Case Against Halloween!

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 Let us discuss these verses first. What is meant by passing your son or daughter through the fire? This is human sacrifice! This was the practice of the Canaanites sacrificing their children to their gods! Modern day sacrifice would be abortion! Divination is divining a sentence on someone! A charmer casts magical spells on people. A witch is basically the same thing casting spells on people. Another word for this is a whisperer. A wizard conjures up familiar spirits. Remember King Saul asking the witch of Ender about his future? She did not tell him he was going to be beheaded? King Manesseh also inquired to witches and fortune tellers! A necromancer is one who raises spirits from the dead! They do this to make predictions about the future or in their ghostly help to make something happen. Kind of like the rabbits foot? How lucky was the rabbit? This occult practice was also called Black Magic and comes from the ancient Greek word for corpse necro or prophecy mancy. Comment: It is interesting I lived in India for 3 years and I saw these practices done in the Hindu Temples! I have a blog post on my experience inside a Hindu Temple. The Hindu Priests collect money from people to cast spells on other people. Say a husband wants to get rid of his old wife for he has found a young girl. Then he hires the Priest to cast spells on his old wife that she might die! This is a big money business in India! Funny thing is the opposing party will come to the same Priest and pay him money to cast a spell on his adversary! The Priest will ask more money from the second party! The Hindu Priest’s told me these spells do not work on Christian believers! They do work on everyone else! You might say it is Halloween everyday in India! Do I want to spoil some kids fun collecting candy? No! Did I trick or treat when I was a kid? Yes! What I want you to understand is the origin of Halloween! In Leviticus 18:3 God warned the Jews not to participate in the ordinances or statutes, decree’s, feasts and customes of the gentiles! Today here in America the orthodox Jews do not participate in Halloween but the secular Jews do! Now to the origin of Halloween. The druids were the members of the ancient Celtic culture! The words druid and Celtic mean magic! Remember the Boston Celtics? In the ancient Celtic culture they had Priests, magicians, soothsayers and fortune tellers! They were a high ranking professional class of people from Ireland, Briton, Scotland and Wales. When Rome invaded these area’s around 60 B.C., Caesar said the Celtic groups were performing human sacrifices! Not that Caesar was the Gold Standard for morality but this is what the Roman soldiers observed. Have you ever heard of the wicker man? The Celtics built large wooden idol’s in the form of a man. On top of the wooden beams they nailed wooden slats to form the image. So the center was hollow! Halloween! Then they put the human sacrifices inside and set it on fire! The hollow of your pumpkin has a fire or candle inside of it! The druid religious culture had no written communications only oral. It was a secret society! What are the rules? Criteria for sacrifice? The Romans pretty much wiped out the druids but their occult spirit lives on in culture! The immigration of the Irish to America during late 1800’s and early 1900’s brought Halloween and some of these cultural traditions even though most were Christians. In the Medieval age the remnants of druids opposed Christianity! Trick or Treat! I will hurt you unless you treat me? God says I love you even though you hate me! Let us close with Ephesians 6:12 “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the Rulers of darkness in this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” When children come to our door I put a Gospel Tract into their bags along with the candy! This is one way to wrestle against powers and spirits of darkness! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Everyone is Raised from the Dead!

1 Corinthians 15:22 “For as in Adam all [die], even so in Christ shall all be [made alive].” Commentary: The word die used here means a natural death. The words ‘made alive’, means to be raised from the dead! So all die and all shall be raised from the dead! Some to everlasting life and some to everlasting judgment! This is determined by what we do with Christ while living here on earth! Accept him or reject him? Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead yet he died again! Jesus raised the widow’s son yet he died again! Then after the Cross Jesus was raised from the dead! The resurrection is the seal of approval by God for the redemption of man! Jesus has also given us a spiritual resurrection while living here on earth! Jesus said we must be born again! A second birth! Unlike Lazarus and the widow’s son Jesus never died after his resurrection! The proof of our born again experience is a changed life! No longer seeking sin but God! For some the resurrection is a leap of faith yet the same people believe they came from monkeys? If you deny the resurrection of Christ you deny his deity! To believe the lie there is no resurrection falsely enables people not to be accountable for their sin and the eternal consequences! However if you deny the resurrection one day you will be raised from the dead at the Judgment seat of Christ! Since Christ took your judgment for sin on the Cross and you rejected him you stand naked before the living God! What excuse will you give? Sin authored by Satan is the enabler for evil and redemption the enabler for good! The resurrection of Christ is the only hope you will have beyond the grave! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Works W/O Faith? DOA!

