This is How it will End! Daniel 7:27

“And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High (True God creator of Heaven and earth), whose kingdom, and all dominion and rule, shall serve and intelligently hear and obey him.”

See! Hear! Write! Revelation 1:11

There are only two kinds of books you will read while living here on earth! The first category of books are those that support the Kingdom of God and his Christ! The second category are those books that oppose the Kingdom of God and his Christ! So the question you should ask yourself is does this book support or deny the kingdom of God and his Christ? You know the old saying you can never judge a book by its cover! The cover of every book ever written is either hiding the truth or a lie! The uncovering of the Book of Revelation uncovers the Truth of Jesus Christ! Either sin or righteousness will author every book that has ever been written! Sin cannot be defeated if it is exalted! Sin can be defeated and is defeated by the Christ that was the substitute sacrifice for your sin! For my sin! If we will confess our sin God is faithful to forgive our sin! To confess your sin to Christ is to uncover your sin before God! If we will do this then our names are written down in another Book! Your name is recorded in the Book of Life in Heaven! This Book will be opened at the Judgment Seat of Christ! If your name is not there it would be better if you had not been born! Remember any man or woman that rejects Christ will write a book to oppose Christ so that others would follow them and reject Christ! Hell loves company! Do not let the Kingdom of Darkness abort your Salvation! Herod like many others tried to abort Jesus! Herod got out his knives and swords the master abortionist and cut the womb of every pregnant woman in Bethlehem! Jesus was preserved by God to be the voluntary sacrifice on the Cross for our sin! All of God’s love for us is recorded in a Book called the Bible! The Book of Revelation reveals Jesus Christ as Savior and Judge of the world! For all of his creation! For his church! Truth boils down to one Book one God and one Savior Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Witness of the Jews! Isaiah 61:9

  1. And their seed, offspring, family and race will be perceived and known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people, nation and tribes: all that see them shall recognize and acknowledge them, that they are the seed that the Lord has blessed.  Comment: Salvation has come to the earth through the Jew! We need to be reminded of this because if forgotten history has shown us that even the church has been guilty of the persecution of the Jews! Yet congregations are very seldom reminded of this? If we are not taught the whole truth and nothing but the truth then error can enter into the church! The world will never have any problem persecuting the Jews! Did you ever observe that a right theology by the church leads to the persecution of the Jews and the church! Bad theology leads to the church  persecuting the Jews! Jesus a Jew was persecuted by the Jews not because he was a Jew but because he claimed to be God! Would the Messiah not be God? The 1st Century Jews knew the scriptures but they believed their Messiah would be a world political leader who would conquer the Romans and the world! Much like the Anti-Christ will do in the future here on earth! The true Messiah conquers through love! A sacrificial love demonstrated on the Cross! So the Jews ignorantly offered up the sacrifice that would save the world! A Jewish sacrifice offered up by the Jews! Many Jews will turn to Christ during the 7 year Tribulation period in history! The Jewish Anti-Christ will set up his world reign from the re-built Jewish Temple at Jerusalem! The False Prophet will set up his co-reign with the Anti-Christ at Rome! The False Prophet will be the one world religious ruler! My guess is it will be Islam! The Church will have been raptured by then! When the Anti-Christ proclaims he is God the Jews recognize their error! Jesus said many false Christ’s will come! A Jew who hates the Jewish Messiah has been deceived! A Jew who loves the Anti-Christ has been deceived! A Jew or a Gentile who loves the Jewish Messiah has found the truth! Your defense against the false Messiah’s of this world is the Word of God! Read it, hear it and proclaim it! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Read! Hear! Speak! Revelation 1:3

Blessed is he possessing the character of God expressed as a believer in Christ who is well spoken of and is fully satisfied regardless of the circumstances. God’s Kingdom is in your heart. These blessings come when you read and hear the word of this prophecy. The prophecy of telling God’s word where His grace and empowerment are to be exercised in the church. You are to keep those things which are written therein: For the time or season of opportunity is given for these events to take place. Comment: The word Blessed used here could not be better expressed than in the life of the Apostle John! Regardless of circumstances! A lot of 21st Century preaching today says you are blessed only if your circumstances of money, wealth and health reflect it! John was boiled in a pot of oil! When that did not kill him the Roman Emperor had John exiled to a slave labor camp on the remote Greek island of Patmos working in a stone quarry! The 21st Century Christian would have trouble understanding his blessings? Lord if you just help me win the lottery I will serve you! The word Blessed has nothing to do with your external circumstances but everything to do with your internal condition! Your soul. It is all about Christ living and dwelling in you! His presence comes through reading his word and hearing his word and then speaking His word to others! Evangelism! The word time used in this scripture passage is not the word chronology and does not mean a succession of time! The Greek word for time, used here, Strongs #2540,  means a season of opportunity for events to take place. You might call it grace! Your season and my season of opportunity will only come by once in your life! Use your opportunity today and the rest of your life to read, hear and speak His Word! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Tattoo’s Taboo? Leviticus 19:28

