Gender War Continues!

As of this week here in America men can now participate in women’s athletic events essentially destroying women’s sports! In the name of equality I never want to be equal with Satan! The gender war started all the way back in the Book of Genesis and continues in the Book of Revelation! This is really a war on God! In Genesis God created male and female! Then Satan comes to Eve as tells her God is a liar and you can eat of the fruit from this tree! Adam went along with her and so death enters the human race! Also in the Book of Genesis the good news is that the seed of the woman will crush the head of the Serpent! The seed the birth of Christ! Satan hates women because the seed that she produced has and is defeating him but not without a fight! Satan promotes abortion the war on women! Divorce the war on women! Gay marriage the war on women! Homosexuality the war on women all intended to destroy the family! King Herod sent his soldiers to Bethlehem to destroy all the children two years and younger in hopes of destroying the Christ including all pregnant women! This was a 1st Century abortion! The Pharoah of Egypt ordered all the Jewish babies to be destroyed! Hitler continued his work and now Iran! The war on women and gender is listed in the Book of Revelation where Satan waits at the birth canal of the woman to devour her seed! Many cultures will abort a child if it is a girl baby! Satan knows his time on earth is short for even Nancy Pelosi has proclaimed from Congress we are not to use gender terms such as Father or Mother, sister or brother? Satan is at war with the family! No natural affection in the last days! Christ the [Son} of God came to redeem this lost world! To win the war on God! A war no one wins! Satan’s war is not so much a war on race as he would like to always promote but on gender! For if he can win on gender then all races will cease to exist and planet earth will resemble the surface of the moon! You are going to have to chose a side but most likely you already have! If you play neutral like gender neutrality you will join Satan and his army! Follow Christ and if you resist Satan he will flee from you according to The Word of God! Read your Bible! Front page news! James & Hamsa Sasse.

War on Gender! 2 Timothy 3:3

There are five Greek words translated in the passage of scripture too much for one blog posting! So we will just address the first word, “Without Natural Affection” in this posting. The Greek Strong’s # 794 translates , “Without Family Love.” So how does the war on gender by the political left connect to this scripture? The promotion of homosexuality, gay marriage, transgenderism, lesbianism by the left destroys the family! No children! Divorce separates and destroys family love! Nancy Pelosi just gave the congress a list of pronouns they can no longer use! Words like father, mother, sister and brother? These words represent families! Now banned in congress? So if you follow her rules My God is not a Father? Jesus is not the Son of God! Mary is not a mother to Jesus! God has no gender? This is a war on God and his creation! God created male and female! Where does all this lead? If you continue reading your Bible you will find the answer! These events are prophetic! The one world socialist government lead by the Anti-Christ and his false prophet (religious ruler), will require you to worship him as God and you will have no father or mother except the State! You can only have your allegiance to the State! All opposition will be put down by the forces of the State! If you do not comply your job will be gone! Your advertisers if you own a business will drop you! You will be banned for life off twitter! Big tech will squelch your voice of any dissent on ideologies that oppose the State! No opposing voices allowed! Only the authoritarian voice one voice will be tolerated! I will only bow my knee to Christ! My tongue will only confess Christ as Lord! I will only worship him as God not the State! To stay true to Christ even here in America is going to cost you more yet the American church is preaching a message that things will be as they always were is not preparing us for what is coming to America! If you read and study your Bible and not some book written about the Bible you will see the hand writing on the wall! Whether to the palace or to the dungeon I will stay true to Christ! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Gender Rebellion! Genesis 3:16

“Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow with labor and worry in thy conception; in sorrow with trouble and labor will thou bring forth children, and thy sexual desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee.” Comment: Sin brings judgment! Not only for Adam and Eve but the whole human race! I believe all the gender sexual perversion today here in America goes back to the very beginning in the Book of Genesis! It is a sin layered upon sin! As a lesbian  woman living with a women will never submit to the rule of a man and they shall never produce children! The same applies to homosexuals! They will never have to do the responsibilities to the woman as a husband and never produce children! The transgender can switch roles to never meet the responsibilities of either gender as established by God! The gender rebellion is the same rebellion against God led by Satan! It is death! No children no future! The new sin is the old sin! Making yourself greater than God! Pride before the fall! Gay pride day? However God is a lot smarter than Satan and his followers! Again God will purify the earth either through judgment or redemption! In the same Book of Genesis God says the seed of the woman will crush the Head of the Serpent! Sexual perversion is to crush the seed! Abortion is to kill the seed! The woman brought forth the seed in Jesus Christ to redeem humanity! Redemption through his sacrifice on the Cross for our sin! There is only one way out of sin! God has made a way! Not by our efforts but by his! Without Christ then Satan will rule over you in all your perversions! Death is your certificate! In Christ life is your inheritance! The choice is still for you to make! Your way or his way? Life or death! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Gender Confusion! Genesis 1:27

