Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh!

What was done with these gifts? What did Jesus do with these gifts given to him by these Kings of the East? Since Jesus was only about two years old his parents Joseph and Mary had to decide! Did they give them to the poor? They were poor themselves! Did they give them to Herod paying taxes on them? Did they distribute them to a local charitable organization in Bethlehem? Did they give them to the local synagogue? They used these funds to finance their trip down to Egypt to escape the clutches of King Herod! They used these funds to live in Egypt for two years and returning to Israel after Herod died! Joseph used the funds to set up his business as a carpenter in Nazareth! God will always make a way for his people when there seems like no way! You say no way my friend? He is the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by him! Wise men still follow him! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Message to Churches! Revelation 1:5

Greek Translation: And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful one worthy to be believed keeping his promises a witness having knowledge of everything. The first born of the whole creation being before and after all things. The first born for the spiritual dead. He is the Prince or chief ruler of the Kings of the people in the earth as part of man’s dominion in creation. Unto him that first showed his love toward men. And washed us from the sin that kept us from our true purpose of life in his own blood. His blood the life of all flesh.

Justification for Revolution!

Advances in science help to delegitimize the Rule of Kings and the Power of the Church! Karl Marx (1818-1883). Comment: History has shown us that science has increased the Rule of Kings! The invention of gun powder would be an example! WWII ended because the United States was the first to develop an atomic bomb! The Power of the Church is increased with the technology to reach millions of more people with the Gospel! So what was Marx really talking about? The Godless Theory of Evolution by Darwin and the embracement of it by Marx! If you believe the lie there is no God then the Church is purposeless! This is the false science Marx is referring too! Since there is no God there is no legitimate government authority and a revolution is needed to overthrow all existing government! This is the root ideology of socialism and communism! De-legitimate the existing government into revolution! This is what the political left is trying to do with President Trump right now here in America! This is right out of the Marx socialist playbook! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Jewish Phenomenon! Isaiah 60:12

Hebrew Translation: “For the non-Jewish nations (Gentiles) and their idol Kings that will not serve and worship thee shall not escape a down fall, those Gentile nations shall utterly be wasted through war.” Comment: Did you ever observe the obvious? The greatest Salvation and the greatest destruction has come through the Jews! Our Savior is Jewish! The disciples were Jewish! The cell phone was invented in Israel. Between 1901-2017 two hundred and one Jews have been awarded the Nobel Prize accounting for 23 percent of world wide recipients and 37 percent of all U.S. recipients! Jews have been awarded 26 percent of all Nobel Prizes and 28 percent of them in scientific research fields! Jews only make up two tenths (.2) of the world’s population and two percent (2) of America’s population! The greatest destruction on the earth has been wrought by atheistic Jews such as Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Lenin and Charles Darwin! You will get some push back that Darwin was not a Jew but wrong! There is a good article in Scientific American that will clarify this! Jews throughout Europe and even America changed their names to avoid persecution! My wife worked for a rich Jewish family in Pittsburg while attending college there back in the 1960’s. She did baby sitting for the children for two years. She found out through them that they changed their names to hide their Jewish roots! We know from Daniel 11:37 The Anti-Christ will be Jewish! He will be an atheist and a homosexual. Albert Einstein helped America build the Atomic bomb that ended WWII. Hitler kicked him out of Germany in the 1930’s because he was a Jew! Hitler was so ignorant that he followed a atheist Jewish ideology of Charles Darwin that drove him to destruction! Evolution says the strong shall defeat the weak! Hitler though he must speed up the process of Evolution which would otherwise take millions of years to do by eliminating the weak! Evolution drives abortion here in America! The religious Jews persecuted our Jewish Messiah in the first Century! Jesus warned them that their Temple and the City Of Jerusalem would be destroyed which the Romans did in 70 A.D. Our attitude towards the Jews will determine the outcome in our lives! God deals with the Jews during the Tribulation period of history! Many will come to Christ when they see their betrayal by the Anti-Christ! God loves all people! See John 3:16. The Apostle Paul a Jew got frustrated with the Jews and took the Gospel to the Gentiles! Paul reminded us to take the Gospel to the Jew first and then to the Gentiles! A Christless Jew is as dangerous as a Christless Gentile! I know! I was one once! Did you know Mohammad has a Jewish background! He was from the offspring of Ishmael. His father was Abraham! Mohammad’s first wife was a young Jewish girl. Yet his ideology in Islam opposes our Jewish Messiah and the Jews? The war in the Middle east over history is a family feud over who is the rightful heir to Abraham! The Arab and Jewish races are both classified as Caucasian’s! Only Christ can end this feud but as long as both sides reject the King of Kings the war will continue! Unless the Prince of Peace lives in your heart men will always be at war against each other and with God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Evangelism 101 Isaiah 60:5

