The Democrat Caravan!

Heaven has borders! Heaven has gates! God does not just let anybody in! You have to legally apply for entrance! Your sin has to be forgiven! You have to legally by law accept the conditions for pardon of your sin! You cannot climb up another way! What the Democrats are pushing for is the one world government! The world order Jesus predicted would come before Christ’s second coming! It would be lead by the Anti-Christ a ruthless dictator that brings death and destruction beyond anything history has shown us yet! The one world government will be a Socialist State! You will not even be able to buy food unless you take their mark! The Democrats Socialism is a war against Nationalism! It is a war against our National Flag and our military! It is a war against Christianity because Christ has a Kingdom with borders! The righteous separated from the wicked! There are no borders in Hell! No rules! Anything goes! Loyalty is rejected! Marriage is rejected! Crime is welcomed! Evil is adorned! The one world government will come sooner or later! The question to you is you play a part in its promotion or delay! If you want to give up your freedom our Constitution affords us and move to a deep State where every decision you used to make for yourself is made by the State for you! I will not tell you how to vote but there will be consequences to you and your family to vote for those in government power who are moving America to a Socialist State! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Just Judge! Isaiah 11:4

Hebrew Translation:”With honesty, integrity and peace He shall judge the poor with uprightness and justice for the meek inhabitants of the land, and He shall punish, defeat and slay the inhabitants of the earth with the Ruler’s staff with His speech and with the breath of His voice shall bring unnatural death to those who challenge God.” Comment: What fool would challenge God? A fool has said in his heart there is no God! Our first parent’s Adam and Eve challenged God! We kind of got off to a bad start! The unnatural death mentioned in this scripture is because of sin! God never designed us to see death! When we die what do we inherit? We think of leaving an inheritance to our family when we die but what do we inherit? We will either inherit eternal life or eternal death! The meek shall inherit the earth and also Heaven! God is ruling the earth because the sheep have gone astray! We all need a shepherd! Left to ourselves we become homeless wanderer’s on the earth with no purpose! Jesus is the good shepherd and a fair and honest Judge! How is Jesus fair and honest? Christ who was without sin died for your sin! God sacrificed His own Son to redeem us from an eternity of separation from God and the Hell of suffering judgment! When I see the mockery of Christ in American culture I shutter to think of their outcome! Hopefully like Paul on the road to Damascus they will see a great light! To live without God means destination without God! Why would people want to miss Heaven! To choose no future and no hope? The second sin of rejecting Christ is worse than the first sin! What could God do more for us than making us righteous with His own blood taking our punishment upon Himself? To reject the Cross is to play the double fool. Does God have a limit on His love? No! But love without law would be meaningless! It is not God’s love that will send you to Hell. It is the rejection of His love and the penalty He paid to satisfy the law for our pardon is what sends people to Hell. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Tad Saves Turkey From Jihad!

The first turkey was pardoned on Christmas day not Thanksgiving! Late in 1863 a live turkey was sent to the White House for the Lincoln family to feast on for the holidays. Tad Lincoln, age 10, quickly befriended the bird. Tad taught the turkey to follow him as he walked around the White House grounds. The turkey was named Jack, and Tad fed him as a pet. When the time came to prepare the turkey for the Christmas meal, Tad burst into his father’s Cabinet meetings! He was crying loudly! Tad told his dad Jack was about to be killed and that he obtained a temporary delay from the executioner so he could put Jack’s case before the President! Tad said, “Jack must not be killed; it is wicked!” President Lincoln replied, “”Jack was sent here to be butchered and eaten…I cannot help.” Tad still sobbing said, “He is a good turkey and I do not want him killed!” Abraham Lincoln President of the United States, paused in the middle of a cabinet meeting during the civil war, took out a card and wrote an order for a reprieve! Jack’s life had been spared and Tad raced out of the cabinet meeting and delivered the Presidential order to the guy with the hatchet!