! Jesus is not an option unless you want the consequences being separated from God forever! Jesus is Judge of the living and the dead! He will be your Judge or Savior! The choice is yours to make! Keep in mind in Hell there are no more choices! In Heaven as the Angel’s who are created beings like us still have a choice! Lucifer made his choice to reject God but do you want to follow him to Hell? Jesus took our place on the Cross and took our Judgment upon himself! If Jesus does not take your Judgment you will take your own Judgment! Paul went on to clarify that whether we wake or sleep we live together with him! The word live from the Greek means that God through his Son Jesus Christ causes us to live righteous and Holy physically, spiritually and eternally in him! Paul goes on to say we need to comfort one another! We as the Church need to come to one another’s aid! To comfort one another together as the Body of Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Only 4 Weeks to Live!

Our Pastor challenged us with this question! If you had only 4 weeks to live what would you do? Would you do anything different in the next 30 days from what you normally do? John stood up in the congregation and declared he would go out and feed the poor with the money he had left in his savings account! Sally stood up and said she would pray! Pray! Pray! Pray for a healing and be closer to Jesus! Henry stood up in the congregation and said he would spend the last 4 weeks of his life over at his mother-in-law’s house!  He told the congregation it would be the longest 4 weeks of my life! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Christian Responsibility! 1 Timothy 5:8 Greek Translation

“If any (Not) take thought and care beforehand for your immediate household and those belonging to the church which is the household of God then he is worse than one who does not believe in the Gospel of Christ.” Comment: The Greek word “Oikeis”, represents the phrase “those of his own household.” However this Greek word has a compound meaning! It includes those believers in the church or your congregation! The money received into any church organization is to be used to spread the Gospel and is also to be plowed back into helping the hurting within your own congregation! The money from organizations is not to be used to buy jet airplanes, big mansions, luxury cars and boats! It is to be used to help widows and orphans! The money should not be used to plaster your name on the front of a building! What has happened to the church since the 1930’s is the State has assumed the responsibilities of the church and we have ended up with a choking 20 Trillion dollar budget deficit! If we do the right thing with God’s resources then we will not be worse than the unbeliever! An unbeliever has an excuse in that he is ignorant of the scriptures! However if we who claim to be in Christ do the same things as the world we have no excuse! To know and not to do is worse than not to know and do! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Are You a Saint? Philippians 1:1

Thankyou for the promotion! Are the only Saints in New Orleans? The football team there got put on probation and had to pay huge fines for violations of the National Football League Rules! My friend asked me if I thought he would make it to Heaven? Just wondering is not good! I told him that if he did make it he would be on probation for some time! Notice Paul addressed the congregation as “Saints in Jesus Christ!” Apart from Christ there are no Saints! In Him you are one! So by definition what is a Saint? Is it a marble statue in a church or park? No temptation there! According to the Greek a Saint is one who is set apart or consecrated from a common root! If you and I were branches on the same apple tree we would share a common root! We would draw the same nourishment from the same root for life! If we were cut off from that root we would die! As long as we were attached to the same root we would share the same life! So the life that I have is connected to Christ alone! Apart from Him I can do nothing! If I cut myself off from the Tree of Life I will spiritually die! The church cannot save me, the saints cannot save me, the clergy cannot save me and I am disqualified if I trust anyone else other than Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Church Government

It is a thoroughly anti-Christian doctrine that the Spirit of God, and therefore the life and governing power of the church, resides in the ministry, to the exclusion of the people! Charles Hodges (1797-1878) Comment; True but I have seen a church board vote and send a good Pastor down the road! I have seen elder’s gang up on a Pastor! I have seen congregation members rebel and split the church taking half the congregation away to begin a new church! We also got the Reformation through a church split! Not all bad! Church by-laws are different! I limit myself to making suggestions to the Pastor to improve effectiveness. However, it is still up to the Pastor if he wants to do it? If he doesn’t then that is alright! The only reason I can see a reason to leave a church is doctrinal error! If so then leave the right way in peace with the Pastor and congregation! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Church Politics!

If all church power vests in the clergy, then the people are practically bound to passive obedience in all matters of faith and practice; for all right of private judgment is then denied!  Charles Hodges (1797-1878)  Charles was an American Theologian. His father Hugh was a military surgeon during the Revolutionary War! Charles married Sarah Bache the great-granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin. Comment: No organization ever saved anyone! Only Christ saves! Organizations are as imperfect as the people who make them up! Sadly politics is alive and well in the church! Many denomination and church splits are due to politics! On the other side of the issue people who do not want to submit to authority go out and start their own church. Abuse by the clergy and rebellion by the congregation are both destructive! Theology interpretations are also basis for divisions! However the Reformation came out of this! So it can be positive! Suggestion here is whatever your gifting is try to find a leader with the same gifting! Iron sharpens iron! If you are an Evangelist you may be uncomfortable with a leader who is a teacher? However you will still benefit from that gifting! Also find a leader who is open and transparent and not a politician who is manipulating people for his own gain! When I sense a leader is deceptive, manipulative and hides his real intensions I run like Hell! The Holy Spirit will give you discernment to be in the right place where you belong in the Body of Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sex In The Church! 1 Corinthians 5:1