Hebrew Translation: ” Then you shall see a flowing together, and your heart shall with it’s internal feelings and being shall tremble and quake with reverent worship and will grow; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the force of the might, strength and wealth of the Gentiles shall come unto thee.” Comment: I have shared some of the excerpts out of the Journal and diary of Christopher Columbus in earlier postings. Columbus approached the King and Queen of Spain using a Apocrypha scripture that the Catholics accepted and the Protestants rejected to justify his wanting to sail west on the sea rather than the traditional east! He showed the King and Queen that according to his Bible God divided the land into six parts at creation but according to then maps of the world there was a missing continent! Columbus believed if he sailed west he would find this new continent! It is believed Columbus was a Jew! In his personal diary he declared he was going to discover a new land and this new nation would support Israel. The rest is history! This is why, the King of the East (China), and Magog (Russia), allied with the King of the South (Persia Iran) are confederated together to take down America! This is why the Quran declares it is the Muslim’s duty to kill Christian’s and Jews! This is why the political left in America opposes Christian’s and Jews and the Sate of Israel. This is why they favor Islam and their support of Iran with the Obama Administration giving billions of American dollars to them! This battle will go on but you need to be sure you are on the right side of history! They will not succeed because God will perform his covenant with Israel and the Gentile Christian Nations! Do you see the word Christ in the name Christopher? The victory is ours but not without a fight! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sprinkle the Nations? Isaiah 52:15

Hebrew Translation: “So shall he sprinkle, gush, spatter, startle with the execution of his whole hand the nations to cleanse them from sin! To sprinkle with his blood; the idol Kings shall stop their speech at him for that which they had not celebrated they shall see; and that which they had not heard intelligently with undivided attention they shall perceive and understand intelligently.”

God Raises The Dead! 2 Kings 4:35

With Easter near our Pastor Oscar Cope wants us to examine the historical record in our Bible of instances of God raising the dead in the Old Testament. What you will find out studying the Old Testament that it is vogue for today! My Bible says  that God is the same yesterday, today and forever! Elisha’s predecessor Elijah is considered one of the greatest Prophets in our Bible! He was raptured and did not see death! He was with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration! Elijah’s successor Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of his anointing! How do we know it happened? Elisha raised two people from the dead and Elijah raised one person! Do you remember Jesus telling us that greater works would you do than me if you go in my name! Elijah prayed and laid on a dead corpse seven times! Elisha prayed and laid on a dead corpse three times! Twice the anointing takes half the time! Jesus was raised from the dead in three days! Seven represents the number of completion! Seven days in a week! We begin the new week on Sunday not Monday! We give the first day of the week Sunday as Christians to God in worship! We start the new week with Him! The first part of our income the tithe and the offerings is given on the first day of the week! This tells God that He owns the week! Any given day of the week is a gift from Him! I have been a Christian for 44 years now! I have asked the Lord about certain parts of the scriptures to give me revelation about some of the more difficult parts? I have asked the Lord why did these prophets stretch their bodies over these dead corpses? As our Pastor said Sunday today if you did this they would file so kind of a law suit against you for sexual abuse however if two men get married no problem? Sunday while in the services and hearing this message many times the Lord gave me the answer! If you want to hear from God be in His House! When you stretch your body out on another body you form a Cross! Jesus body was stretched out on a Cross! The Jews escaped the Egyptian plague by painting with lamb’s blood on the top and sides of the door posts forming a Cross! When the Jewish tribes camped around the Tabernacle in their wanderings their tribes were arranged in a cross formation! It is so sad to see America today where millions of dollars are spent in law suits trying to remove Crosses across our land? What fools we have become! Satan hates the Cross because it reminds him of his defeat over death and is our hope and sign of victory over death, hell and the grave! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Real Prophets Suffer! 1 Kings Chapter 17

