Transubstantiation! Matthew 26:29

Perhaps you will say, I see something else, how is it that you assert that I receive the Body of Christ?…Let us prove that this is not what nature made, but what the blessing consecrated, and the power of blessing is greater than that of nature, because by blessing nature itself is changed… For that sacrament which you receive is made what it is by the Word of Christ. But if the Word of Elijah had such power as to bring down fire from Heaven, shall not the Word of Christ have power to change the nature of the elements?… Why do you seek the order of nature is the Body of Christ, seeing that the Lord Jesus Himself was born of a virgin, not according to nature? It is the true Flesh of Christ which was crucified and buried, this is seen truly the Sacrament of His Body. Before the blessing of the heavenly words another nature is spoken of, after the consecration the Body is signified. He Himself speaks of His Blood. Before the consecration it has another name, after it is called Blood. And you say Amen, that is, it is true. Let the heart within confess what the mouth utters, let the soul feel what the voice speaks. Saint Abrose of Milan (340-397 A.D.) Comment: This doctrine has been a Catholic doctrine for hundreds of years! We have to look at two words used in verse 29. The word kingdom in the Greek can include both Heaven and earth! That is it can mean God’s rule over the earth and His rule over the Spiritual eternal Kingdom in Heaven! Remember part of the Lord’s prayer is on earth as it is in Heaven! The other word used in this verse is the word new! The word means qualitatively new! That is the old man has become a new man! The Old Testament has a new quality! It has become the New Testament! The old Heaven has a new quality! It has become the new Heaven! The old earth has a new quality! It has become a new earth! Everything changed at the Cross! A change took place in me when I came to the Cross! The changes are still taking place in me some 45 years later! It is a continual work! A daily reformation! Are we going to take Communion in Heaven? How about at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb? Some say well we will not because we will be with Jesus! Is Jesus not with you right now? Jesus said this do in remembrance of me! Do we need to remember what He has done for us in Heaven? When I take Communion here on earth what do I remember? I remember how bad I am and how good God is! I remember the price He paid for my sin! I remember I deserved death and He gave me life! I remember how hopeless and lost I was and He rescued me! Will I forget these things in Heaven? No way my friend! You see His love for me changed everything! His love for me caused me to love others! If I am that valuable then others must to valuable too! My same motivation to worship Him on earth will be the same motivation in Heaven! Ever Communion Service renews my relationship to Him! It is like being born again again! Paul warned us not to crucify Him again! We are to examine ourselves before Communion! Paul meant we are not to continue sinning after Communion! Whether the elements of the Communion are the actual Blood and Body of Jesus is not the issue with me! We can reject Christ even while taking Communion! Our heart can be somewhere else! Away from Him! So how can we test any Theology? Does the Theology move us closer to Christ or farther away from Him? If Communion causes me to feel free to sin because my slate will be clean at the next Communion Service then we have a license to sin! Does your love for Christ want you to please God and forsake your sin? Why did Lucifer rebel against God? Lucifer a created being like us that was the Praise Leader of Heaven and forsook his position and was cast out of Heaven with 1/3 of the Angels who became Satan? Lucifer looked at his job as a position only not in relationship to God! It was just a job and love was absent from his relationship to God! So self moved on the throne of his heart and rebellion followed! We attended a large church in Colorado Springs for 3 years. Pastor Brady Boyd had the congregation take Communion every week! This was a lot of work for there were about 5 thousand members! So what did this do for me? It brought to my remembrance more often what Christ had done for me and what He is doing for me today! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Your Faith Out of Shape?

Faith means something when it is exercised in the darkness! Joseph Bayly (1920-1986) Joseph lost three children to blood cancer! He was an American author, publishing executive and the President of the David C. Cook publishing company located in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Do You Worship “little gods” ?

