Divine the Answer!

Three dog night? What is a bad night for a tree. UCLA? What happens when the fog is gone. ABC News and a Crowbar? Name two things that will soften your brain. Hurry Up? When you mix 7Up with prune juice. Carnac the Magnificent, Johnny Carson 1974.

Adopted Parrot!

Jack was a retired Naval Officer who had a parrot for over 20 years! His name was Pirate and he even took him aboard ship on some of his deployments! The sailors would give him treats and teach him new words over the years. Pirate learned some really bad words but the crew would just laugh at his nasty vocabulary! Jack passed on after some time and left his estate to his cousin William. William did not know what to do with Pirate? He filled his house with horrible words that would make a sailor blush! William invited his aunt over for dinner one Sunday afternoon. They sat down at the table and Pirate started off! Hey prostitute! Hey prostitute! Time to go to bed! Past your bed time! Ha Ha Ha! So William put a blanket over his cage but Pirate responded, “Hey baby i know you are in here somewhere! I will find you!” William went to his Pastor to ask for advice! Pastor Luke advised William talk to another member of the congregation who had a lady parrot. Mrs. Boatwright was a retired widow who had a sweet parrot named Angel. Angel was quiet, respectful and even sang Mrs. Boatwright to sleep at night! She even taught Angel to pray! Mrs. Boatwright asked William to bring his parrot over and place him in the cage with Angel and her goodness would rub off on Pirate! Pirate was put in the cage with Angel and immediately Pirate jumped up into her swing and snuggled next to Angel and said, “How about a kiss baby!” Angel replied, “WOW, Finally an answer to prayer! James

Truth About Loss!

Invite Jesus into the place where you are broken! He has the answer! He is the answer! Jesus speaks life into brokenness! He is the resurrection! He has power! He does miracles! That is what He does! God has treasure for you in the midst of tragedy! God’s plans outweigh your plans! If you lose the truth about Christ you lose everything! Trust God for when you find the truth in the midst of tragedy you have everything! Stephanie Henderson, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Sunday School Teacher

This elder had a 3rd grade Sunday School class in his local church. He announced to the children that today’s subject would be Jesus! He asked the class if they could explain what this thing is after I describe it? This thing has a bushy tail, jumps from tree to tree and shakes it’s tail when it get’s excited. What is it? There was a long pause and then little timid Tommy raised his hand and said, “Sir, the correct answer should be Jesus but it sure sounds like a squirrel to me!

Qaddafi’s Last Words!

What you are doing is wrong! Do you know right from wrong? Sadly, Qaddafi could never answer his own question for himself after 42 years of killing thousands including many American’s! Kill your enemies is the rally cry of Islam. How contrasted when Christ commanded us to Love our enemies! Forgiveness is the Christian foundation that provides peace in any culture and the stability of western civilization. If only Qaddafi had chosen Christ’s way of living how differently his life would have been with a peaceful ending! Thankyou. James Sasse.


Paul begins his speech in First Corinthians Chapter 15 with the word brethern. The Greek word used in the text is the word Adelphos. This word means of the same womb. It can mean a brother literal of figurative. I cannot help but to ask do we treat each other like we came from the same womb? We do not expect the world to do this but how about the Church? Paul’s most trouble of all came from the Church at Corinth! More divisions and more immoral behavior than any other Church. Paul was trying to bring unity to a divided Church! So he began in Chapter 15 by using the word brethern. During my three years in India I had a difficult time getting Pastor’s to work together. The biggest issue above denominations was the caste system. If Pastor’s were not of the same caste they did not want to work together? I used to ask them is your caste greater than your God? Jesus said we must be born again! We must and need this second birth that is greater and more important than our natural birth! We have issues in our own Church right now where some people do not want to mix with other races of people? Unless one is born again one cannot get beyond their first earthly birth! Do we see the world through the eyes of God? Are we color blind and only see the creator of all behind the visual images in our mind? Do we have the mind of Christ and accept all people as God has made all people? Does God discriminate? He does in only one area. He descriminates when it comes to right and wrong! He upholds the righteous and condemns the wicked! Paul was trying to get the Church at Corinth to see beyond themselves and seek a purpose greater than themselves! Mary’s womb produced many children but the first born Christ was unique from all other children who have or ever will be born again! Christ’s Father in Heaven looked down to His only begotten Son ever to live on the earth and become the sacrifice for my Sin and yours! Only the womb of God can produce children who recognize other children who have been born from the same womb! Are you born again? I was born again in the year 1973. Do you know your second birth date? If so I can only say, “Happy Birthday!”