Just Call Me Angel? Revelation 9:11

Commentary: So in chapter nine we have an angel from heaven and an angel from hell! Wow! Can they be in both places! They are from very different places! Remember Satan or Lucifer is a fallen angel! An angel is a created being just like a human! That is why we are not to worship an angel! Jesus Christ is not a created human being! He pre-existed creation and is actually the creator of heaven and earth! He has no beginning and no end! So in the apocalypse described in Revelation  we see this angel from heaven releasing the angel of hell unto the earth for judgment of the inhabitants of the earth who have rejected Christ! This angel by definition is a King or monarch over the people of Hell! The word Abaddon is an inserted Hebrew word meaning angel of death and desolation. The Greek word Apollyon means a destroyer. So where did hell get all of its population? From the same place heaven got its population. From the earth! Since Easter is approaching what happened to Jesus during those three days in the heart of the earth? He preached to the captives! Jesus went to hell for you and me and preached to the captives there! It was an evangelistic crusade! Did he get any converts? Do you remember the rich man and Lazarus Jesus told us about in the Gospel of Luke? Lazarus the poor beggar while on earth was now in heaven! The rich man was in hell! A great gulf separated heaven and hell and no one could cross over! A border wall! The rich man wanted the Lord to go to his five brothers and warn them of this terrible place he was suffering in! The Lord said they have Moses and the Prophets! The rich man said if one would go to them raised from the dead they will listen! The Lord said if they will not believe Moses and the Prophets they will not believe one raised from the dead sent to them! Remember Jesus said Moses spoke of me! So the first place Jesus went when raised from the dead was hell! Even those in hell will confess Jesus is Lord and Savior but it will not help them! The disciple Judas betrayed Jesus so if Jesus could not save him who could? Those that have rejected God while on earth and now in hell do not have the moral capability to repent! So during this seven year Tribulation period before Christ’s second coming we see the judgments of the wicked on earth are punished by God releasing the inhabitants of hell back unto the earth so that the wicked consume each other! Their fallen condition perpetuates hell on earth! God through his Son Jesus Christ perpetuates heaven on earth as people repent of their sin! Jesus Christ the God/Man has power and authority over Heaven, earth and Hell!  Would we be so foolish as those in Hell and some living on the earth to deny his power who determines where we spend eternity? To reject his love is a serious mistake that can have eternal consequences for our soul! Christmas explains that God was born for us and Easter explains that God died for us and rose from the dead for us and lives in Heaven waiting for those who will call upon his name and repent while living here on the earth!   James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Wake Up Dummy! Luke 1:20

“And behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day these things shall be performed because thou does not have faith, trust and confidence in my spoken words expressing intelligence which shall be fulfilled in this season and time of opportunity.” Comment: Zechariah was a Priest in the Jewish Temple. His wife Elizabeth was also a Godly woman! If anyone had opportunity to be close to God it would be this couple! This was evidenced by Gabriel speaking to them directly!  Zechariah being a Priest had a great knowledge of the scriptures just like you may today. They were getting up in age and probably though God could not use them anymore! When the Angel Gabriel presented Zachariah with the spoken word of God he flinched! He did not believe the words! As a young man I attended Church but did not really believe the word of God! How do you know? Because I would not speak the word of God! I read it and heard it but would not speak it! Like a mute! When the written word was spoken back to Zechariah he did not believe it! The day I believed the written word of God was the day I responded to the spoken word of God! After I got saved I began to speak the Word of God to others who did not believe! Sin is all about not believing the Word of God! You remember Satan’s words to Eve in the Garden of Eden? Surely God has not said you will die if you eat of the fruit of this tree! The Pharisees had a great knowledge of the scriptures but did not believe them when Jesus spoke them to them? When I was a young man on my death bed Jesus came into my room that night and spoke three words to me! “God loves you!” When I believed those three words everything changed! From death to life! From darkness to light! I was raised from the dead! So was Zacharias and Elizabeth for they were long past having a son! John the Baptist became an important part of Jesus ministry! Your season of Salvation will come once in your life! After I got saved I could not stop telling people about Jesus! The Angel Gabriel was telling Zacharias since you do not believe God at his word then you are not going to be able to speak for a season! Hearing is the prerequisite for speaking! If you do not share your faith with others then you really have no faith! Faith that is not spoken is faith that is not believed! There are no Happy Holidays without Christ! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Holy Ground! Exodus 3:5

