I Will Be Home For Christmas?

I was shopping in a store today and heard this old Christmas Song! It was really nice to hear then something struck me kind of funny! With the pandemic going on for past months almost everyone is home! Kids from school, workers locked down from their jobs! Only exception would be the military! So we need a new song that says I will be away from home for Christmas! A travelers dream song! Away from home with all the craziness of the lock down! Perhaps in 2021 we can all get away from home for a change? So your new year’s resolution is you would like to just get in a car, plane, ship, train or bus and just freely travel! Perhaps with the new vaccine this will come to pass and we will all be let out of jail with a free pass! Santa’s workshop is also locked down so just tell your kids that Santa will deliver their presents next year! Merry Christmas!

I Am That I Am! Exodus 3:14

The Hebrew word for this English phrase is “Hayah”. Strongs # 1961. This Hebrew word is also related to another Hebrew word “Havah”. Strongs #1933. What is interesting is that these words are not nouns but verbs! So they represent an action or initiation of something! The first word describes God as “to exist.” He always was and always will be! He does not fade off into history like men! The second Hebrew word used means to “breathe.” Do not confuse this word with the two Hebrew words used in Genesis 2:7 and Genesis 6:17. In Genesis 2:7, Strongs #5387, the word breath means a Divine inspiration with intellect. The word breath used in Genesis 6:17, Strongs 7307, means a violent exhaustion of air and spirit. Like giving up the ghost! At Creation God the I Am That I Am, initiated his breath into man with Divine inspiration and intellect! At Noah’s flood in Genesis 2:7, the word breath means a violent exhaustion of air and spirit by death! At birth we receive God’s breath! At death we exhaust God’s breath! At Creation our life is established by his breath! We are established with his breath! We did not evolve! So our breath is not our own! So you have to be careful what you say! Some people have bad breath! Do we praise God or curse him with bad breath? Do we exalt God or ourselves? Every good or evil action is initiated with the breath of our words! Again our breath is not our own! Who is the owner of your breath? When Jesus raises us from the dead again one day we will have breath again! Both believers and unbelievers! Remember the story Jesus told of Lazarus and the rich man? It is found in Luke 16:19-31. Lazarus the beggar was taken to Heaven and the rich man to Hell. There was a great gulf between the two abodes! The rich man begged Abraham to warn his brothers still on earth to the Hell that awaits them unless they repent! Abraham told the rich man in Hell that his brothers had Moses and the Prophets! Abraham told the rich man that if they will not believe them then they will not believe one though raised from the dead! So God was really telling Moses to tell Pharaoh that I am the breath that all men have! I am the God that breathes breath into men! I am the Creator of all living things! Pharaoh you have not evolved by your own works! Pharaoh since you are using my breath that I gave you do not abuse me in unbelief towards me! Jesus said we must be born again! I second breath or wind! Before being born again I cursed God with my breath! No I praise him with the same breath! Pharaoh rejected the God that gave him breath and he and his army was drowned in the Red Sea! In the time of Noah the world except for 8 souls were drowned in the flood! Remember Lucifer who became Satan the Praise Leader of Heaven? Remember the fallen Angel? He used the breath of God to Glorify God then he used the same breath to oppose God! He rebelled against God in Heaven and was cast down to earth with 1/3 of the angels! Now they use the breath of God to oppose his Kingdom here on earth! Satan has many followers over the generations that have lived since the Garden of Eden! Is your breath used to raise doubts about God or affirm him? After the resurrection of the dead we will have breath again! Some to everlasting life and some to judgment! The Praise of the Saints will be beautiful but the screams of Hell deafening! Remember this! What you did with God’s breath while here on earth will determine your outcome in eternity! You are not your own you have been bought with a price!If I were God I would be reluctant to give mortal men my breath! Very risky! Will they praise me or curse me? With the breath of God Jesus said on the Cross,” Father forgive them for they know not what they do”! Crucify Him! One day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Why not start now while you have breath! Worship the I Am That I Am! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

“I AM That I AM” Exodus 3:14

The Hebrew word, “Hayath” means to exist, to be, to become, to happen, to come to pass and to be done! An important point here is the word is a verb and not a noun! The name represents action! The word suggests the timelessness of God who is the foundation of all existence. In Revelation 1:4, it is said of Christ, “Him which is, and which was, and which is to come.” Jesus said in John 8:58, “Before Abraham was, I AM.” This Greek word, “Eimi” for “AM”, is also a verb of existence, to be and to have existence. Action initiated by God created life both yesterday, today and forever! We can trust in Christ who pre-existed time and is allowing time to redeem us! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Good Intentions at Windsor Castle

A young man had a deep desire to find God! A friend suggested to him to join a monastery. So he went to Windsor Castle and spoke to the Head Monk. This monk encouraged him to sign up for the 30 year program. The monk explained to him the hard work and discipline involved with this program! Long hours working around the castle in the crop fields! Strict rules about talking to others! In fact the Head Monk told this young recruit that he can only say 2 words every 10 years! This young man felt he was up to the challenge! First 10 years came up so Head Monk send a written message to this young man asking him to take the Light House stairway up to his office in Ivory Tower number three. While in his office Head monk asked young man to say his two words. Young man said, “Bad Food !” Another 10 years pass by and 20 years concluded. Monk asks middle age man to say two words. He tells the Monk, ” Hard Beds !” This now old man at Windsor Castle completes his 30 years. Head Monk presents him his 30 year pin and gives him permission to say his two words. His two words are I quit! Head Monk says that this does not surprise us because you have been complaining ever since you have been here!