Promote Israel or Else? Isaiah 60:12

Hebrew Translation: “For the non-Jewish Gentile nations and kingdom that will not serve, worship and honor thee shall perish with destruction, those Gentile nations shall be utterly wasted as a dried up desert.” Comment: Do not play with fire! Hitler did not take this scripture seriously! Many world leaders today follow Hitler’s treatment and attitude towards Israel. So how many nations support Israel today? Just one! The United States of America! Our Blessings as a nation are linked to Israel. America the number one economic and military power and only supporter of Israel! Do we get this? Most of the political left in America does not support Israel. If we read our Bible and believe it then Blessings will flow to our nation as a defender of Israel. We worship Israel as believer’s through our Jewish Lord Jesus Christ! President Trump gets the connection and is moving our Embassy to Jerusalem! Other nations are following! We support the physical Israel for many reasons! Remember at Christ’s second coming he will return to Jerusalem for the 1000 year reign over this earth! As believer’s sooner of later you will move to Jerusalem! Would it not be nice when you enter the Glorious City of Jerusalem that you could say in your heart that I did my part to defend Israel my first time here on earth! People who claim they are Christian’s and hate the Jews have evidence against them that they have either never read their Bible or do not believe what it says! If they the Jews are the apple of his eye then we need to treat them so! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Incarnation in You! John 3:5-8

Here is the definition of the word “Incarnation”, from the Merrian-Webster Dictionary: “The embodiment of a Deity or Spirit in some earthly form; the union of divinity with humanity in Jesus Christ.” Comment: Jesus told Nicodemus he must be born again! After you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior your sin is forgiven then you have a born again experience with God! Now His Spirit rules you rather than the flesh! The Holy Spirit becomes incarnated in you! You then follow Him as He leads you into righteousness! Those that reject Christ receive another Spirit that controls them and leads them away from God! Satan rules their life to destroy them! Jesus came to save us! No one can ignore or escape the incarnation! What Spirit incarnates you has everything to do with what you do with Jesus Christ! Life or death? Judas Iscariot would be one example of what happens when you reject Jesus Christ! The other disciples are good examples of the power that dwelled in them from the Holy Spirit to reach the lost world and transform lives! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

National Emblem!

For my own part, I wish the bald eagle had not been chosen the representative of our country! He is a bird of bad moral character! He does not get his living honestly! Benjamin Franklin   Comment: Dear Mr. Franklin, He only kills for food like you and I. He does not kill for revenge and out of anger! He does not live on food stamps! When I get to Heaven I will explain that one! He is not dependent on the government! He does not get a welfare check! Again explain to you in Heaven! He actually works for a living! He builds his own house! He helps control populations! He has never told a lie! Just like George! Should we have chosen the vulture for our National emblem? He keeps our highways clean! He does not disturb the living! He probably would more accurately represent our government! So you ask me what emblem would best describe the American taxpayer? Road Kills! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Are Words Important? Luke 1:47

I think you know they are! The whole universe was created by words! Life and death are in the power of the tongue! Mary is speaking here in the Christmas story! She said in verse 47,”That all generations shall call me blessed!” The Greek translation for blessed used here says “Markarious”, the future of “Makarizo”, which really means, “They shall bless me!” So it is more than saying it is doing something! When you accepted Christ you blessed Mary! When you support Israel you bless Mary! When you take the Gospel to the ends of the earth you bless Mary! When you do these things you make her more beautiful! You make her happy and fortunate! You pronounce blessings on her when you share the Christmas story! When she looks down from Heaven on you she says you have blessed me! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.