Money is a good thing but makes a lousy God! One day it will leave and forsake you! Sex is a good thing but makes a lousy God! One day it will leave and forsake you! Good health is a wonderful thing but one day it will leave and forsake you! Food is a good thing but we should forsake some of it! What dominates your conversation? Money, sex, health or food? Children are a gift from God but remember they are not God! Is Jesus name ever mentioned in your conversation? Is He a curse word or a Blessing? When you draw your last breath on earth what awaits you on the flip side of eternity? Do you utter His name or are you hanging unto something or someone who cannot save you? Your future is predicted by your present! Are you calling on Him today? Do you curse your enemies who you should have forgiven? Do you Bless your enemies? Kiss the Son lest you perish! After my Bible study each day I kiss the pages I have read just before I close the Book! He is the only source of eternal life! Life and death are in the power of the tongue! Your real enemy wants you to curse your enemies which God wants you to forgive them! I will never forget the story of a airliner crash years ago. People were on fire trying to escape the cabin! Some people were cursing God while others were calling on Jesus to save them! If you found yourself in the belly of a whale what words would come from your lips? If you were a Christian in an Iranian prison chained to a cold cement floor would you still Praise Him? If you were a Syrian Christian captured by ISIS who were going to behead you unless you deny Christ what would be your decision? Our very first breath we take we cry! Our breath needs to be changed to Praise to the God who has given us life! Why forsake Jesus when He has never forsaken you even to death on a Cross! Source; Some information provided by Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Turn On The Light! 2 Chronicles 20:1-30

Like King Jehoshaphat worship is a cure for me! Judah was outnumbered! Judah means “Praise!” The people of the Book were outnumbered! I want to be in that number when the Saints go marching in! Their voices were louder than ours! The King declared a fast and then they worshipped! The Lord encouraged them and told them no one can withstand you! Don’t look to others! Take your eyes off yourself and look to God! The armies surrounded Judah! Ammon, Moab and those of Mount Seir betrayed Israel! Israel had spared them and now they turn on Israel? We cried in our affliction! The battle is not yours but the Lord’s! None will have to fight in this battle! Believe in the Lord your God and you will prosper! Go out and face them! Is anxiety the projection of your future? Do you have a vision of despair? The people are against me! Do you see the Lord in your projection? God always meets me in a vision! God is Faithful to meet you in His presence! Worship does this! The King appointed singers ahead of the army! The Lord sent ambushments against the enemy! They all died from friendly fire! Hell is full of friendly fire victims! The snare they laid for others entrapped them! Worship seems foolish to the world! Why? The victory is not dependent on them! Declare the greatness of God! Midnight Praise is singing about the morning! It is the pep rally before the victory! Musicians are often insecure! When you praise the enemy knows you are coming! You are a target! We sing the love of God! We sing of His strength! Our shame is pushed back! God destroys the enemy in the midst of Praise! In Praise Satan moves out and God moves in! The great exchange! Worship confuses the enemy! Worship makes Satan insecure! Worship turns the enemies advantage into our advantage! Judah plundered the dead bodies for three days! The riches of the wicked is laid up for the righteous! As a worship leader and song writer I sometimes suffer from extreme anxiety! Some days I was ready to quit this job! Would be easier just to get a secular job? Just obey God and leave the results to Him! Leave your fears on the Cross! It is not that I am a more talented person than others! It is when I am in the deepest valley the songs of Praise come to me in the darkest night! Pastor Brady and our congregation have overcome many fears! In the midst of our greatest fears has come our greatest Praise! I am free to run! I am free to run for You! We have overcome by the blood of the Lamb! Declare your victory in Praise! He is jealous for you! Also remember to worship after the victory! Judah went down to the Valley of Berachah to worship after victory! Worship means to bow down! You cannot get any lower than a valley! Worship brings peace and rest after the win! Part of the victory celebration! We do not want fame so keep things in perspective! His love endures forever and His love endures us! When the night comes Praise comes and then the morning light! The tomb is empty and He has risen! Jon Egan, Worship Leader, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Communion Service

