Mass Migration & Socialism!

Our porous southern border is replacing Americans with non-Americans! France and Germany are replacing their citizens with non-citizens! The joke is France used to colonize now they are being colonized! So what is the ideology behind this? Socialism where the voice of those standing up for the freedoms set by our Constitution are replaced with people who do not have a clue about democracy! Then they are easily molded into a socialist state! This is the staging grounds for the one world government led by the Anti-Christ as predicted in your Bible! So how can we fight back? By electing leaders who oppose socialism and promote freedoms as outlined in our Constitution! The Rapture of the church will come before the Anti-Christ takes over world rule for 7 years known as the Tribulation period climaxed by Christ’s second coming but in the meantime fight for the freedom we still have now for us and future generations! Abortions since 1973 have created a missing generation of people! The drugs across our southern border have claimed the lives of one hundred thousand people over past year! These are Democrat installed policies and tragedies replacing Americans with non-Americans for a takeover of our protections and freedoms! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Christianity & Socialism!

Warning! General Gotthard Heinrici: “The Fuhrer considers your religion incompatible with the aims of National Socialism!” Adolph Hitler. Commentary: General Heinrici was a son of a Protestant Evangelical Church minister in Germany! His family had a history of theologians in previous generations! He was the first to break from this tradition joining the Army and becoming a hero in WWI. He continued to attend church in WWII even though it infuriated Hitler! Because of his faith he was demoted and dismissed several times by Hitler yet was reinstated because Hitler recognized his wisdom and genius as a tactical war general! He refused to join the Nazi Party! In the last days Hitler down in a bunker in Berlin as Allied and Russian troops were closing in he went to Heinrici for military advice! Heinrici explained to him all trained and combat proven military reserves are gone and the untrained reserves we have will be slaughtered trying to defend Berlin! He told Hitler we have 10-12 days before they reach you in this bunker! Hitler exploded in another fit of rage and told him we must have faith! Then we will win! Faith in what Heinrici replied? Heinrici refused Hitler’s scorched earth policy as he retreated from the Eastern front of Russia! He survived the war and lived until 1971 writing books about his experiences in Command of the Eastern Front and trying to rationalize with the insane Hitler! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Road to Socialism!

How do you think the transition from the present situation to community of property (State Owned), is to be affected? The first fundamental condition for the introduction of community of property is the political liberation of the proletariat(Working class people), through a democratic constitution. Friedrich Engels, Co-Author with Karl Marx of the Communist Manifesto. Commentary: The next four years will move us towards a Socialist State! This is Bible Prophecy in the making as we move towards the one world government. Those running our government starting in January are people who have lived off the State all their lives! They worship the State and will bring the one world government to pass very soon! We are in last days territory now! Read the Book of Revelation and you will be reading front page news! No fake news in your Bible! James and Hamsa Sasse.

How Did America Get to Socialism?

Advances in science (Darwinism) help to delegitimize the rule of the King and the power of the church! Karl Marx, Darwinist, Marxist/Communist/Socialist Commentary: The fake science of Charles Darwin taught in American Public schools for decades has prepared generations of children to be socialists! Biblical values have been rejected in public education and the vacuum filled with Darwin’s evolution theory! Marx in an earlier quote said Democracy is a Christian doctrine and to defeat it Christianity must go! So it is no surprise America ideology on the left is moving further and further to the left! The attack on Christianity continues from the Democrat left! Most obvious is the complete shut down of religious schools ordered by the Democrat controlled states! The Supreme Court has stopped some of these attempts however were it not for Trump installing three conservative judges your religious schools would be shut down! Also another obvious move by Democrats is targeting Christian voting blocks geographical districts with much more stringent rules during our pandemic as the example in Staten Island! The Democrat governor of New York shut down restaurants completely in a republican section of the city yet just a few blocks away in a Democrat district the restaurants are allowed to be open! After the Democrat left going after Trump for four years this should not surprise us! Our next challenge is to defeat the massive voter fraud schemes across many swing states! This will go to the Supreme Court! If these fraudulent election schemes are not defeated this election cycle then there will never be another Republican elected to anything! Stand tall for Jesus as your faith will be challenged more and more as our political ideology on the left moves towards Marx and away from Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Socialism & Slavery!

Direct slavery is as much the pivot upon which our present day industrialism turns as a machinery, credit, ect…Slavery is therefore an economic category of paramount importance. Karl Marx Commentary: Slavery did not begin with the Democratic Party! The idea has its origins in Darwinism which took root in the Democrat Party and even today heavily influences their ideology on issues such as abortion. Now slavery began long before Darwin however Darwin gave men a pseudo-science justification for immorality! Sin became scientific to the Darwinists! If you read the works of Darwin, Engels, Lenin and other Marxist you will see their ideology has invaded the Democratic Party today here in America! Marxism has its roots in Darwinism! Atheism has its roots in Darwinism! There is no God! It was the Christian’s Lincoln and others who fought to free America from slavery! It were Christian’s in England like Newton and Wilberforce who fought to change the laws to ban the slave trade! The Democrats have brought back the slave plantations in our inner cities like Chicago and Baltimore! Ripe with poverty, drugs, crime and hopelessness for those caught up in it! Abortion promoted by this political party is not only murder but also a form of slavery where the abortions are done on African Americans at a disproportional rate! Based on percentage of population the number of abortions among the African American population is three times the average for other races! We can read our Bibles and attend church but our responsibilities to promote righteousness in our America goes beyond dropping some money in the offering plate and giving God one hour of our time once a week! We need to support those candidates who oppose the political sins of our nation in all area’s of government whether local or national elections! Righteousness will exalt a nation but sin will bring it down! Is the Coronavirus a plague sent from God to judge the nations of the world? Good question but who can answer it? Jesus said in Matthew Chapter 24 that one of the signs of his second coming were plagues! Plagues are really the result of sin! So are wars and rumors of wars! Man brings on plagues by his rejection of God and his codes of morality! Jesus healed the woman who had a plague or an issue of blood which was the hemorrhaging of blood! Jesus can also heal you! Jesus has power to overcome the effects of every sin! Let him do what you have no power to do! Call on his name! There is Salvation in no other name but his name! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Darwinism! Atheism! Socialism!

Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism (Darwinism). Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism. Vladimir Lenin, Russian One Party Marxist/Leninist Communist Party Dictator of Soviet Union 1917-1924. Socialist estimate death toll in the Soviet Union was 61 million, 78 million in China and 200 million world wide! Today hundreds of millions are under it’s death grip in China, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and other nations! Now the Democrats want to bring it to America? This is the outcome of teaching our kids Darwinism in our public schools!