Did You Know This About Creation? Genesis 6:6

“And it repented the Lord that he had man on earth, and it grieved him at his heart.” Commentary: Have you ever tried God’s patience? Probably every day! Morning, noon and night 24-7. We all have! So why does the Lord need to repent? He is without sin! Yet the sin of man grieved him beyond despair! The word “repented” used her in the Hebrew means to grieve strongly, breathe strongly, to change mind taking revenge and vengeance? Can God change his mind? He wanted to get rid of all men from the face of the earth! Bring judgment down on them with a big hammer! However the next Hebrew word “made” gives a clue to the mercy of God! See Strong’s #6213. The word means to create with purpose labor and with sacrifice! What sacrifice? His only begotten Son who always existed in Heaven as part of the Trinity and was there at Creation and participated in Creation! Sacrifice is built into Creation itself! We see back in Chapter 3 of Genesis a blood sacrifice had to be made for the animal skins to cover the sin of Adam and Eve! The blood of an animal showing the shadow of God’s own blood having to be sacrificed in future! Later in Genesis 6 we find Noah found grace as he walked with God! Just one man living for God can bring grace on an entire generation! Yes the world was destroyed except for Noah and his family yet his children would generations later produce through Mary our Messiah! Remember God will spare you in the midst of a pandemic even though others will perish! God was looking for just a few righteous when he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah! God today is looking for a few righteous in the earth to rapture before the coming seven year tribulation period! Jesus experienced the weakness of the flesh when God incarnated into flesh and his prayer in the Garden of Gesamane was: “Not my will but thy will be done.” Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God! Our own will opposes God always! Thy Kingdom come thy will be done! Jesus had his own will yet he knew it would not lead him to the sacrificial love of the Cross! We are born with a free will and the power of choice! That makes up part of our created being! However left alone and not checked by the blood of Christ will lead to our destruction! If we choose Christ and follow him then his will is done in our lives with redemptive purpose creating righteous and peace into our world! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

Jesus Warned About Earthquakes! Matthew 24:7

From USGS DataBase 2021: The number of earthquakes is increasing. In the first 65 days of 1921, exactly one century ago only 7 major quakes magnitude 6 or higher were recorded globally. In the same period last year, a total of 24 major quakes, magnitude 6 or higher were recorded around the globe. Back in 2019, just 20 major quakes had been reported up to March the 6th, just 50 percent of this year’s total. Commentary: So is the Green New Deal going to save us? What political party can stop an earthquake? It seems they cannot stop a plague either! The 1918 pandemic here in America killed 675 thousand people! A hundred years later we are at over 581 thousand Americans dead from the Coronavirus! We are not out of the woods on this one either as new strains develop! So where is the science? We could easily exceed the death rate here in America compared to the 1918 pandemic! Where has one hundred years of science taken us? This is another reason Jesus must come back and save us! Man cannot fix himself! History shows us this! Have you taken the Jesus vaccine? He will inoculate you against death for he will raise you from the dead! Some to eternal life and some to eternal judgment! What scientist can raise you from the dead? Follow the science? It will lead you to the grave yard! Follow Jesus! He conquered death for you! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Think About It?

What if? What if you and your immediate family were the only survivors of the Coronavirus like Noah and his family were from the flood? You may feel isolated now but what if you were the only ones left on planet earth? No governments! No social security, medicare, Blue Cross, Tri-care, medicaid, police departments, military, border walls, fire departments, 9-11, computers, governors, republican or democratic parties, president, congress, senate, mayors, churches, mosques, synagogues, grocery stores, walmarts, shopping malls, retirement programs, hospitals and doctors, pharmacies, amazon and E-bay? No funeral homes and nursing homes? Then you realize that the only reason you are still here like Noah is because of your relationship to God! That is the way it will be in these last days according to Bible prophecy! Everything will fail but your relationship to God! Nothing else will save you! During these days of isolation and with your children out of school why not sit down with your family and open a Bible and study as you would for a final exam! When everyone both good and evil is raised from the dead and stands before the Judgment Seat of Christ your life will be on trial! Do you know the Judge who took your judgment? If not you are on your own condemned to separation from Christ forever! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Truth About Loss!

Invite Jesus into the place where you are broken! He has the answer! He is the answer! Jesus speaks life into brokenness! He is the resurrection! He has power! He does miracles! That is what He does! God has treasure for you in the midst of tragedy! God’s plans outweigh your plans! If you lose the truth about Christ you lose everything! Trust God for when you find the truth in the midst of tragedy you have everything! Stephanie Henderson, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Should We Build The Wall? Revelation 21:12-19

There are about 190 scriptures in your Bible about walls! This should be enough Theology to help you make up your mind! Nehemiah was a great wall builder! Did you know that Heaven has walls and gates? Really? I thought God was a Democrat? Read Revelation 21:12-19. When did illegal immigration start in Heaven? There is no illegal immigration in Heaven! If your Visa is stamped with the Blood of Jesus God will let you through one of those twelve gates and you will become a legal immigrant! Lucifer and 1/3 of Heaven emigrated out of Heaven! Rebellion in the ranks! Lucifer became Satan and these immigrants flooded the earth by the millions! They will eventually immigrate to Hell but they will try to take as many of us with them as possible! The Blood of Jesus will secure you from this plight! Nothing else will secure you! Nothing! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse  GodWhoisGod.com