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Comment: The word create in the Hebrew means to initiate and make an object without manipulating it from it’s original form and purpose. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution manipulates God’s creation and tries to turn it into a pseudo science to oppose God! He as an atheist opposing the scriptures! He attacks the very foundation of God! So the war against God today as always goes back the Book of Genesis! The word female is a very interesting word in the Hebrew! The word means to bore or hollow out! The word male when you go back to the foundational root word Strong’s#2142, means to remember! To remember what? His purpose! So the woman reminds or brings to remembrance to a man that he is a man! This besides other talents is what she does best! So for what purpose? Our purpose as shown in the next verse 28 is to be fruitful and multiply! So what does Satan try to do to thwart God’s purpose? To bring gender confusion! To promote homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, abortion and divorce! To break up the family! To attack God’s purpose for man! Notice this war is a war on women! The first war on women was on Eve in the Garden of Eden! Continued with the attempted abortion of Jesus at his birth by the government of Rome through King Herod! To not remember who we are is to thwart our God given purpose! The culture of death opposes the culture of life! The suicide rates for transgenders, homosexuals and lesbians is  fifty to sixty percent higher than the rest of the population! Satan wants to destroy civilizations! God has a redemptive plan for man! To not remember who we are is to lose our God given purpose for our existence! Reject the culture of death and any political parties that support it! When I came to Christ as a young man on my death bed I experienced the love of God! He forgave me and gave me a new life! Born again! I no longer remembered my sin but remembered Christ and his forgiveness! Jesus said at Communion, ‘This do in remembrance of me!” If you will remember him and the sacrifice he made for you on the Cross he will never leave you nor forsake you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Evangelism on Steriods! Isaiah 61:1

Hebrew Translation: “The Divine Breath of God is upon me: because the Divine Nature of God has consecrated me into the office of Evangelism to preach a military victory over Satan to the meek: he has sent me to cover and bandage up, rule and govern the broken hearted, to preach, celebrate and invite calling you by name to the captives subdivided by religion, race, culture, gender, ideology and lies: and the opening of the prison to them that are imprisoned by them.”

John 3:16 Word Study “God”

God (Theos) Strongs #2316. This word was taken from Greek culture. Remember the Greek culture were nature worshippers! Idol worshippers! They worshipped creation! The gods of the sun, moon and stars! Their divine worship also included other deities! Much like the Aztecs and Hindu’s do! At Mecca the Muslim’s had 360 Idol’s! One for each day! They took what they thought was their best idol and named him Allah! The Greek word used here for “God”, is singular and masculine! That is correct God has a gender! The word Theos means the true God as opposed to false gods! False gods are man made gods! The famous Greek poet and musician Orpheus called the ancient Greek gods demons! How do you become a demon? It is a choice! Like Lucifer (The Fallen Angel), if you make yourself god and reject the true God you have as a created being worship yourself a created being and you become a demon! Atheism is self worship! You make yourself God by declaring there is no God! Charles Darwin was an atheist and based Evolution on the belief there is no God! The angels (Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel), are created beings so we must not worship them! Lucifer who became Satan in his rebellion was cast out of heaven! Elohim is a Hebrew word for God. It is also singular and masculine! It translates the God of gods! The God of Israel! God is set apart from creation though actively involved in creation! He is the cause for everything and the Trinity pre-existed creation and always was, is and forever will be! So in the Trinity do we have three gods? No! One God with three distinct purposes and functions! Hopefully this word study will help us as we examine each translated word in the context of John 3:16 James and Hamsa Sasse.

Hitler & Evolution!

“If Nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger, she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because in such case all her efforts, throughout hundreds of thousands of years, to establish an evolutionary higher stage of being, may thus be rendered futile.” Adolph Hitler, Mein Kumpf, Page 223. Comment: Hitler was an evolutionist! He loved the work of Charles Darwin! However Hitler also claimed to be a Christian? Many politicians claim this to get elected! Obama did it! However in his two published books, My Father’s Dreams and The Audacity of Hope he wrote that when push comes to shove I will side with Muslims! Hitler contradicted his Christian claim because he was anti-Semitic? My Bible says Salvation has come through the Jew! Evolution has been taught in our American Public school system for decades now as science? Darwin an atheist, theorized that since God does not exist this is the way things must have happened! Hitler wanted to speed up Darwin’s Theory of Evolution! To do this we must get rid of undesirable people! He took it upon himself to decide who was undesirable! The Theory of Evolution taught over time in any culture leads to tribalism! That is one race decides if we get rid of another race then our world will be purified and the evolutionary chain will be cleansed! Evolution is just the opposite of Creationism! According to our Bible good and evil is gender neutral. It is ethnic or racial neutral. It is economically neutral. Any race on earth has good and bad people! Any gender on earth has good and evil people! There are rich people that are good and there are poor people that are good! There are evil people that are rich and there are poor people that are evil. So how is the evolutionary thinking affecting the thinking of the people on the left in America? White Supremacy! Colonialism! If we get rid of the white people the colonialist we will purify the evolutionary chain! If you are rich you must be evil. If you are poor you must be good! You must be evil if your hold the Bible Standards to marriage as between a man and a woman! If we can get rid of Christians and Jews the evolutionary chain will be purified! This is why the left is in bed with Islam! They will do their dirty work! Ben Shapiro has some interesting insights into this cultural war raging in America today! The battle on earth will always be between good and evil! God sacrificed Himself through His Son Jesus Christ to transform the wicked to righteous! He has been and always will be the only way for man to be redeemed from evil! James and Hamsa Sasse.