The act of communion is done everyday around the world in every culture, tribe and tongue! Everyone on the earth identifies with Christ by this sacred act! I have had the privilege of  taking communion in a variety of places around the world! I have seen people take communion and have had their prayers answered! Please don’t take this moment lightly! This reminds you for who He is! Engage Him for who He is! Jesus unleashes the Supernatural within your space! Again do not take this moment lightly! As we take the bread we remember His body was broken for us! He destroyed every power of darkness over us! Because of Him we live free fully committed to Him! That He is a Holy God! He has all authority over every principality and power of darkness! We don’t take this bread just because  we remember a day on the Cross! We take this bread because it is designed from the foundation of the earth that the redemption of mankind would come and He was broken for us! So take this in the weight of it as it sets you free! Take this bread together! In the same way when He took the cup He said this is my blood shed for you! It is finished! Done! I don’t know what your challenges or what your struggles are this morning but it is finished! It is done! He did it all! So invoke the presence of Christ in your situation and in your life. Trust Him and I am going to believe with you! As we drink this cup there is no magic in this cup! We are reminded and assured there is a good and protective God watching over us! As we drink this cup we are going to believe for a break through! Whatever that looks like as we take the cup and thank Jesus! Lord as we partake of you! In real time God! Right here right now! As the body of Christ and your body! God I pray you will open up the Heavens over us! Over our families! Once again I pray with gratitude because you answered our prayer! I pray for those families desiring children! I pray for members of New Life Church that those desiring children will receive them! God bring life into our bodies! God for every prayer and every desire we lift up to You! Let our cries and our desires be incense unto you God! I pray you meet us in a miraculous way! We love you! Lord Jesus it is because of your love we are Holy! We are Holy only because you are Holy! You are kind and merciful! You are just! Thankyou for calling us Beloved! In whom you are well pleased! For your Kingdom come! Your will be done! In our hearts and in our lives as it is in Heaven! In Jesus Name we pray! Amen! Pastor Riaan Heynes, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Religion Versus Grace! Mark 1:1

Jesus did not come to correct behavior! Jesus came to give us a new identity! We are all adopted into a family where we learn a new and better way to live! Religion tries to change us from the outside in! Religious Zealots only reward performance! God said this is my beloved Son who I am well pleased! Remember Jesus had not done any miracles yet! Do you love your son or daughter because they are a gift to you from God or will you only love them based on an expected performance? The Holy Spirit will empower you to live a better way! Real change is an inside job! You must be born again! Jesus said we must repent and believe! This if done will change everything! Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. For the complete message go to: View his Podcast.

Great Expectations! Isaiah 9:6

Our view of God will determine the challenges we are willing to accept! Whether David and Goliath or Mary the pregnant teenager in Bethlehem explaining to her husband Joseph how she got pregnant! We will be mobilized by Faith or paralyzed by fear! God is mighty and near us! If you are afraid you are believing a lie! Fear is an exaggerated view of the enemy! Faith replaces fear! Christ will replace your sin with His righteousness! The great exchange! Faith gives an accurate view of God! As we come to the communion table this morning what area of your life do you need God to be mighty in? Let Him be strong in your marriage, family, church, city, business and all else! Do not reserve any part of your life to the enemy! Abandon your sinking ship and get on the ark! Christ is King! Herod thought he was King but had a horrible end! God is our Everlasting Father! Mighty God! Shout it aloud! Say it! Confess it! Be bold! Be strong! Source; Excerpt of message given by Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. His message may be seen on the Podcast.

Groaning Inwardly Romans 8:22-24

We groan inwardly at the loss of life recently in Colorado Springs and California! We never solve problems through violence! We groan but yet we are hopeful! We are either consumed by fear or we are pregnant with hope! Our expectations and confidence is in a little baby carried in a pregnant mother named Mary who lived over 2000 years ago! Man’s plan for this baby was also violence! Yet on the 3rd day He rose from the dead! Our hope and faith is in Christ and our future is in Him! He will also raise you from the dead! But He wants to start today! He will never leave you nor forsake you! Your eternity has begun here on earth! Will close out your eternity without Him? If your reality is based on your mortality then you can only groan! Be pregnant with the promises He has made to you both now and forever! Source; Excerpt from message given by Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. His messages can be seen on the podcasts:

Wisdom! Proverbs 9:10

Wisdom is the supernatural art of living skillfully in whatever actual conditions we find ourselves in. Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Comment; There are about 100 scriptures on wisdom in your Bible. There are about 12 root words that form these 100 scriptures in the Hebrew and the Greek. I will give you these root words for wisdom. Wisdom includes intelligence, discretion, understanding, knowledge, prudence and skillful ability. Wisdom includes substance, expertise, meaning and the center of anything including the will and the heart. Wisdom is the ability to separate mentally to perceive, discern, and distinguish. Wisdom means to make bare and use judgment. Wisdom is to make things clear with insight. Wisdom means to be of one mind and to set your affections on. Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