The degree and duration of the torment of the degenerate and Anti-Christian people, should be no other than would be approved of by those angels who had ever labored for their salvation, and the Lamb who had redeemed them with his most precious blood. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) Mathematician, Physicist and Inventor. Comment: The rejection of Christ began in heaven long before Jesus was incarnated into the earth at his birth in Bethlehem! Lucifer rejected him while he was in heaven and after being cast down to the earth with one third of the angels who followed him in this rebellion continues his resistance here on earth! Satan creates ideologies in men and religious systems that oppose Christ even today! Then the religious rebellion is transformed into political systems and armies that persecute believers in Christ! These people groups also persecute the Jews here on earth! Sadly some atheistic Jews persecute the followers of Christ like Charles Darwin!  Nothing has really changed since the 1600’s! The war between good and evil continues on! The truth is you have already taken a side in this conflict! War started in heaven and continues here on earth! By your personal choice you will either join the Christ of redemption or the Anti-Christ of self works expecting your own efforts will bring you redemption! It is paradox that Satan believes the Word of God yet his objective is the deceive you into not believing the Word of God by lies and deceptions expressed in ideologies of men!  Satan will be the only believer in Hell! The joke will be on those he has deceived to join him there that have been convinced by him to reject Christ! Be a believer headed for heaven forever rather than a unbeliever joined in Hell forever! The choice is yours to make and the outcome of your choice to be lived out forever in the eternity you have chosen!!    James and Hamsa Sasse.

Raised from the Dead?

Jake would you please rise for your sentencing! Jake you have been charged and found guilty by a jury for your crimes! Jake in all my years as a judge I have never seen a more interesting case! Let us rehearse this case. You had a life insurance policy on you for five hundred thousand dollars. You went to the county coroner who was a good friend of you and told him if he would issue a death certificate on you the money would be equally divided between you and the coroner. About the same time you went down to the court and applied for a name change. You wanted your name changed to Lazarus. Jake let me guess your new last name is? Judas! Right? Then your wife got the insurance check so she signed it and asked you to go down to the bank and deposit it in your joint checking account. Since she was not present at the bank the teller asked you to co-sign on the back of the check and to present your drivers license for identification. Jake am I correct so far? Yes your honor. Jake you were not only dumb once but twice! Jake I would suggest that you change your name to Paul Silas and sing at the midnight hour! You are getting into prison all by yourself but it will take a miracle to get you out! What you did under your old name got you here and it will take the Name above all names to get you out of prison! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Thoughts about the Star!

This star is not an astronomical object! The star appeared at the moment of Jesus birth. It was visible to the wise men of Babylon. If they saw the star over Israel, it would indicate it was not astronomical because stars do not rise in the west! They rise in the east. If it rose in the east it was very special because star gazers like these wise men would not have difficulty recognizing the planet Venus! Traditional images show the wise men traveling over the desert following a star. However Matthew 2 does not say they followed a star to Israel. In fact, it would appear, from their reaction, that the star newly reappeared in Matthew 2:9. How could a star go before the wise men? Bethlehem is to the south of Jerusalem! Stars do not move south. They move west. Stars do not settle over houses. The Greek word for star (Aster), implies something strewn! What could it be? What could it be that moves easily from west to east appearing as strewn light? A pillar of fire would be a good example! Remember the Shechinah Glory of light that moved with the Tabernacle representing the presence of God? This light could have been interpreted as a star! It is believed the wise men reached Bethlehem about 2 years after Jesus birth. That is why Herod ordered the murder of the children 2 years and younger! Source:   Comment: Point here is you cannot explain this star or light naturally! It was supernatural. Very seldom does God oppose his creation! Only to deliver his people! He turned the sun and time back for Joshua to win the battle! He opened the Red Sea for Moses and drowned the pursuing army with the same sea! Mary bore Jesus yet being a virgin! Jesus raised the dead and has promised to raise those who believe and trust him! Jesus himself was raised from the dead! Peter at midnight was delivered from the prison! Do I believe in miracles! Absolutely! Jesus delivered me off my death bed some 45 years ago! Is it a stretch to believe God at his word? It is a stretch not to! God who created all this can change anything or everything at his will! He transformed me from sin to righteousness with his atoning blood! Was it a star? All things are possible with God! He can create anyone he wants to! He can create anything he wants to at anytime at any place! He came to Bethlehem so he could prepare a place for you in Heaven! Why not follow Jesus to Heaven! He will return one day soon to earth with his church! If you wait until then to follow him it will be too late! Wise men still seek him! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Message to Churches! Revelation 1:5

Greek Translation: And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful one worthy to be believed keeping his promises a witness having knowledge of everything. The first born of the whole creation being before and after all things. The first born for the spiritual dead. He is the Prince or chief ruler of the Kings of the people in the earth as part of man’s dominion in creation. Unto him that first showed his love toward men. And washed us from the sin that kept us from our true purpose of life in his own blood. His blood the life of all flesh.