Justice with Redemption! Romans 1:18

Greek Translation: “For the wrath, the passionate grief anger with revenge of the true God creator of heaven and earth from the residence of God against all ungodliness by the lack of reverence of God by sinful men, who hold fast the unveiled truth in unrighteousness contrary to justice and law.” Commentary: So what provision did God make to resolve for sinful men who war against God? What resolution did God make for all sin including abortion, homosexualism, lesbianism, gay marriage, transgenderism and the list goes on and on? How is God’s revenge satisfied? How is justice rendered? Justice could never be accomplished unless applied to all men! The penalty of death is required to satisfy the living God! Did you ever notice when men apply justice in their own efforts they murder one another! Like the school shooting in Texas! This young man wanted justice for injustices against him so he killed the innocent! Christ was not sinful and was innocent yet he sacrificed himself the only Son of God to purchase redemption for all! Jesus says we must forgive as God has forgiven us our sins! Jesus took our sin on a cruel Cross! Those that reject Christ reject their own path to redemption! To reject Christ is to reject heaven and embrace hell! Your attitude towards Christ reveals your spiritual condition! God sacrificed himself for all men yet some reject the gift of life! Sin is redemptive but not the sin of rejection of the redemptive God Christ! Either way heaven or hell is determined by whether or not you reject the grace of God! Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! You cannot save yourself! Only the immortal God can fix your mortality! Can you fix your sin that leads to death? No! Only God can do this! Christ satisfied the law of sin and death! Justice came to us from God himself! James & Hamsa Sasse. IndiaJesusLovesYou.com

President Taft on Socialism!

Socialism proposes no adequate substitute for the motive of enlightened selfishness that today is the basis of all human labor and effort, enterprise and new activity! William Howard Taft (1857-1930) President of the United States & Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, The only man in American history to hold both of these offices! Comment: Socialism lives off the success of others through heavy taxation! It has no incentive of its own except live off the work and production of others! Socialists let others work to support them! Socialism is theft! Capitalism takes ten talents and turns them into a hundred talents! Socialists bury the one talent they have stolen from someone else! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!

President Trump got it right! Chief Justice Roberts got it wrong! We do have liberal and conservative judges in all courts across America! This includes federal, state and municipal courts! We do have Democratic and Republican judges across America! From the Supreme court on down to the lowest court in America! Every man and woman on the court interprets the law according to their belief about where the law came from? Did the law come from God down to man or did man evolve just making up laws as we went along? Was the law given to us by God sovereign over man indisputable never to be changed? Or did man just create his own laws through the chain of evolutionary development? Bottom line is conservative judges are creationists! They take serious the Biblical model of creation and God’s laws given to man! Liberal judges are evolutionists or atheists believing God has no role in the creation and development of man! God is not sovereign over his creation so we make up our own rules! The best evidence of liberal and conservative judges is the split decisions on the Supreme court and the lower courts! If all are equal under the law then all court decisions would  have the same outcome! They do not! Very rare! Man interprets the law based on the presumption of where the law came from! If the law did not come from God then I must make the law! I must legislate the law since there is no God! Liberals do not recognize the sovereignty of God! This is why they end up working against God! Gay marriage is one example! Since there is no God we can make laws contrary to God’s laws! What happens when we go down this road is we end up with a lawless culture! No respect for authority! Kill cops! Smoke drugs! Open borders and sanctuary cities! Divorce! Open borders and sanctuary cities are a rebellion against God’s sovereignty and National sovereignty! It is the new way of ceding from the union as in the civil war! What are some of the characteristics coming soon in the Tribulation period of seven years headed by the Anti-Christ? No borders! One world government! No laws! Total anarchy! No judges! Every man will do what is right in his own eyes! When Jesus returns at the end of the 7 year tribulation period what will he do? He will judge the nations in righteousness! Judge Kavanaugh was assassinated by the political left because they know if he gets in God may still be recognized as the giver of our laws and sovereign over the universe! So how can I escape God’s judgment? By letting him take your penalty for sin through his Son Jesus Christ on the Cross for your sin! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Socialism Justice!