Take off your shoes Moses! No shoes allowed! Sometimes when you go into a business they post a sign on the front door that says, “Must wear shoes.” After the 9-11 Muslim terror attack on us you have to take your shoes off at the airport! Not in respect for Islam but to try to prevent them from blowing up your flight! Let us look at the word “ground” in the Hebrew. It is the word “Adamah” which is Strongs #127. Do you see a clue here? Do you see the word Adam here? God’s first created human being on planet earth. Adam was formed out of the ground! He was created out of the dust of the dust of the earth! The top soil produces the entire agriculture products for us to exist! In fact all the elements in the human body are found in the soil of the earth! The plants, tree’s and animals take the elements in the soil that we eat to replace the lost elements in our bodies! The name Adam means ruddy or a red brown color. It is the color of fermented wine. The curtains in the Jewish Temple were this color. Remember when you walk across the ground you were made of this stuff! Ashes to ashes! Dust to dust! Your physical body was joined together with God’s Spirit! You are created in the image of God! This is why the 6th Commandment  says you shall not kill. Jesus is the second Adam sent to redeem us! God became flesh but this time to atone for the failure of the first Adam! The ground that Moses walked on produced man !  When we are buried at death back to the ground we go! The grave could not hold Jesus Christ! He defeated death and the grave! No mortal man could do this only God! The ground produced humans but not redemption! Only if the sin within us is defeated can death be defeated! The resurrected Christ promised to raise us from the dead! The angel or pre-incarnated Christ could live in the flames and not perish because he is the judge of all.  Do you want to draw near to God? Then your sin must be covered in the blood of Jesus Christ! Then you can draw near to God and then he will draw near to you! In April of 1912 a ship sank below the waves of the Atlantic ocean! Those men that stayed with the Titanic sang their last hymn on earth with a full orchestra! The name of the song was, “Nearer My God to Thee!” The purpose and journey of our life while on this short life here on earth is to draw near to God! Your Holiness is not based on you but what God did for you! Would you like to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Burning Bush! Exodus 3:2

This is not a California wildfire! The bush the Angel appeared out of was burning yet not consumed? Some theologians believe this Angel was Christ! We have some other examples of this in our Bible! Remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? The angry King threw them into the fiery furnace! They were in the fire but not consumed along with the 4th man believed to be Christ! It was the same Angel in the burning bush! Did you know the souls in Hell are not consumed by the fire! However they feel the flames forever! Remember the rich man and Lazarus? The rich man begged Lazarus who was a beggar while on earth to bring some drops  of water to cool his tongue!  To warn his family still living on earth of his plight! Interestingly when God is in the fire with you there is no burning on your body! I am not a cremation fan because fire represents judgment! In the Old Testament the sacrifices were no good unless the animal was completely consumed! God never allowed human sacrifices because man a sinner could never atone for his own sin! Only God sacrificing himself for us would be enough! Remember Jesus after he was crucified descended to the heart of the earth and preached to the captives! The fire did not touch them! One day soon at the judgment seat of Christ both the living and the dead will stand before Christ! Those who rejected Christ are taken into the Lake of Fire! Where the worm dieth not and the fire is never quenched! Would it not be better to be with Christ in the fire and protected than apart from him and burned forever? Only a fool would reject Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

