New House! New Home!

2 Corinthians 5:1  “For we know that, if our earthly house made of dust and dwelling place of our deceased possessions of this temporary dwelling place of our Spirit were dissolved, we have a dwelling place in God’s family, a house not made with hands, eternal with a return of benefits received in God’s resting place.”  Comment: At death we all reach the same age as dust! This could be the socialist dream of equal outcome for everyone! Except they will rush this outcome with poverty and misery! A government appointed physician? How long will we last? The same failing public schools! If they are for equal outcome why then kill millions of babies in the womb and prevent the opportunity of life? What about the offspring of those millions of babies also prevented from life? We have a missing generation of our population! God has a better plan! To have a full productive life here on earth and in heaven! A life lived for him! For others! To continue with him in heaven a dwelling place prepared for us there! So what will we look like in heaven? Hopefully better than we look down here! We all start at the same age down here on earth! At birth except for the aborted! We all end up at the same age dust! So what kind of new body will we get in heaven? We have a few clues from our Bible! Jesus was resurrected from the dead at age 33. His material body looked the same even with the scars from the crucifixion! At the transfiguration the disciples recognized Jesus, Moses and Elijah! Enoch and Elijah were translated directly to Heaven! God will give us a new body yet recognizable in Heaven! However this new body will never get sick or die! Those in hell will also be recognizable! Remember the rich man and Lazarus? We are fearfully and wonderfully made! In the image of God! The world will get worse but God has a plan to redeem you from the darkness of this world! Hell is occupied with a belief system of no God and no redemption! By rejecting God they created their own dwelling place called hell! It is a rejection of God! God’s plan is for us to reach our full capacity as he has designed us! To be like God! Created in his image! God did not evolve! Hell evolved from man’s rejection of God their creator and savior! Never sacrifice tomorrow for today! God sacrificed himself today for your future! But you have to seize eternity today in Christ! My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Divining for Money! Matthew 16:26

The Doctrine of Balaam teaches compromise, wanting Christians to forget they are called to be separate and Holy! (Leviticus 20:26; I Peter 1:2); the Doctrine of Balaam makes Christians indistinguishable from the world. (Matthew 5:13. The Doctrine of Balaam is a belief that a “little sin” does not hurt. (Galatians 5:9). , especially if there is some financial gain or personal benefit involved! (I Timothy 6:5). A person following the Doctrine of Balaam is willing to compromise his beliefs for the sake of economics! He acts to enable sinful behavior for personal gain or even participate in them! (Romans 1:32). Source:  Comment: So what is the first step of a Christian to become an unbeliever ? The first step is to work on Sunday for gain forsaking the House of Worship on Sunday! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Cry unto Repentance! Isaiah 58:1

Hebrew Translation: “Cry, preach, roar, proclaim, summon to the judgment seat, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show by bringing to the front, bring to the light, confess and profess openly my people, the nation of servants of your Master your National moral rebellious revolt of sin against the living God and show the House of Jacob their sins.” Comment: Sounds like a good old fashion altar call! To be transparent with God is to confess your sin! Sometimes I hear a request to make Jesus Lord and Savior but what is missing sometimes is a valid reason for doing so? Muslim’s do not believe they are sinners! So why repent? Who needs a Savior? Atheists do not believe they need a savior! Whatever your message as a Pastor at the end and hopefully laced throughout your message it must be made clear that transparency before God requires a confession of your sin! Both the Old and New Testaments have the same theme! Repent! Repent of our sin! Pride in the church can separate us from God! I would suggest more frequent Communion services for your congregations! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Only 4 Weeks to Live!

Our Pastor challenged us with this question! If you had only 4 weeks to live what would you do? Would you do anything different in the next 30 days from what you normally do? John stood up in the congregation and declared he would go out and feed the poor with the money he had left in his savings account! Sally stood up and said she would pray! Pray! Pray! Pray for a healing and be closer to Jesus! Henry stood up in the congregation and said he would spend the last 4 weeks of his life over at his mother-in-law’s house!  He told the congregation it would be the longest 4 weeks of my life! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Prayer! Matthew 21:13