To execute a man we do not need proof of his guilt, we only need proof that it is necessary to execute him. Che Guevara (1928-1967), Marxist Cuban Revolutionist. Comment: Judge Bret Kavanaugh got a taste of socialism justice! Socialist justice which dominates most of the Democratic party works like this; If we do not agree with your ideology then that is enough to abuse you and we do not need any proof of your guilt! You are guilty because you do not agree with us! James and Hamsa Sasse, GodWhoisGod.com

Fools for Christ! 1 Corinthians 4:10

If I have brought any message today, it is this: Have the courage to have your wisdom regarded as stupidity. Be fools for Christ. And have the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world. Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia   Comment: This scripture in Corinthians says we are fools yet we are wise! Wise not in our own strength but wise in Christ! We are strong and honorable yet despised by the world! Why? Our future is not of this world! The world is betting on themselves we are betting on Christ! Wisdom is to have the mind of Christ! The mind of God! To understand life from an eternal perspective! Our battles are not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of darkness! Our battles are against spiritual forces! God’s spirit and Satan’s spirit occupy flesh and blood! We stay in the fight because Christ is victory over hell and the grave! Our present and future are with him! Our past is forgiven! The world lives opposing Christ because they believe this life is all there is? So they live a life that is harmful to themselves and others! The wisdom of men is foolishness to God! Their mortal minds have limited capacity and knowledge! Man can give some knowledge but God gives Revelation! Things that are future that are shown to believer’s in Christ today! The world is really angry because our life opposes their life and is a witness against them! With eternity at stake why would we gamble on ourselves? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

No Intercessor? Isaiah 59:16

Hebrew Translation: “And the Lord saw that there was no individual man among men and was astonished, appalled and desolated that there was no intercessor; therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness with mercy, honesty, fairness, justice, integrity and truth established a relationship between men and God.” Comment: Isaiah lived about 700 years before the birth of Christ! So here among many other scriptures we have a prophecy of a special event in history planned and executed by God for the redemption of men! This is why it is so serious a sin to reject the Christ that God sent to earth to make a way for redemption of men! In fact it is the unpardonable sin! The only one yet many commit out of rebellion! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Real Fireworks! John 8:12

Greek Translation: “Then Jesus spake unto them, saying, I am the light of the day that is never quenched! I am the light of the sum of all person’s that have ever lived or ever will live! He that moves quickly following me in time shall not walk in the darkness of unhappiness and ruin but shall have my light in your life, in your spirit and soul.” Comment: Notice Jesus light will never be quenched though much of the world tries to snuff out the light! As the fireworks are going off in our neighborhood it is beginning to rain! This light is temporary and will die with the rain! The word life used here in this passage means the soul and spirit set apart from the physical body! Jesus is speaking to the eternal parts of us of soul and spirit! The first time light is used in our Bible is at creation in Genesis 1:3. The Hebrew word used there is associated with Salvation, prosperity, wisdom and justice! Do you notice Jesus is the fulfillment of all of these characteristics! Our life is to embody this nature of God! Since Jesus defeated sin for us on Calvary the door is open to us to receive the nature of God with all His attributes! Receive His Holy Spirit and all His love He has demonstrated to you on the Cross! Live in His power, salvation, prosperity, wisdom and justice! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Deep State Coup!

Dear President Trump, The more information that comes out every day in regards to this phony dossier paid for by Clinton and the DNC the more I see this is a coup by many different players to delegitimize your election and to try to impeach you! They only accept the results of a democratic election if they win! With the involvement of the FBI, CIA, NSA, Justice Department of the Obama administration it is obvious to me they wanted a backup plan in case you won the election! Do not meet Mueller! The whole plan and motive of this investigation is to get rid of you! They are not looking for justice they are looking to find a way to get rid of you! The deep state is threatened by you as you try to take the power from Washington and give it back to the American people! Our prayers are with you as you battle these forces of evil principalities of darkness in high places!! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

What Color is America?

Is it white, black, red, yellow or brown? The color of America is red, white and blue! MSG Roy Benavidez, Medal of Honor, Vietnam War.  Comment: The color of our American flag represents character not race! White represents purity and innocence! Red represents hardiness and valor. Blue represents the color of our Chief, vigilance, perseverance and justice! The stars are the symbol of Heaven and the divine goal of men from the beginning of time! The stripes represent rays of light as from the sun! Character is chief among God and men! Nations that drift from character go into the annals of history! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com