I Am That I Am! Exodus 3:14

The Hebrew word for this English phrase is “Hayah”. Strongs # 1961. This Hebrew word is also related to another Hebrew word “Havah”. Strongs #1933. What is interesting is that these words are not nouns but verbs! So they represent an action or initiation of something! The first word describes God as “to exist.” He always was and always will be! He does not fade off into history like men! The second Hebrew word used means to “breathe.” Do not confuse this word with the two Hebrew words used in Genesis 2:7 and Genesis 6:17. In Genesis 2:7, Strongs #5387, the word breath means a Divine inspiration with intellect. The word breath used in Genesis 6:17, Strongs 7307, means a violent exhaustion of air and spirit. Like giving up the ghost! At Creation God the I Am That I Am, initiated his breath into man with Divine inspiration and intellect! At Noah’s flood in Genesis 2:7, the word breath means a violent exhaustion of air and spirit by death! At birth we receive God’s breath! At death we exhaust God’s breath! At Creation our life is established by his breath! We are established with his breath! We did not evolve! So our breath is not our own! So you have to be careful what you say! Some people have bad breath! Do we praise God or curse him with bad breath? Do we exalt God or ourselves? Every good or evil action is initiated with the breath of our words! Again our breath is not our own! Who is the owner of your breath? When Jesus raises us from the dead again one day we will have breath again! Both believers and unbelievers! Remember the story Jesus told of Lazarus and the rich man? It is found in Luke 16:19-31. Lazarus the beggar was taken to Heaven and the rich man to Hell. There was a great gulf between the two abodes! The rich man begged Abraham to warn his brothers still on earth to the Hell that awaits them unless they repent! Abraham told the rich man in Hell that his brothers had Moses and the Prophets! Abraham told the rich man that if they will not believe them then they will not believe one though raised from the dead! So God was really telling Moses to tell Pharaoh that I am the breath that all men have! I am the God that breathes breath into men! I am the Creator of all living things! Pharaoh you have not evolved by your own works! Pharaoh since you are using my breath that I gave you do not abuse me in unbelief towards me! Jesus said we must be born again! I second breath or wind! Before being born again I cursed God with my breath! No I praise him with the same breath! Pharaoh rejected the God that gave him breath and he and his army was drowned in the Red Sea! In the time of Noah the world except for 8 souls were drowned in the flood! Remember Lucifer who became Satan the Praise Leader of Heaven? Remember the fallen Angel? He used the breath of God to Glorify God then he used the same breath to oppose God! He rebelled against God in Heaven and was cast down to earth with 1/3 of the angels! Now they use the breath of God to oppose his Kingdom here on earth! Satan has many followers over the generations that have lived since the Garden of Eden! Is your breath used to raise doubts about God or affirm him? After the resurrection of the dead we will have breath again! Some to everlasting life and some to judgment! The Praise of the Saints will be beautiful but the screams of Hell deafening! Remember this! What you did with God’s breath while here on earth will determine your outcome in eternity! You are not your own you have been bought with a price!If I were God I would be reluctant to give mortal men my breath! Very risky! Will they praise me or curse me? With the breath of God Jesus said on the Cross,” Father forgive them for they know not what they do”! Crucify Him! One day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Why not start now while you have breath! Worship the I Am That I Am! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Are You Acceptable? Isaiah 61:2

Hebrew Translation: “To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. The year of delight, favor, love, grace, kindness, as the pleasure of a King blessing his subjects! The year the High Priest’s sacrifices were accepted with the blood sacrifices and death accepted for our sin. The debt is now paid and the petitions or prayer requests are now heard and acted upon. And the day of vengeance when the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies and God’s rage, revenge and jealousy was poured out upon the sacrificial offering and accepted. Now after this the people can be comforted with compassion as the sacrifice for their sin has been accepted and they can take a deep breath and sigh of relief for their trespasses have been atoned for.” Comment: Today when we accept the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross for our sin this offering of God for God on  behalf of God is presented before the Father and our sin is forgiven. But what of the fate of those who reject the sacrifice of God’s only Son Jesus Christ for their sin? I would rather be a fallen angel in Hell than an unbeliever in the earth! Why? Because then they themselves become the sacrifice in judgment condemned to an eternity with their leader Satan! The one and only unpardonable sin is the rejection of Jesus Christ as their Savior! While you still have breath you can still chose Jesus Christ! But one day the opportunity in the chapter of your life will end! You are only acceptable to God through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross for your sin! Nothing else qualifies you for Heaven! No works or no efforts of your past, present or future will suffice! The Apostle Paul with all his great scholarly abilities said I only know Christ and Him crucified and nothing else! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

John 3:16 Word Study “Perish”