Nicene Creed (Baptism)

This morning we are going to cover the last two stanza’s of the Creed. This Creed was crafted in the 4th Century to give guard rails to our Faith! The Creed is a prayer predicated on the Scriptures to unify the Body of Christ together! The Creed says, ” We acknowledge one Baptism for the forgiveness of sin.” For the parents here I would never force your children to take Baptism but should be ready to give an answer when asked about Baptism. Baptism should be voluntary! Baptism is not a box to be checked off on your church itinerary! It should not be on your no can do list! Baptism is a supernatural event! It is a galvanizing document much like our Constitution! There are two idea’s I want to discuss about Baptism. Some call Baptism in water as a voluntary drowning! Jesus is your life guard! Romans 6: 1-4. Water baptism is surrendering to Christ! Remember Jesus got Baptized! In the Jordan River and then on the Cross! Baptism is a defining moment for you are entering death, burial and resurrection! The Roman Empire was the center of civilization during the first few centuries of history. As powerful as they were the Gospel still got into Rome! First under the Emperor’s skin and then to become the official religion of the Roman Empire! How does Grace align with Baptism? The cheap brand of Grace says it does not matter what you do just what you believe! Baptism is living out your Faith! Faith in action! Some think today as some in the 1st century that we sin more so we can get more Grace? Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! God will not sin for you! We do not live to sin but die to sin for all are Baptized into His death! The Roman’s perfected Crucifixion! Christ was executed for our sin! We are buried with Him and raised with Him in Baptism! As Christ was raised from the dead so we are raised to life! We participate with Him in Baptism! After we are raised with Him we are radically different! His internal witness living inside us changes us! Our world is turned upside down! What used to matter the most to us now matters the least! Eternity awakens our souls! The early Church set aside a special day for Baptism. It was called Holy Saturday. It was done between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. It was done on sunset Saturday. It was a special moment of reflection where you die to self and let Jesus raise you up into new life! We need to remind ourselves and those who are taking Baptism this morning why are we doing this? It is personal and a special moment in your life! Baptism is personal but it is also public! Baptism is the outward protest of sin’s attempt to win an internal war! It is resisting the enemy! It is surrender to the one who has defeated your sin! It is a public protest to acknowledge your victory in Christ! This do in remembrance of me! More important He remembers you! When you remember Him you forget your sin and so does Christ! All of God’s promises to you are released in Baptism. The death, burial and resurrection bring victory! Never view Baptism as a work that gets you to Heaven! It is a work that prepares you for Heaven! Baptism is not begging for forgiveness of sin but receiving that which is already ours! Baptism is releasing victory! Baptism is a family event! Again Salvation is personal but not private! At water baptism people help you! John the Baptist helped Jesus! It is team work in the Body of Christ! If done by yourself it is just taking a bath! Baptism is proof that the Holy Spirit brings us together! Baptism breaks down the cultural divides that separate us! The 1st Century divide between the Jews and the Greeks was bridged through Baptism! The free and the slaves, the rich and the poor, the men and the women were united into one Body His Church! 1 Corinthians 12: 12-13. We have one body but many members! Baptism illustrates this! By one Spirit we are all Baptized into one body! Just as the Trinity is one so are we one in Christ! We are clothed in Christ! In the Greek culture they wore an outer and inner garment. They always took off the outer garment before entering a home because it was a dirty covering. The outer garment represented the places they lived and traveled. The outer garment represented sin and death. Jesus left your dirty garments at the foot of the Cross! The soldiers gambled them away! When you are Baptized in water those who help you are committed to walk with you! In Baptism you receive a new garment worn by you a new person clothed in Christ! Jesus left your grave clothes in the tomb! We are family because we are immersed in the same water! As family we trust God together! In marriage the two become one! In the Covenant we have each other! The Church is a family! Baptism is a public demonstration of your Faith! Baptism is a public confession of your Faith and your new birth into a family! Thankyou. Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.