Ephesus and Corinth both suffered from sexual brokenness! God wants us to live in a new community of sexual purity! In Corinth just like the world today there are no sexual boundaries. The shock value of sin is very low in America. Corinth was a shocking culture! The Corinth culture gradually influenced the Church just like in America today! God wants us to be a peculiar people with a pure image in marriage and in our Church family. Paul confronted a man who had his father’s wife in the Church at Corinth. Even under Roman law a man could not marry his step-mother! Paul goes on to say you are even proud of it and does not seem to bother you? Paul says you should be filled with grief! Perverted un-repented sin among believers should grieve us! Paul was not condemning or judging people struggling with sexual sin but encouraging them to repent. Paul is saying there is an elephant in the room and we cannot ignore him. We cannot pretend to be blind but have to confront this behavior in the Church. Paul said in verse 5 that this man needs to be turned over to Satan so his flesh nature is destroyed and his spirit could be saved on the Day of The Lord! We want to help everyone but everyone does not want help! Willful and public sin needs to be challenged! This sinner may have been a wealthy member of the Church. Sometimes in a small congregation the Church will overlook sin because of money. The pagan’s did not even like what was going on. Sexual sin in America is often celebrated? All of us are tempted in this perverted American culture we live in. Sin must not be tolerated and ignored by the Church. Paul is not cursing this man. Paul is saying if you follow your flesh we cannot help you! This man was personally known to the congregation. Paul was trying to help but this man was premeditated to do wrong. He did not want help. He was in love with his flesh! Paul could not help him until he was ready for help. Until he got sick of himself Paul could not help him. A little sin grows like a cancer and consumes the whole body. Death is the final outcome. First spiritual death and then physical death. Paul says in verse 6 that a little yeast or spoilage spoils the whole lump. The yeast and the swelling up represents pride! Do not allow a little of the world to enter your soul. It will take over you! Let the Holy Spirit clean your house. Guard your home. Dad’s are to pray and give leadership in the home. Guard the innocence of your children! Your children are not your buddies. Lead them in paths of righteousness. Parenting should not be a popularity contest. My children do not stay overnight with parents I do not know. Know your kid’s friends! Do not associate with sexually immoral people. There are different standards for the world and the Church. Dogs bark and cats purr and sinners sin. Laws of nature. The world acts like the world. Be ambassador’s of salt and light. Paul goes on in verse 11 we are not to associate with sinners. Not to be mean or nasty to them but not to let them influence you. Judgment starts at the House of God! Use discernment and grieve the sin not celebrate it. Galatians 6:1-3. Come face to face with ugliness and seek to restore if possible. All of us were broken at one time. We were addicted in bondage. Mercy found us and made us the called out ones in the community. Most of us have a story of how God came in and restored us. God holds us to a higher standard. Sin is a terrible burden but to be Holy is Joy! Jesus has already taken our Judgment. Jesus paid for us on the Cross. Remember no Judgment from people is final! Like the thief on the Cross Jesus gets the final word! What pronouncement have people made over you? Ephesians 2:4-7. God has a great love for you! His Grace has saved us! The kindness of Jesus has moved us. Yes, while we were yet sinners! In spite of our flaws His ocean’s of Grace cover us! Have people written you off? Jesus has written your salvation in His own blood! Is your resume full of sin? Fire the Devil and go to work for Jesus. Jesus has purchased you with a price! His life! God gives Grace! Believe it! I did in August of 1988 and He changed my life forever! He can and will for you! Let us close in prayer———-. Source; Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given on Sunday, February 2, 2014.

Coffee House Meeting With 3 Gays!

Dear Pastor Brady Boyd, We enjoyed your article in Charisma. Hopefully you will not get a lot of hate mail from our congregation? Great people take great risks! Jesus said in Matthew 10:34, Luke 12:51 and Revelation 6:4, that I have not come to bring peace on the earth but division! Jesus came to bring peace between God and man! The division on the earth whether through religions, politics, families, church, wars, is about Christ! The theme of these last days by the world is to think that the way to peace is to get rid of Christ and these Christians. All sin whether homosexual or any other sin separates man from God. To repent means to accept God’s atonement in and through Christ and stop the sin against God and man! I know you know these things but do not expect the world to be your friend for they will betray you! In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Mistaken Identity!

My Pastor Steve from Macon Georgia is a very talented man and oversee’s a congregation of about 1200 people. As a college student at Lee College he took a summer job in the local town at a funeral home. He thought the experience of ministering to the grieving would help him prepare for the ministry. That summer the funeral director made steve supervisor over 6 people because steve was so talented. This particular day they had two funerals scheduled. Both were scheduled to begin at 2:00 PM in churches located in opposite ends of the city. One deceased was a man and the other a woman. Well, Steve got the caskets mixed up and sent them to the wrong locations! To make matters worse they were both open viewing! When the lids were both lifted at 2:00 PM shreaks and screams began! Steve thought it was just emotions from the crowd for the dearly beloved. Then he heard one lady say he looks like her old boyfriend? Another said he was going to sue the funeral home? After some bad words were said to steve he realized his mistake! He quickly loaded the casket and headed for the other church! He got stopped on the way and got a speeding ticket. When he got to the other church there was not a warm reception for him there either! Monday morning was a difficult morning for steve as the funeral directory called him into his office. He explained to Steve that anything less than termination would not be accepted by the community. Steve got another job in fast food just up the road in the next town. We love and appreciate Pastor Steve Sawyer and the years he ministered to our family in Macon Georgia! James and Hamsa Sasse.