Perish (Apollumi), Strongs #622. This word means to kill, destroy whether temporarily or eternally! To be a victim of the destroyer (Satan). Destroyed by Lucifer the fallen angel (Appolluon). This word denotes separation, departure, reversal and cessation from God by the rejection of his Son Jesus Christ. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Does Satan Work for God? Isaiah 54:16

“Behold I have created the smith that bloweth the coals on the fire, that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.” Comment: Certainly Satan opposes God but by his rebellion against God does he end up working for God? We know Satan runs his own prison! No tax money needed to support! Satan knows who the sinners are! Everyone! He knows his own! He is called the accuser of the brethren! Satan wants you to live in his image! In the image of doubt, fear and death! God asked Satan have you seen my servant Job? Both God and Satan know which camp you are in! What about those that switch sides? Some Democrats become Republicans! Some Republicans become Democrats! Satan would have everyone in Hell except for one problem! It is called the Blood of the Lamb! When your sin has been forgiven the guilt, fear and condemnation is gone and you are then free to serve God and His Christ! The disciples betrayed Jesus at the Cross just like you and I would have done but Jesus forgave them and they became the foundational leaders of the Church! Without God no Heaven! Without Satan no Hell! This is the problem with atheism! Deny God and deny Hell? Come up with a religion or ideology that supports their belief there is no God! Like Marxism and Darwinism! Both were Jews and atheists! To deny their existence does not make them non-existent! If you deny God you support Satan for you deny the Atonement! If you deny Satan you deny God for God created Lucifer the fallen angel! We will cover verse 17 in our next blog posting which is a very encouraging verse for us from God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

War in Space? Revelation 12:7-9

President Trump says that the nations will one day soon wage war from space and in space! He says the nation that controls space will control the earth! Russia and China are ahead of us in space weaponry! If an enemy can destroy our satellites in space then our communications is cut off! No more cell phones, navigation systems, weather radars, GPS, internet and so on! No navigation systems for our ICBM’s! It would turn our clock back 50 years! Our military would be blinded from seeing military movements against us! The war in Heaven began a long time ago! The war between good and evil! Heaven is where it all started! Part of this war is described in Revelation 12:7-9. Lucifer a Praise angel who became Satan rebelled against God and waged war against God in Heaven! Heaven was not a peaceful place at one time in history! Satan lost this battle and with 1/3 of the angels that followed his rebellion were cast down to the earth where this war continues today! The inhabitants of earth are now caught up in this battle! It goes on to say in verse 11 of Chapter 12 that they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony! It also says they loved not their lives unto death! God has given us a way to defeat Satan! Through His own Son Jesus Christ! Another great and last battle is coming to earth with Jesus second coming! The tension in the earth today has everything to do with the two sides preparing for this last battle here on earth! Everyone will choose sides! This last battle on earth is called the Battle of Armageddon! If you reject Jesus Christ you will be on the opposing side! God has given me peace in the earth even though in the middle of the conflict! He can do the same for you! God is no respecter of persons! Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved! Call on Jesus today! After Christ’s defeat of the Anti-Christ there will be a thousand years of peace on earth! Jesus is called the Prince of peace! Start with His love of forgiveness for your sin and then continue in His love! Love for God and then love for others! My prayer is come quickly Lord Jesus! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Easter Commentaries Luke 23:43

“And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee. Today thou shalt be with me in paradise.” Comment: So where is paradise? The Greek word means Eden, the future place of happiness! The Hebrew equivalent means a forest or fruit orchard. So the word paradise describes the Garden of Eden! Remember when Adam and Eve sinned against God they were cast out of the Garden of Eden! Then an Angel with a flaming sword was placed at the east entrance not allowing any human to eat of the Tree of Life! We know that sin and Eternal Life cannot co-exist together! Everyone will chose one but without the other! Only Jesus could make this promise to the thief on the Cross because Jesus was the Tree of Life! He was hung on a Cross to provide you an entrance back into the Garden of Eden for an eternity! A garden with no sin because of His sacrifice for our sin on the Cross! The entrance fee has been paid with His own blood! Adam and Eve sacrificed animals in the Garden to try to cover their sin! But the blood of animals was not enough! The blood of God’s only Son was the only blood that would atone for our sin! The thief on the Cross might have been the first human to re-enter the Garden of Eden! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com