Some people think that prayer means asking for things, and if they fail to receive exactly what they ask for, then they think the whole thing is a fraud! Gerald Vann (1906-1963), British Catholic Theologian, Author of 24 Books. Comment: Prayer is really fellowship with God! Fellowship with the Father through His Son! You remember some of Jesus words! Father forgive them for they know not what they do! Father if possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not my will but Thy will be done! We can pray for the stuff but it will perish one day! I can pray for the sick which is good but they will die one day! The fellowship with our Father through Jesus will last forever! We pray expecting but according to the will of God! All Jesus disciples were martyred except John who was boiled in oil and sentenced to a slave labor camp stone quarry on the island of Patmos where he wrote the Book of Revelation! Some in the church today might think they were out of the will of God because they did not die rich with a lot of stuff? Success is more than stuff! The Gold Standard for success with God is to love others and sacrifice yourself for their benefit! What are our prayers like? Lord I am a sinner forgive me as my Savior! Lord forgive them and forgive me! Do we continue to fellowship and worship God through prayer in Heaven? What is Jesus doing right now in Heaven? He is interceding for the Saints here on earth! Satan has no prayer life and is separated from God! The Old Testament Hebrew word for prayer means to intercede for someone else! Jesus is following this pattern in Heaven today! One of the Greek words for prayer in the New Testament means to ask for a specific benefit from God! Send your Holy Spirit and dwell in me! Whatever the benefit it is to benefit others! Pray more for souls and less for stuff! What will be our prayer in Heaven? Praying for those here on earth! Why not start today? An American Pastor Charity and Ruth Harris ministered to us in a church in Denver Colorado back in the 1970’s for two years. They have spent over 40 years on the Mission field in Africa! They build hundreds of Tabernacle churches in the remote villages of Africa! Charity is now old in a nursing home legally blind. What is he doing today there? Praying for others including my family and preparing himself through prayer for Heaven! No one on earth can bestow a greater honor on you than to lift your name up to the Son and to the Father! Jesus said my House shall be called a House of prayer and not a den of thieves! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Prayer Request!

Please be in prayer for our neighbor Lenny here in Atlanta! He has been diagnosed with 3rd stage kidney cancer! He had to resign his job and asked me for advice about renting or selling his house so they could move back to Florida and stay with family there. I shared with him how Jesus healed me from my death bed back in the early 1970’s and that God loves him as much as me or anyone else! We prayed together in our front yard this morning and I asked Lenny to give Jesus a chance before he would try to rent or sell his house! These small children need a father so keep Lenny in your prayers! Thankyou! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jesus is Watching You!

A burglar broke into a home late at night and climbed through a window with his flashlight and began going through the rooms looking for jewelry and cash! He was sure the family was out of the house? He came to the living room in the dark and began going through drawers looking for treasure! Suddenly this voice seemed to come out of nowhere and said, “Jesus is watching you!” He shined his flashlight around the room and saw nothing? Again the second and third time this voice spoke out into the darkness? The thief thought was he losing his mind from guilt or was Jesus really here? He again shined his flashlight across the room and to his relief was a parrot’s cage! However as he shined his light to the bottom of the stand of the cage he saw the white sparkling fangs of a large Pit Bull. The parrot cried out one last time, “Go get him Jesus!” Pastor Greg Laurie

Joshua 24:15

“If it seem evil to reject my authority then make the best choice remembering those who sin hurt other people! Serve either the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites where you dwell now but as for your leader Joshua I declare as for me and those living inside my house we will serve the Lord!” Comment: It is interesting that the Hebrew word for evil is associated with the rejection of God’s authority! It is a choice that leads to the destruction of the sinner and the people around them! The plural word gods used by Joshua refers to idolatry. For those that reject God’s authority they make their own gods! It is exalting self above God! The false gods or idols are substitutes for God that can be controlled by the worshippers! They are puppets on a string! If you have not lived in a culture where idol worship is predominate I can assure you it is a living Hell. An idol can be anything you make it to be! It can be money, sex, fame, evolution, junk science, pleasure, graven images, religion and it is worshipped in place of God! It is self-worship! If you remove God from His throne you will replace Him with something else! The word “House”, used in this passage means those living under your roof! When your children become adult’s and leave home they have to decide if they are going to worship God under their roof! We pray for them! Never give up! My brother-in-law passed on this month! His mother prayed for him to come to Christ all her life and she passed on in 1995. He came to Christ about two years ago! We know from history that not all the Jews chose to serve God and obey Joshua for the next Book in our Bible after the Book of Joshua is the Book of Judges! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Obama’s Assassination on Law and Order!

Another cop murdered yesterday in Texas! He made a routine traffic stop and was murdered by a gunman in another vehicle! Obama started his war on cops and it continues! My suggestion to police forces across America is that you have to be dressed for the new job! Like Israel you need to dress in full combat gear when you go out on the job! We have a Muslim in the White House and death and destruction follows them where ever they go! Full combat gear is the way Israel protects their civilian defense forces from the Islamist! Since Obama has come into office the job description has changed for law enforcement and the danger to your lives has increased! Our new president and our leaders must fund the equipment to protect our nation from the lawless! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.