“You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks on you: I am the Lord.” Comment: The English word “dead” used here is probably not the best choice because the Hebrew root word (Strongs #5315), means a living creature or breath! So do not cut your flesh for any living creature! Why? Because only God could do this through his Son Jesus Christ on the Cross for our sin! Jesus was marked for the living and the dead! Taboo is an old word that today we would call political correctness! Taboo means a social or religious discussion that is prohibited from speaking about! It is the practice of not allowing any conversations about certain topics! Hear no evil see no evil. So what are some of these topics? Gay marriage, drugs, homosexuality, lesbianism, divorce, tattoo’s and the list goes on! Even though our Bible is loaded with warnings about these topics most Pastor’s across America are muted? They will not bring up these important moral issues and some will even support these sins? These issues are killing our young people and families yet nothing said? Why would our Lord prohibit tattoo’s? In addition to what I previously said let us see what science says about tattoo’s! Remember true science will always support scriptures! The Book of Leviticus was written around 1400 B.C. So it was written about 3400 years ago! The political left mocks our Bible saying the times change and no longer has application! They say the same thing about our Constitution? Here is what science and our military says about tattoo’s! The U.S Military is no longer taking recruits that have tattoo’s on their bodies! Testing has shown their bodies will overheat in extreme conditions such as jungle and desert warfare! Here is a quote from Mayo Clinic: “Tattoo’s break the skin which means skin infections and other complications are possible including allergic reactions! Tattoo dyes especially red, green, yellow and blue cause itching rashes even years later! An area of inflammation called granuloma can form around tattoo ink. Tattoo’s can also lead to Keloids–raised area’s caused by overgrowth of scar tissue. They can also cause blood borne diseases! If the equipment is contaminated with infected blood you can get Methicillin–Resistance Staphyloccus Aureus (MRSA), hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Tattoo’s can also interfere with MRI imaging.” Also Tattoo’s block sweat glands of your body! Sweat is a natural way for your body to cool itself off and dissipate heat produced from work and exercise. It is like the radiator of your car which takes away engine heat produced by combustion. If your radiator is plugged up your engine will overheat and destroy itself! Heat injuries in the human body cause muscle death, kidney injury, brain injury and many other problems. Source: Healthline Studies have shown that benzo (a), pyrene, a chemical used in black dye ink, can induce skin cancer as shown on test animals! Need we say more? Science supports scripture! The whole verdict is still out as young people age with tattoo’s other things will show up! Hear no evil see no evil? If clergy will just preach the whole Bible and not cherry pick cultural popular verses our young people can be saved from destruction! Our young people should not be sacrificed in the name of political correctness! Science will have the last word unless we give our American youth the Word of God displayed in your Bible! Proclaim God’s Word to our Nation in it’s completeness holding back nothing! If they hear about evil they can avoid evil! James and Hamsa Sasse

Work of Holy Spirit! John 16:13

Greek Translation: “Now when the breath of God blows on you at the reality of my appearing he will show you the way into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear with the ear of the mind, that shall he announce to you things to come.” Comment: Jesus was not talking about fortune cookies here! The Apostle John also went on to write the Book of Revelation! Want to know the future? Do not go to a palm reader! Read the Word of God! Yes! Your Bible you never open! Most of the Church avoids the Book of Revelation? They pretend it does not exist? Is the church interested in the future? Does your future interfere with God’s plan for your life? What makes the Book of Revelation challenging is that John makes many references to Old Testament prophecies out of Ezekiel, Isaiah, Psalms and others but he does not reference these scriptures! So if you are not a student of the Old Testament it will be hard for you to understand! Remember the Old Testament prophets predicted the time and place of the arrival to earth of our Messiah! Hundreds of years before! They also predicted events today in the 21st Century! Tim Clement was probably the best prophet I have seen in my life time! I first met Kim back in the early 1990’s when he came to our old church Harvest Cathedral in Macon Georgia. After hanging around him and his  piano a few minutes revelation would begin to come to you! Kim went on to prophecy in 2007 a leader by the name of Trump would come to power to turn America back to God! In 2013 Kim prophesized his first name “Donald!” This is why the left hates Trump so much! He is God’s choice and not their choice! Kim’s video’s are all on YouTube so you can check them out for yourself! Kim has gone on to the Lord! Kim was not a 50 percenter! Will it be Hillary or Trump in 2016? Even the Gamblers in Vegas can hit on this one! Kim did not divine for money! He was the real deal! God can use you just like Isaiah, Ezekiel and Kim! Remember that old song, “The future is not ours to say?” A big lie! We choose our future by accepting or rejecting Jesus Christ! God has predicted the future because he has written the future! Is your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life? God has spoken his word through his written word (logos) from the pages of your Bible! Our future is our choice! Speak the Rhema or spoken word from his written word and the life of God will come to you! God will then dwell in you and you will speak the things he gives you! Excitement will come to your life! An eternal purpose will come to you! To see the future before it happens and to then see the newspapers report these events and confirmed through history is about as exciting as it will ever get for you! Are you bored? Get on with God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Time is Now! Revelation 1:3

Greek Translation: “Blessed is the state of a believer in Christ as one possessing the character of a Deity who reads and hears the words of this prophecy from the office of the prophet. He who keeps these things that are written therein for the time, (Not Chronos), but the opportunity that you have now that may not pass by you again. The necessity is upon you to act upon the revelation of the truth and the time to respond is today.”

What Does Christmas Look Like?

What does Christmas look like? It has hands to help others. It has feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. This is what Christmas looks like! Saint Augustine (354-430 A.D.)  Comment: Let God through Christ unwrap the gifts He has placed in you and release them to the world! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.