Elijah lived in a great day of Apostasy in Israel. King Ahab and Jezebel were Baal worshipers! The centerpiece of Baal worship was child sacrifice! Much like abortion in America today! However Elijah did not have a 501c tax exemption! He spoke some prophetic words over Ahab and Jezebel that were not nice! Like the dogs will lick your blood and there will not be enough left of you to bury! However Elijah started off with a drought predicted for the King! How would the 21st century prophets respond to Ahab and abortion? Maybe something like this? Ahab you are going to be rich and wealthy! Prosperity will be everywhere you look! You will be blessed, successful and famous! Peace will dominate your realm! Your lovely wife Jezebel is such a blessing to us! Ahab our ministry is growing everyday and a suggested donation of 30 pieces of silver would grant you God’s favor and we would pray for you! Elijah stuck with God’s word and Ahab sent his army after him! God sent Elijah to a remote area where a small stream provided water! This brook drained into the Jordan River. Then God set up a bird feeder for him! I might have complained here? Ravens are scavengers and are road kill specialists! The prophetic word that caused the drought caused the small stream to dry up! So God sent him to a widom and her son for supplies? She warmly received him and told him they have enough supplies for one meal then we can all die! Elijah told her the provisions would last through the drought! Then the widow’s son gets sick and dies? The widow blames Elijah for his death? I would have lost it here! You no good low down and i cannot finish the sentence here! Elijah keeps his cool and focuses on the real problem the dead son! Elijah raises the son from the dead! So what was the widow’s testimony? “Now i know you are a man of God and that the word of God is in your mouth and that it is truth!” Elijah and Moses with Jesus stood at the Mount of Transfiguration! Elijah was taken up to Heaven and did not physically die! At the Mount Elijah represented the Prophets. Moses the law and Jesus the Prophet, Priest and King! As Easter approaches our Pastor Cope is helping us to look at some of the resurrection documents prior to the incarnation of Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is God a Show Off? 2 Kings 5:11-14

Naaman the Captain of the Syrian Army had trouble following simple directions! Can i get a witness? First of all he was informed by his Jewish servant girl who was captured and made a slave through the spoils of war that there was a God in Israel who could heal his leprocy! Then Naaman sends money to the King of Israel trying to buy his healing? The King of Israel rent his clothes saying am i God? So Naaman mounts up his chariots with his army and heads for Israel! He stops his chariot at the front door of the Prophet Elisha! Elisha does not go out to meet the Captain but sends his servant girl out to tell him to dip in the Jordan River seven times! Naaman lost his cool! Naaman thought God would come down in a bolt of lightning and make a big show for the world to see! Like dazzle the elite! The Bible says Naaman left in a rage! Are there not better rivers in Syria? Well more servants saved the day! Naaman’s servants asked him why not just follow the directions? Naaman took their advice and dipped in the Jordon seven times and got healed! It was a humble little servant girl that birthed forth Jesus! The Angel went to the humble shepherds to announce the birth of Christ! God did not make a big show! He appears to a few to save many! Pride can keep you out of God’s purpose and plan for your life! About 60 years ago there was a young man dying of tuberculosis in the slums of Seoul Korea! The doctor sent him home to die! He was coughing up blood! A little teenage girl would come by each day as he lay on his cot dying and pray for him. He would insult her, spit on her and call her a Christian dog! She asked him if he would surrender his life to Christ? She kept praying and his health improved! God healed him and he started a ministry in the slums of Seoul Korea! Today this church has over one million members and is the world’s largest church! Pastor Cho commissioned us as missionaries to India from 1984-1987. Pastor Cho could never find this teenage girl even though he has looked for past 60 years? The world and even some in the church think you are wasting your time praying for the sick and dying! No money in it for me? Waste of my time? God will use what the world discounts or throws away to bring Glory to His Name! God’s love never discounts anyone! Not even you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Stolen Treasure! 2 Kings 24:13

All the treasure of the House of the Lord that King Solomon had spent a lifetime amassing was carried off by Persian King Nebuchadnezzer of Babylon! All the gold, silver and vessels of the Temple and the King’s House were cut in pieces and carried off! What lesson can we learn from this? Hundred of years later Jesus predicted the Temple of Jerusalem would be destroyed again! About 40 years after His death and resurrection during the Roman/Jewish War (66-70A.D.), the Jewish Temple was destroyed and the treasure was carried off back to Rome along with one hundred thousand Jewish slaves! The Jewish slaves and treasure was used to build the Roman Coliseum! Then the early Christian’s were martyred in the same Coliseum! History has shown us that when Jew’s are persecuted so are the Christians! Same holds true today in 2016! The Apostle Paul talked about treasure in earthen vessels! The treasure inside each human was given to us by God! It is a gift and no human can steal it! What we do with this treasure is very important! If we claim it as our own then we are stealing treasure from God! The treasure within you is priceless and has eternal purpose! It will last forever! Our purpose in Christ is found on earth and prepares us for Heaven! Remember after death we come back to earth again with Christ for the one thousand year rule of earth following the seven year tribulation period! If you have been faithful here on the earth with the real treasure then expect greater responsibility later in His Kingdom there and when you return with Him again to earth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.