Mirror Mirror on the Wall? Psalm 146:3

After the Comey testimony who is the fairest of them all? Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin or James Comey? Comey drug a lot of witches out of the closet including himself! Hopefully the witch hunt is over now! The clear winner might be Putin! As we fight each other the enemy escapes! The old cliché is I hunted down my enemy and I found out it was me! Forgiveness is the most important element of the Christian faith! I wish the politicians would now focus on making middle class American’s to have a better life! More jobs, better jobs, lower taxes, less debt, strengthen military, protect borders, enforce illegal immigration, give Pastor’s freedom of speech, weaken Islam, stop unfair trade practices and put American’s first! We see the obstructionists to these goals! If you do not believe the American people know what is going on then ask those candidates both Republican and Democrat who ran against President Trump! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Nationalism versus Globalism!

This is what the battle lines are drawn around in American politics! They have for years now! This is the battle between the Republicans and the Democrats! This battle is for the soul of America! Sanctuary cities are about globalism! Enforcement of our immigration laws is about Nationalism! Better jobs for America is about Nationalism! Illegal immigration is about globalism! Secure borders is about Nationalism! No borders is about globalism! A carbon tax on America is about globalism! Socialism is about globalism! Capitalism is about Nationalism! The United Nations is about globalism! Those wanting to destroy Israel is about globalism! Those defending here is about Nationalism! H.G. Wells predicted this battle for America in some of his books he wrote over 120 years ago! This is a civil war going on in America and has not been armed yet! Do you remember our Bible predicting a one world government? The Anti-Christ and the False Prophet or one world religious ruler running things for the seven year tribulation period? What religion will this religious ruler be? How about Islam? The Saints will be raptured! Our public school systems and their labor union are run by the Democratic party! Why are they promoting Islam to the children? Why are they requiring to learn other languages and not promoting English? Why are they promoting the homosexual life style? We know from the Bible that the Anti-Christ will be gay and have no natural affection for women! The Democratic party has a war on women through abortion! All of these things can only be explained through the scriptures and the coming one world government! If you read and study your Bible you will never be surprised by past, present or future events! If you go to HalLindsey.com he has a very good video about these things on his latest posting! Can you see the hand writing on the wall? Christ will prepare us for these events! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

What Did Jesus Say About Following Him? Matthew 7:13-14

Jesus had a radical message! You can only enter in at the narrow way, narrow passage or narrow gate to follow me. A narrow gate would only be about the width of your shoulders. You cannot carry any baggage with you when you go through it. Following Jesus through the narrow gate requires focus with no distractions in the way. The broad road or gate leads to destruction. Jesus does and did not go this path. It is a dead end road. Few people choose the narrow gate. American culture is more Christ resistant than anytime in our history. To follow Christ today is more costly than in previous generations. We are considered radicals by our culture and ridiculed. We are considered on the outer fringes like space cadets. Did you ever notice the on-line surveys always give you a way out. You are never committed to a yes or no answer. Kind of like politics today. Christ gave His disciples no third choice. It was either Heaven or Hell. The same holds true for us today! Yes or no? Easy or difficult. Matthew 5:1-2. Jesus real audience was more than the crowds it was His disciples. They had already made up their minds to follow Him but their trust level was low. It takes time to figure out if you can trust someone. Jesus told them the Kingdom of God is right now! It was not yesterday or tomarrow. Living right now is Monday through Saturday working, school and difficult schedules. Jesus said let Heaven break into your boring day to day world. Jerusalem has 12 gates. The wide gate is the most used gate. Examples today are convenience stores, shopping malls, fast food, ect. We like the best paved roads with the fewest traffic lights. They even have drive through churches today. Just hear a message on the internet or television. Why go to church? Studies have found that women like to shop on the internet after 9:00PM. Why? Convenient! We like to choose the easy way over the difficult. Going through the wide gate we can take along as much baggage as we want. No constraints, no sacrifices, easy choices, no boundaries, no commitment applies to all who travel the wide gate. Taking this path leads to ruin. Jesus took a narrow path from The Judgment Hall to Calvary. It was also a steep climb carrying your Cross! He took your unforgiveness, hurt, pain and all your sin. Jesus was a teacher of virtue. Creativity exits between boundaries. Whether it be inventions, music, poetry, sciences, discoveries or even the work of a humble farmer. All great work is done within constraints and boundaries. Jesus had to be sinless to fix your sin. Because of the discipline of constraints and boundaries we have very few great people. People do not like boundaries. Live together why get married? Why study? Why work? Get on welfare. Pregnant? Get an abortion. Vote for the political party that offers you no constraints or boundaries. Revelation 7:9. Heaven is not sparsely populated but has a great multitude. Salvation belongs to our God! It is a free gift like a Christmas gift under a tree and is easy to find. Jesus is easy to find but very difficult to follow. Weddings are exciting but then the couples have to learn to live together. Marriage goes from easy to difficult. The wide gate is to get a divorce or just live together unmarried. To remain in covenant is a miracle from God and requires His Grace. To stay married is hard work and a challenge. Getting pregnant is easy but raising children is hard work. The family under the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman is God’s only plan and design for relationships and for the security of future generations. Worship even requires constraints and boundaries. All people will make one of the following four choices in their life. 1. Secularism- autonomy, it’s my life, live for yourself, no boundaries, no restraints. Not Jesus way. No! 2. Moralism- Follow the rules and get the life I deserve. Entitlement. Steeped in religion that says it is all about me. I deserve to be rich and famous because I am a moral person. 3. Religion- I owe my life to God. Obligation. Things better go right with me because I am serving God! Bad exchange. Problems come! Death and disease comes to all! 4. Grace- Jesus says your life for my life! Wonderful exchange! Great Exchange! My nothingless for His everything. Give God your life and He gives His life back to you! Stop living for yourself. It is a dead end. Let Christ come in. Welcome the Holy Spirit! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. What needs constraint in your life? Do you eat food for comfort? Do you have a drug or sex addiction? Do you feed your senses to no avail. Let Christ increase and you decrease. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and He will add to your life that will help you to victory. Source: Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given Sunday September 1, 2013.

Remember the Alamo!

A Texas Revolution is in the making! Rick Perry has his pearl handled pistol’s blazing to try to make a last stand for his fellow American’s! As he rides his horse toward Washington to take back America he takes fire from every quarter! Carl Rove thinks he needs to be more polished like a lot of the cronies in Washington! Ben Bernanke wants to “go green” and print more money to save America! It is not counterfit but almost! Obama administration is trying to take credit for unsurpassed jobs growth in Texas. Rick Perry has fired the shot heard around the world! Ronald Reagan has been raised from the dead! American’s are sick and tired of the slick, fraudulent operatives in Washington! Rick will soon be crossing the Potomac to take back Washington for the American people! So what does this have to do with God? Christ is our only Hope! But the leaders we choose will either lead us to Heaven or Hell! The choice is yours! Take back America!